
Three Interesting, Intriguing and Not Very Nice Men

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Three Interesting, Intriguing, and Not Very Nice Men

This missive is directed to young Kaitlyn who will, perhaps when she has children of her own, be public witness to the execution of one Scott Peterson. Who is the convicted murderer of his pregnant wife Lacy and his unborn son, Conner.

In addition, Kaitlyn will also likely spend some part of her growing years hearing the gory details about a certain Marc Rich, a criminal pardoned by President Clinton in 2000 even though the man might well have been a major player in the destruction of the United States of America.

Kaitlyn will likely never hear of Bernard Kerik, former police commissioner of NY and nominee for Director of Homeland Security that didn’t make muster.

For the first two Grandmother wants to provide Kaitlyn with a broad background of the issues and events around the men. As for Bernard Kerik, Grandmother wishes to speculate and ruminate on this most interesting of stories involving this most interesting of men. Kaitlyn might care. Or she might not.

Scott Peterson, as you will someday discover Kaitlyn, is a young Modesto, California man who got it into his head that his pregnant wife was a barrier in his quest to romance and woo his new love interest, a young woman named Amber Frey. Which, of course, I must mention in that Kaitlyn Mae has the same last name as this lady though they are no relation. Besides, it’s rumored that Amber herself will be writing a book soon though Grandmother cannot imagine such a thing.

No one knows what happened that Christmas Eve in the year of our Lord 2002. Except that Lacy Peterson was not in her home where she should have been and her husband reported her missing just as soon as he returned home from his “fishing” trip. Yes, Kaitlyn, the man decided to go fishing on Christmas Eve, leaving his 8 and one half month pregnant wife behind, a very unlikely scenario even in the most indulgent of families.

Actually, what the fine Mr. Peterson was doing out on his boat that day was dumping the dead body of his wife Lacy into the waters off the coast of California. His “fishing” alibi didn’t quite pass muster in that he did not have the materials required to actually catch any fish and there was that little matter of the home made anchors.

What followed the reports of the missing Lacy Peterson was as bizarre as almost any true crime in recent memory. Except perhaps for the strange case of Jonathan P. Luna, which Grandmother has already written a handsome missive about, including her own interesting conclusions.

Scott Peterson attended the vigils for Lacy, appeared on TV to defend himself and protested that he was innocent. The police, unbeknownst to the general public then but known now, put Scott under surveillance. Also, a soft-talking Amber Frey came forward and became a police undercover agent.

In due course the lovely Mr. Peterson is arrested and after a bit more time, found guilty and given the death sentence.

The more amazing pop culture story about Scott Peterson is the assertion of many normal sensible and law-abiding citizens that the man doesn’t deserve his guilty verdict; that the only evidence against him was circumstantial. Also of some interest is the current liberal fury that this murderer “showed no emotion” at his trial and is thus very worthy of the death penalty placed upon him.

Someday sweet Granddaughter, I hope this liberal penchant to rule by emotions is more solidly replaced by the kind but stern hand of conservatism. Because I must ask, if Scott had cried and boo-hooed all over the planet does that mean those jurors would have let him go free? This crime did take place in California, a liberal bastion of pent up emotions that frankly scares the hell out of Grandmother.

And as for that lament about circumstantial evidence, this is another liberal smoke screen that such evidence is somehow suspect. Grandmother heard one liberal pundit moan that there was no physical evidence, “no DNA”. Well what the hell kind of DNA are the investigators supposed to find in the Peterson’s house? Scott’s shed skin cells? Perhaps a few drops of Lacy’s blood? Although had the prosecutors even thought of introducing such a thing the defense would have been all over it as meaning nothing. The Petersons did live in that house and such as their blood and DNA BELONG there.

This circumstantial red herring, Kaitlyn, would effectively allow any human being across the country to kill their spouse with impunity. For unless the bloody murder weapon is right there in plain sight or the crime is videotaped, such as hairs, fibers and blood found in a domicile are meaningless. Had a complete stranger killed Lacy Peterson there would have been no doubt an abundance of unusual DNA, fibers and skin cells that did not belong in the Peterson home. Because the poor woman was killed by her husband her death should go unavenged due to the lack of this same evidence?

