Guest writer Michelle regales us with tales of opera phantoms and I give a follow up review on a restaurant I reviewed a couple of years ago.
Well it was a gift from me to my husband and husband, well he likes to stick with the tried and true.
Thus Rehoboth Beach's "Jake's Seafood" gets a repeat visit by my wise reviewing self.
Some things were better. Some things got worse.
No bread with dinner?
Quote of the Day

Phantom Night
It's been almost a week, and it feels like longer. Phantom of the Opera night was all I'd dreamed it would be, and more, thanks to our chauffeur. For Justin was truly a chauffeur and not just a driver. He helped make the night very special.

Only two things weren't perfect and if I had to do it over again, I'd change them: somehow we lost some time (even though we started the process 10 minutes early) and ended up at the restaurant until 6:55. That made our time at the event grounds less than optimal (7:30 show). The other thing was that I was turned around and sent all my people in row U the wrong direction (9 of the 12 people were in U41 through U49 instead of our usual row). Harry says they had to squeeze by 75 people to reach their seats. Ack!
So, back to last Sunday.
The limousine showed up about fifteen minutes early (Harry said he expected it, while I was dreading that it wouldn't show up at all). Denise was already at the house (she, too, was early, arriving just before 4pm after I'd told Harry of course she wouldn't be that early). We debated a bit about whether to wait for the 4:40pm time I'd told the first stop (Suzanne) or not, but then Harry and Denise talked me into just going for it. We could always wait at one of the houses if necessary.
We were shepherded into the H2 limo by Justin, our driver. He opened the door, and held out his hand for a boost if necessary, without being intrusive or pushy. The limo was beautiful, well-appointed and clean, with running lights of shifting colors in several places. Lines of color framed the small side rails (think headboard, were this a bed), two wide strips occupied either long side of the ceiling and "stars" were sprinkled between them. All these lights shifted from red to blue to purple and back to red, running through the spectrum. The
effect was magnificent. (On the way back, Danny asked for the regular lights to be out so just the colored lights were left on and we finished up our trip to those cycling lights. Beautiful.)
We went to Suzanne's and Justin went up to her door. I hadn't expected him to play escort, but I found it charming and it made me feel like we were special. Suzanne shooed Justin back to the limo so she could move Riley (her big dog) without putting Justin's clothing (a very smart black tux with a white shirt, I believe) at risk. Then she came to the limo and Justin held the door for her.
Next stop was Debra's, where Justin again escorted from the front door to the limo. We soon lost Harry, as he engaged in a lively conversation with Justin most of the trip. Someone got a picture of him leaning into the cab of the H2 from the back (the way he spent most of the drive time) and I hope it came out well and I get a copy.
Then Debbie's, where she was already escorted by two young boys. Nephews, I think, who just wanted to see the limo and scampered away when Justin went out to meet Debbie.
Then Nellie's, and then to Doug and Ejae's (where Justin just stood by the limo since their front yard is very short and Ejae was already escorted by Doug). Then to the ranch, for Danny and Carol, where Danny came and got Doug and both disappeared back into the house for what seemed forever (lost some time here, as I'd given each house about five minutes). Christen had done Carol's hair and it looked very nice.
On to my mom's. A flood of little kids at the corner of her street screamed and ran after the limo as we passed. We'd gotten turned heads along the way, but that was the best exclamation of "How special!" I heard. At my mom's, Justin escorted her to the limo and then she didn't recognize Carol.
Next stop was food, and Harry turned around to tell us that Justin had asked his dispatcher if it was a typo. All these people, dressed up and chauffeured and where do they go? To a buffet.
At the restaurant we must have lost the rest of the time because I think we got there when we were supposed to, roughly. I don't wear a watch and didn't think to check.
At the event center, we had little time but we went up to the member's lounge and had coffee, lemonade or water (tip: don't have the lemonade) and browsed the program a bit. Normally we hit the restroom and head for our seats at about the time we made it to the lounge, so it was a bit disjointed and rushed up there. Instead of escorting to the door as I'd wanted to do, I just sent the crowd with Harry (after giving him the wrong entrance directions and keeping Nellie and Denise with me). It was hard to make those seating decisions. Do I sit with my peeps or do I sit with my husband and mom? Sigh. I wanted to squeeze all twelve of us into my normal three slots.

