
TV Notable Events This Coming Week

The TV is mostly background noise to Grandmother but at times there may be a show actually worth attention.

Multi-Million dollar hoaxes, An Apprentice Clone and the Most Spectacular TV event of the upcoming week.

On Monday,Nov. 8 at ,10 pm, NBCwill feature The 25 Million Dollar Hoax. As the networks strive to create the most outrageous reality shows, we have this entry. A young woman has to pretend that she’s won the lottery and go on a lusty spending spree that leaves her family worried about her sanity. Beyond this promotional blurb I have no further knowledge but thought it worth a mention.

On Tuesday, Nov. 9, at ,8:00 pm, Foxwill feature Billionaire Branson’s Quest for the Best. This show sounds just like an Apprentice Clone but hey, Donald Trump doesn’t own the rights to self-promotion. So the man who created a Missouri hot spot tries his hand at humiliating job seekers.

Sounds Quirky Enough to be Worth a Look

On Wednesday, at 10:00 pm, CNBCwill feature The Age of WalMart. This particular feature intrigued me because we all know the liberals hate WalMart, why I do not know. So it might be worth a look see to figure out what the liberals might be up to. Oh, right, I do know why the liberals hate WalMart. It’s because they are so wildly successful. Liberals hate that.

On Thursday, Nov. 11, at ,8:00 pm, The Discovery Channelwill feature No Opportunity Wasted.. This appears to be yet another reality show with The Discovery Channel jumping into the fray. The promotional blurbs discuss ordinary citizens given a fantastic opportunity that they must either use to best advantage or end up a loser. Sounds curious enough for a tune in.

On Saturday, Nov. 13, at 8:00 pm, NBC will feature the movie Men In Black. Hey, I’ve never seen this movie but I heard it was very funny. So yon reader might want to join me in laughter.

Big TV Event of the Week

On Sunday, Nov. 14, at, 8:00 pm, ABCwill feature the big TV event of the week, The American Music Awards/b>. Awards shows are easy to watch and one can accomplish a variety of other tasks so light is the content. I think I’ll start those Christmas crochet projects as I check it out.

TOMORROW-What's Ahead-New Tax Code, Supreme Court Nominations and in 2006 a very interesting senate race in New York. Also, Quotes that make us ponder from Saudi Arabia to Michael Moore

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