Scott Peterson visited the exact site where his two innocent victims eventually floated to the surface. What a coincidence. He’d also cleaned his house with so much bleach that the first detectives to arrive on the scene almost gagged. The defense would argue that the man has a right to clean his own house.

Then there was his beloved Amber, his total lack of an alibi and hey, I’ll throw it out there, his complete lack of emotion during his trial.

Thus when California finally gets a chance to plunge the needle, sweet Granddaughter, you now know the environment and popular thought behind his trial and conviction. I figure, hey, if California only wants to execute him because of his lack of emotion, well have at it. This disgusting man deserves to die by needle like none before him.

We’re going to touch on the lovely Marc Rich only briefly here, Kaitlyn, in that in this December in this year of our Lord 2004, there’s bound to be more out there about this man.

Who, by the way, was pardoned for all of his crimes by a smiling President Bill Clinton. You won’t likely find the Marc Rich wing of the Clinton library Kaitlyn, should you visit, but know that his pardon of this international criminal was one of his more heinous acts as President. Of course Rich’s contribution to the Clinton library and subsequent financing of Hillary’s NY senate campaign had nothing to do with the pardon.

For Marc Rich is heavily implicated in the UN’s Oil for Food scandal, having been part of lovely Saddam’s scheme to rob the Iraqi people even AFTER his presidential pardon. This criminal has flipped his home country the bird one too many times and his sponsors, Hillary and her puppet Bill, surely do not deserve a shot at President of this country that Marc Rich betrayed by allowing Saddam great access to funds that would allow him purchase of more palaces and weapons at the expense of the Iraqi people.

As for Bernard Kerik, Kaitlyn, well likely by the time you read this he will hardly be a footnote in history.

Myself is somewhat amused at the whole brouhaha over Mr. Kerik, on several levels.

First, as Grandmother sees it, Kerik was but a typical New York type of guy, tough as nails, down and dirty and apt to be involved in any number of suspicious activities with some not so pretty cohorts. Which is not to say that Grandmother approves of a Kerik type of individual for Director of Homeland Security never mind that he didn’t pay his Nanny’s social security match.

The thing that intrigues Grandmother in this political climate is why on earth the media keeps chasing after this man after he’s already turned down his nomination for the vaunted position.

If Grandmother is denied a job after a botched interview with a prospective employer, what is the point of her interviewers delving more into my past? Yet The Old Media keeps bashing away and Grandmother knows why, Granddaughter.

They want to make the Bush administration look bad, their terrible selves for appointing such an abysmal Homeland Security nominee at all. Although Grandmother does, ahem, wonder what on earth came across the administration’s mind when they made the nomination and don’t even try to tell me they didn’t know all about Kerik and we can forget that Nanny nonsense.

For Bernard Kerik has given hope to all short balding men even without the help of Viagara. Let’s see, there’s two mistresses concurrent, a current wife, and, oddly, a wife from a distant past for which there was never a mention, not even in the man’s biography.

Also we hear of mob ties and strange money windfalls that seem unseemly. All Grandmother can think is wow, this Kerik guy must be quite a man. Not to mention extremely busy juggling all these delicate matters.

The liberal pundits are in their glory over all of this, Kaitlyn, and dear Lord they do amuse me so. Clinton nominated Janet Reno for attorney general, this after two tries for candidates also with Nanny issues. Janet Reno, Granddaughter, was the poorest excuse for an attorney general this country has ever known. Then there’s Madelyn Halfbright, oops, Albright, Secretary of State once thought to be a cleaning lady who admitted on national TV that she was fooled by the very honest North Korean Kim Jung Il and confided to another pundit in the Fox news Green Room that the administration was keeping Osama under wraps until right before the election.

And these were people who actually GOT the jobs, Kaitlyn, and not just nominees that failed the PR scrutiny.

For all Grandmother knows, Kaitlyn, Bernard Kerik might have been just the soul to head our Department of Homeland Security. The job does require diving into local police politics all across the nation and certainly Kerik has this experience.

So there you have it, three men, three very interesting but not necessarily very nice men. Who knows what impact their deeds might have on your future? Time will tell. For now, sweet Granddaughter, you have Grandmother’s take on the whole thing.

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