Daily Update:
Pakistan earthquake update.
And woah. The UN changing its tune?
It's a True Crime update.
Under old crimes, there's some new info on those Idaho Groene murders.
Also, Taylor Behl's body found and intriguing info on the Napa Murders.
And a recent horrific multiple murder even more horrific than the Groene crime.
It's a Katrina for Kaitlyn update.
For Granddaughter's proper recall of history, there's a discussion of New Orleans' Nagiin, a loser if ever there was one.
And a Katrina political cartoon, a copy of the failure of character
And a recounting of this past week's joke on the House's vote for additional refineries.
Kaitlyn must know just who voted DOWN additional refineries and how ill-behaved they were in the process.
In Comments this week there's more on the Pledge. LOTS more.
And plenty of commentary on those New Orleans' cops. Some real flames here.
Pakistan Quake Toll Rises
rom Hindunet.com:
Full picture of devastation unfolds, over 30,000 dead in Pak Islamabad/Srinagar, Oct 9. (PTI) The full magnitude of the devastation caused by Saturday's killer earthquake unfolded on Sunday with death figures in Pakistan being estimated at upto 30,000 while on the Indian side of Kashmir it has crossed 600 and could rise further as rescuers struggled to reach inaccessible areas. POK communication Minister Tariq Mahmmod was quoted as saying that over 30,000 had perished in the region, many of them students. Pakistan's Interior Minister Aftab Sherpao, however, said so far over 19,000 people have lost their lives in the country with PoK accounting for more than 17,000. Describing the tragedy as the "worst ever" in Pakistan's history, President Pervez Musharraf sought international assistance in the form of medicines, blankets, tents and helicopters to provide succour to the affected. |
Now Here's Something Interesting
The Arab sons of camels are notorious for blaming everything on the Jews.
Now Israel's Prime Minister has spoken at the UN, an organization of thugs, thieves, sons of camels and rapists. Israel has also requested a seat on the Security council.
Think Bolton had anything to do with this?
You know, that guy that every yappy dog Democrat wouldn't even give an up and down vote to? Until Bush had to appoint Bolton during a recess appointment?
Can't have anyone in there actually making the UN STOP dancing in tune to the oil money from the sons of camels.
From the NY Times:
But in Israel's case, the resolution is the first the country has ever proposed, and the request for a Security Council seat presumes an end to the disdain with which the country has historically been treated at the United Nations. The address by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, on Sept. 15, was his first at the United Nations. It was delivered to a hall that has rung with denunciations of his country, where a tide of condemnatory resolutions has passed by lopsided votes and which Arab delegates regularly vacated whenever an Israeli rose to speak. |
A little Miscellany.
Including a picture montage titled "You Named It What". Which includes real names of real persons, places or things. Names that will shock you.
Also, info on a very important upcoming Texas vote.
Here's a Restaurant Review.
The name of the place, we're not making this up, is Crabby Dicks.
Their specialty? Crabs, of course. And dirty billboards.
It's a short Fishgiggles this week.
In fact, it's The World's Shortest Fairy Tale.
It's a guaranteed snort.
Monday's Daily Update
MLB Baseball (New)
FOX: Tuesday, October 11 8:00 PM
Sports event, Baseball, Playoff sports
American League Championship Series, Game 1: Teams TBA
ABC: Tuesday, October 11 9:00 PM
Drama, Politics
First Strike
Mackenzie faces her first national crisis when nine DEA agents are killed in Latin America; Nathan Templeton is offered potentially damaging information on Mackenzie's nominee for vice president (Peter Coyote).
Cast: Geena Davis, Donald Sutherland, Harry J. Lennix, Kyle Secor, Ever Carradine, Caitlin Wachs, Matt Lanter, Jasmine Anthony Director(s): Rod Lurie Executive Producer(s): Rod Lurie, Marc Frydman, Dee Johnson
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