
The Writers of Delaware

Writers of Delaware

My dearest Kaitlyn Mae,

In this year of our Lord, for lo the past two Wednesdays and the two Wednesdays to come, Grandmother has been teaching an adult Ed evening course on getting published.

So far the entire exercise as been extremely interesting, even fun. Writers, Kaitlyn Mae, should the urge to pick up keyboard ever hit yon young lady self, are an interesting breed.

To that end, there’s nothing more refreshing than being with a group with like interests and goals.

Which is to write specifically so that others may read.

They all write very well, this little group of Delaware writers. Which brings Grandmother great relief in that the last thing myself wanted to do was teach writing.

Not that, Kaitlyn Mae, one can actually ever teach someone to write. Although, young lady, teachers can teach young children to READ, which will lead those inclined to actually write.

Something the state of Delaware is not doing very well in that this small state scored 49th in SAT scores in this year of our Lord. And still the liberals in the north re-elected Nanny Governor Minner who has failed Delaware’s children so badly.

But I digress with my editorial.

We have one fellow who actually has a book published, a tome about Heat Transfer. He’s an engineer and goodness, engineers can rarely write. Although, ahem, Grandmother was once an accountant in a former life and they can’t write either.

Other attendees include a range of writers, occupations, personalities and writing styles. We have a young Gothic type of young lady, the same age as my daughter. She attends class with her mother, another poetic type of writer who read the most moving missive about abortion aloud in class.

Quite a few of the attendees are Christian writers, a genre rapidly gaining in popularity. Some write children’s books, and one delightful but slightly kooky lady writes excellent poetry that she binds in her own artful “book” covers.

They are grandmothers themselves, many of them. Some are teachers during their day job.

All of them are enthusiastic, bright-eyed, eager, mostly happy with their own lives and compelled enough to move on to a new dimension in their lives as to give up their Wednesday evenings (not to mention West Wing) to attend an evening course taught by one also kooky type lady who shares her publishing experiences.

It was Grandmother’s idea that the entire class create their own Blog. November 15, 2004, is “I Love to Write” day in the great state of Delaware. We started this Blog specifically as our bow to this great notion. Here’s the link to this new experimental Blog.

I know they’ve been checking out their new Blog but so far tis only Grandmother who has posted.

THIS particular post is being cross-posted to both Blogs.

Whatever the result, Kaitlyn, here’s hoping that every one of these brave and talented people quietly and fervently pursue their goals to get their writing out there for the world to see.

From what I’ve heard so far, the writing is worth it.

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