
Terri Schiavo-In Memorium

Terri’s Death Will Bring a Better Country
Which is an optimistic view of it I suppose. But it’s refreshing to look on a bright side.
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Let me ask again, what harm would it have done to release Terri to her parents? Why was a husband with a new love and a definite monetary interest allowed to control everything regarding Terri’s life?

The Florida judges, indeed the entire judiciary, simply would not allow it.


Dying is a difficult and arduous process for those left behind. Most people in this day of modern medicine simply do not just drop dead. Often there are machines and artificial feeding tubes involved. Loved ones are left with difficult, painful decisions.

When the pundits, including Al Sharpton a revarund for God’s sake, pontificate that the government should not get involved, hey we get it out here in la-la land.

Terri’s case was quite different and the American public understands this. Her parents were willing to care for her. Her “husband” has a new love with two children. There was a large monetary settlement involved to care for Terri. Michael Schiavo got a court order (and of course the judiciary looks out for its own) to take the funds and give almost a half a million dollars to a LAWYER! A lawyer that fought the battle to have her killed.

I don’t know why the judges all wanted Terri to die so bad. And don’t tell me they didn’t want her to die. They could have just left her with her parents, siblings and the many volunteers willing to care for her. Yet they insisted, INSISTED, that she die.

Speaking of lawyers, let’s take a closer look at this George Felos, attorney for Michael Schiavo and recipient of Terri’s malpractice funds.

This man’s weirdness has been flying under the rainbow.

It would seem George Felos wrote a book.
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Let’s look at a quote from this fine man’s book as he describes yet another woman’s death he was involved in.

I felt the midsection of my body open and noticed a strange quality to the light in the room. I sensed her soul in agony. As she screamed I heard her say, in confusion, "Why am I still here ... Why am I here?" My soul touched hers and in some way I communicated that she was still locked in her body. I promised I would do everything in my power to gain the release her soul cried for. With that, the screaming immediately stopped. I felt like I was back in my head again, the room resumed its normal appearance, and Mrs. Browning, as she had throughout this experience, lay silent.

George Felos, attorney for Michael Schiavo, from his book "Litigation as Spiritual Practice"
So we’ve made George Felos rich AND allowed him his weirdness. Like Kavorkian before him, the man gets off on death. And like Kavorkian before him, the American public was played for fools. For Felos speaks to the brain dead whereas us mere mortals cannot. If he makes a few bucks at it, so be it.

Terri’s death has played out for many months, her dying process for over two weeks. It’s been excruciating.

It was totally unnecessary.

And beyond cruel.

Terri, you’re in heaven now. You’ll not be forgotten.

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