
Day 2 at the 08 Democratic National Convention; Kaitlyn Goes to the Republican Crab Feast

Kaitlyn goes to her first political event and has a ball.

Plus click in to read her hilarious response to just who loves her as asked by her summer bible class teacher.

Plus pics and thoughts from day 2 of the 08 Dem convention.

Pic of the Day
Beneath the sea pics one

 Posted by Hello

Who Loves Kaitlyn?

I didn’t exactly HEAR the following exchange between Kaitlyn and her summer bible school teacher. But it was told to me and it was funny. Later during Kaitlyn’s summer bible school session there would be another incident and Kaitlyn didn’t buy Mom-Mom’s resolution of the matter.

First, the bible school teacher asked Kaitlyn who loved her. Remembering that this is bible school where the expected answer would be that, of course, JESUS loves me, a bible school 101 lesson to young ones like Kaitlyn Mae.

Only Kaitlyn had to think about it and responded firmly and with confidence with a list of just who loved her. “Everybody that knows me,” Kaitlyn said, a child with no dearth of self-confidence.

Of course everybody who knows the child loves her but then I am her grandmother, insert wink here.

The second incident also occurred at Kaitlyn’s summer bible school. It was during their little stage play performed for the parents. Kaitlyn got up to sing her part of the song. She had a partner, a little boy who I better not meet in a dark alley. Because the little boy refused to walk on stage with Kaitlyn as rehearsed and this so hurt Kaitlyn’s feelings that she burst into tears, yes right on stage, and went back to the chairs and herself refused to perform her part.

She was gently nudged back onto the stage by the bible school teacher and via the loud stage whispers of her parents from the audience. Finally Kaitlyn performed her part but we must suppose that not EVERYONE loves Kaitlyn who knows her…at least one little boy in her summer bible school.

Kaitlyn came to spend the weekend with me in late August and I had a fine solution for Kaitlyn and her problem with little (and someday BIG) boys.

“Tell him to GO TO HELL,” I told Kaitlyn, loudly and with a passion.

“No,” Kaitlyn said, shaking her head negative. “That’s a bad word. I can’t say bad words.”

“So call up Mom-Mom and I’ll come down and tell him to GO TO HELL,” I suggested. I clenched my fist and told Kaitlyn that while I was down there I’d introduce his nose to my Mr. Fist.

“No,” Kaitlyn said, smiling because she kind of suspected I was joshing her.

“He don’t want to go on stage with my granddaughter?” I continued. “I’ll punch his nose with this,” I said, waving an angry fist all about.

“No,” Kaitlyn said.

Well goodness. I must think that the child is not a fighter.

Just needs some more time with her Mom-Mom is all.

Kaitlyn attended, at age four, her first political event of her life. It was a crab feast to raise funds for the gubernatorial election of Judge Bill Lee, Republican. I did, of course, teach Kaitlyn the difference between Democrats and Republicans but I kept it short and sweet.

“You never want to be a Democrat when you grow up,” I explained to the child patiently. “Democrats want to take all DVD movies away from little children”.

Hey…it’s political spin, it’s what makes the world go round.

Below some pics of Kaitlyn’s visit this August of 2008 and at the bottom, a short clip of Kaitlyn’s activities at the crab feast.

Kaitlyn poses with toy with eyeballs 8.23.08

montage of republican crab feast 08

Me and Bill Lee at 08 vance pub crab feast

kaitlyn dancing at 08 vance pub crab feast

More Kaitlyn posts HERE

Political Tidbits-the 2008 Democratic National Convention

Hillary Exits Stage Left

First I must thank FreeRepublic, THIS THREAD for the pics below plus the funny running commentary of those wise posters.

Montage of Clintons from 08 Dem convention

So 8/26/08 was Clinton Night One at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. I must say that Hillary looked great. She wore, improbably, an orange pantsuit. Yet it looked great on her. Her hair and makeup were impeccable. And goodness Chelsea sure is a pretty thing.

As for Hillary’s speech, well, it was a speech. I don’t think anyone could find a single thing wrong with it.

In fact, her speech was almost boilerplate. By me Hillary Clinton handled the evening well, mentioning the Messiah name, Barack Obama, many times and with enthusiasm. I sensed no hidden messages in her speech as so many hinted at. Her speech was just the right time in terms of length, 20 minutes, was animated and had all the right words.

Of course the woman hates Barack Obama. I would too if I were her. Although the loss of the nomination by Hillary is her fault and her fault alone.

Hillary is no manager and she ran her campaign with a heavy, balky hand. She didn’t get her team to work together, she left much to her fine, even-tempered HINO (husband in name only) and his staff. When you think about it, if she can’t guide her campaign how on earth can she guide the country?

Montage from Day 2 08 Dem convention

It was Bill Clinton who stole the night. If the man wasn’t standing with curled lip and eyes filled with tears of joy, he was urging seatmates to stand up to cheer with every verb uttered by Hillary.

It was his very obvious mouthing of the words “I love you” over and over that stole the night. Of course Bill didn’t pantomime those words until he knew the camera was firmly on his handsome mug.

We hear Bill Clinton won’t be in attendance the night Barack gives his speech. This is amazing. Clinton was the Democrats’ last elected president. For him to avoid the nomination speech of his party’s nominee is a huge insult as I see it.

Tonight, 8/27/08 we shall hear from Bill himself and the VP nominee, Joe Biden.

Tune in tomorrow for thoughts, opinions, speculation and acerbic commentary.

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