
Pandemic Post 11/16/20 More on the election, smiles and opinions


Yes I am compiling a Blog about the great pandemic of 2020 and how my country stupidly shut down the economy.  We will have opinions, political and cultural highlights, my personal experience, social media details, even TV reviews since I watch so much TV while in my home jail.  We shall, as always, end with a smile.
(another update)
Covid-19-vacine to be available soon

I say to all my descendants that as of this writing it has been announced and celebrated that not one, but TWO big pharma companies have created a vaccine against COVID-19.

They waited until after announcing that President Trump lost the election, which was mean.

Say what they want about the man, he has worked hard to achieve so much.

And 73 million Americans love the guy. 
(one more update)
President Trump has support of 73 Americans

Below a pic of the crowds who showed up in support of President Trump.  Biden gets about a dozen to show up a his "rallies".

(that my descendants may know how I handled it)

(social media explains so much)

(since I watch so much TV, not for my descendants)
Grey's Anatomy

ABC, Thursday at 9pm
The medical drama series focuses on a group of young doctors at Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital, who began their careers at the facility as interns. One of the young doctors and the show's namesake, Meredith Grey, is the daughter of a famous surgeon. Grey struggles to maintain relationships with her colleagues, particularly the hospital's one-time chief of surgery, Richard Webber, due to a pre-existing relationship between them - Webber and Meredith's mother had a personal relationship when Meredith was young.

First of all, I have always liked hospital shows.

They have a storyline that appeals.  There are usually inter-personal relationships that attract my female attention.  Grey's Anatomy has plenty of these inter-personal type relationships, including a doctor in love with a woman who is a drug addict, a female doctor who discovers another doctor in the hospital is her real father that she learned of late in life.  The show's namesake is somehow involved in all sorts of things.  Last year she was married to another hospital doctor but he died in a plane crash.

And, of course, because it's a hospital there are patient stories which differ from week to week because one can only watch this one learn about their formerly missing parent while that one learns her mother had an affair with this surgeon...yada, yada.

So I like that sort of storyline and Greys Anatomy so provides.

The shows new season just recently began as of this writing and this year there is one HUGE problem....IT'S ALL ABOUT THAT DAMN COVID VIRUS!!!!

Actually a lot of shows feature this virus predominantly in their story lines and it irks the hell out of me.  Somebody tell these people that the show is fiction for God's sake.  Let us deal with this virus from hell out here where life is real and entertain us with varying storylines.

"Bull" about the virus.  All of the "Chicago" series have virus plot lines.

I want to escape that virus.

Pretend you are there to entertain, not torment us with a reality driving us nuts.
(My opinion for my descendants)
What we've learned for sure by this horrid 2020 election

Just a quick note to say something about this recent horror of an election....something that needs to be said.

A few weeks ago we managed to put some folks up at some space station.  Back when I was but an adolescent America put a man on the moon.  We created a mighty Internet and with one 4"X6" device we can speak to anyone on earth, read a book upon, watch a movie on, take pictures with.

America is the greatest country on earth for we are allowed to pursue our happiness and whatever makes us happy we would probably be good at.

You mean to tell me we can't run a damn election?

What about DNA?  DNA is pretty much the way to properly identify someone.  Maybe have American citizens give up their DNA for identification, for such as signatures and fingerprints.

And for sure we can create a machine along with technology to correctly tabulate votes.  Meanwhile someone tell those congress critters to come up with a system to outline federal elections.



Yes I am a fly and yes I also Blog.  I tend to wander around among the politicians and hear their conversation.  Because I am a fly beneficial to humanity, I share that which I hear. Bear in mind my spelling.  I am, after all, only a fly.

Thanksgiving 2020 and the Pandemic

I found myself at this meeting strictly by accident.  At the time I was very familiar with the meeting rooms in the big white building but this room that I was in when I learned the plan about the upcoming holidays I had never seen before.  In addition I did not recognize a single person in the room.

A man led the meeting, a man I'd never seen before.  There was another man in attendance wearing that uniform thing humans wear when they are in charge of other humans.  There were about ten other people there, all unknown to me.  To add to my dismay no refreshments were served so a fly couldn't even get a crumb.

"We've got to do something about the upcoming holidays," a man, evidently some kind of human leader type, began the meeting.

"Why?  What is the problem with the holidays?" another attendee asked.

The leader took a deep breath and began his human spiel.

"The biggest time of year to catch a flu or virus is the period of time from the end of November through to early January," the leader said, who I learned was named Mary Como.

"But it's not even Winter until 12/21," another attendee shouted.  I learned his name was, well he was mayor of some city in California.

"It begins with Thanksgiving," Mary Como said.  "This is when the weather is getting chilly and at Thanksgiving humans have a big dinner and everybody with a virus on their person brings it inside and shares it with all guests at the Thanksgiving dinner table."

"Ok," Mayor DeBlast said.  "So?"

"Listen, New York does not have enough money to take care of a flood of people inflicted with COVID-19.  We've got to stop it as best we can."

"How can we stop people from having a family dinner in their own homes?" another attendee inputted, name was Whitmoon I think.

"We make it illegal," Mary Como responded.

"How we gonna arrest anybody in their own home?  That's gotta be against the constitution," yet another attendee inputted, name was also Como, a relative of Mary I think.

Mary Como jumped up and slammed down a stapler that had been sitting on the table.  "Listen!," he began with a shout.  "We haven't followed the damn constitution once during this pandemic.  I can't have 90% of New York in a hospital with that virus and until I die I will never ask Trump for some help.  He's shut off a lot of our money supply so we've got to stop the holiday spread of this virus."

The man wearing the human uniform showing him in charge pipes in..."Listen, we're not going to send cops in to peoples' homes and arrest them for having Thanksgiving dinner," he shouted.

"All you need to do is declare that family gatherings, indoors, of over ten, will be illegal.  We'll declare the same thing for Christmas dinners," Mary Como explained, loudly.

"If we put it over the air enough, CNN will do it....all the networks, it will cut down on the spread of the virus enough to keep New York out of trouble."

At that point all the attendees began shouting and this fly totally lost track with what was going on.  I do understand the advent of cold weather and how getting inside the human houses is one way to remain alive and fed during the insect-dangerous weather.  I do not know what a virus is but figure it might be related to a fly.

And indeed I did hear the human political shows talking about Thanksgiving and no large groups of people and it was on all the TV stations, the radio, the newspapers.

So the humans won't be congregating around turkey as much this year and, sadly, this fly won't get to land on the most favored human stuffing in a warm home to be fed and happy.

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