
Bachelor s24 e10 The Women Tell All

Daily Miscellany

Thoughts and flashes of brilliance that enter my head from nowhere.

Enjoy.  Or abhor, depending on the effect of my "wisdom".

I had a most pleasant afternoon with my niece yesterday.

I like to visit her during mild winter days as this is the sea shore and the summer is all about traffic and tourists.

As is her wont, she set out an assortment of things to eat and it included goat cheese, chopped up fresh avocado, some shrimp, a tad of meatloaf, hummus, potato chips and sliced kiwi.

This does not count what she sends me home with, to include a pastrami and cheese sandwich, some of those shrimp, some cookies....even some treats for my dog!

It was a nice visit and I will do so at least once every six weeks!

Thanks Connie!

--------------------------------- The Bachelor

Link to my Blog posts on most recent episodes

Two left:
Hannah Ann

Pics Below:

Hannah Ann


Image result for madison bachelor


This show began with Peter looking quite disheveled and unhappy.  His claim right along has been that he loves three women and he doesn't know what he's going to do.

At the last show Madison admitted her virginity while Peter admitted he'd been intimate with someone else.  It wasn't clear to me just who Peter was admitting this about, or even if it was one of the other women.  At any rate Madison didn't like that Peter was intimate with another woman while she was a virgin.

THIS episode began with the remaining three women, all pictured above, standing for the final rose ceremony.  A little scripting drama was added in as is often the case.  and the viewing audience had to wait for Madison to finally show up and another drama mama as Peter called her name to offer her the remaining rose.

Hannah Ann got the first rose, then Madison.  Victoria F. was sent home.

Which leaves Hannah Ann and Madison the final two women.

Then this episode went on to the women telling all.

It was nuts.

At the Women Tell All part of the show there was discussion of champagne and women not liked.

Finally Victoria F. was brought to the front.  Victoria made it to the top three.  She is accused of breaking up relationships and there was angst between Peter and Victoria F.

Alas Peter sent her home.

There were lots of tears from Victoria F., as there always are on this show.  Victoria F. said she loved Peter very much.

The final show when Peter chooses his wife will be in two episodes next week.

Image may contain: possible text that says 'Just because you can crochet doesn't mean you should'
CLARION CALL All of America loses power. The citizens take over.

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