The show was excellent. The phantom did a great job of acting, especially when he was up on the center top in the set prop with angels. What an emotional performance! Singing was top-notch (Harry says it sounded a lot like the Broadway CD) and the show was all I had hoped for.
Afterward, we tried to call Justin but Harry couldn't get my phone figured out or Justin's number wasn't working or something but the limo was out front anyway so it didn't matter. I passed out water from the ice chest things built into the side of the limo (what cute bottles!) and we drove back home, each person getting out in the reverse of how they came in (last in, first out). I think we made it back to the house around 12:30.
Harry tipped Justin with cash and wine. He really made our evening sing, and I don't think the other limo drivers we've had (I've been in four now: marriage, Harry's dad's funeral, last time's Phantom, and this one) have done anything like it because I think I'd remember. Basically, I think they just drove.
For at least two of our group, it was their first time in a limousine and for a couple it was their first live play. Overall, the evening was again a success, and if you've never seen a crystal chandelier fall from the ceiling, I highly recommend it.
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I have re-read my original review of this eatery situated proudly and prominently along Rehoboth Beach's Coastal Highway, review from 2006 HERE.
That visit was also for celebration of our anniversary. I'm betting that I gave my husband choice of the many restaurants close by and in full force because of the ocean resorts. He liked Jake's Seafood after the first visit so he, of course, chose it again.
Jake's Seafood's Web Site HERE
At the 2006 visit husband had an appetizer of fried shrimp with an entrée of a New York strip steak. At the recent 2008 visit, husband had the same thing. Will surprises ever cease?
"I understand restaurants are having a tough time this year with the gas prices," husband said as we pulled into Jake's parking lot. This surprised me because so-called "local" resorts tend to do very well during a fuel shortage as the driving distance is still relatively short.
Thus folks from Baltimore, Philadelphia and Wilmington can still drive down to the Rehoboth beach and Bethany area for just maybe twenty bucks more than last year. Which is the locales of most of the Delmarva's coast's tourists at any rate.
I'm not sure if husband wasn't repeating local gossip as he is firmly immersed in a very local business. Local businessmen are notorious for griping badly about the state of local business.
As before, husband loved his perfectly fried and seasoned crispy shrimp and he ate his entire steak.
I had a cup of Jake's seafood bisque which I'd raved about in that earlier review. I was delighted to find that concoction was still as good as ever.
There were a few signs that Jake's Seafood had geared down a bit, one I favorably received and another I consider ominous.
So okay, a side salad is not included with the meal but that's no big deal. A lot of folks don't like salads so if one area could most effectively cut back it would be Jake's practice of charging a modest price for a salad.
A very good practice, new to me, is this thing Jake's calls a "demi-meal". I often make it a practice to order one or maybe two appetizers instead of a big entrée. Jake's demi-meal gives you one instead of two crab cakes. The smaller meal comes with two side dishes just like a full meal but the protein part of the meal is downsized for smaller eaters.
My side dishes turned out to be a most pleasant surprise of my meal. I had corn on the cob, which in July was the sweet stuff of dreams. My redskin mashed potatoes were the best I’ve had.
Husband had onion rings, made, oddly but not unpleasantly, with RED onions.
My husband had a full and not cheap meal.
So why no bread?
I checked Jake's web site and noted that bread is NOT indicated as part of a large entrée. Yet there were folks around me who had a basket or rolls. I wondered...maybe you have to ask for bread?
In fact my husband does like bread with his meal, such a picky eater he is but bread is all-loving and all-knowing.
Whatever the case with Jake's Seafood, I really think it's chintzy and cheap to eliminate bread with an entrée. I don't eat out all that often so maybe this is a trend of which I am unaware.
Bread is the staff of life, dammit. It doesn't have to be fancy or expensive.
A restaurant that doesn't serve a few rolls with an entrée costing around thirty bucks sets itself up as a cafeteria or a Waffle Haus.
Next year is husband and my twentieth anniversary of wedded bliss. I might again offer to treat him to a meal at a restaurant of his choice. Should he choose Jake's I will demur.
I want a restaurant that includes a few rolls with its entrees.
Or else I will get him a meal at Jake's Seafood to go. He can get his beloved fried shrimp and I can heat up a few cheap rolls in the microwave.
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