Also, Starbucks' stupid coffee cup idea, the HBO wife-beater, some Oscar trivia, some famous last words, and Dave Hasselhoff-another celebrity that shouldn't have children.
Plus a premiere garden post of growing season 2007. The buds promised and they bloomed. With pics.
Pic of the Day

Quote of the DayOn the Republican Contenders for 2008 |
Web Site Worth the Visit All About Roller Coasters Here's all the dish on the latest and greatest in the world of roller coasters across the fruited plain. Remember, summer's coming! ABOVE SITE HERE |
TIDBITS Animal Trivia Mammals are the only animals with flaps around the ears. *** African elephants only have four teeth to chew their food with. *** A house fly lives only 14 days. *** Sheep are mentioned 45 times and goats 88 times in the Bible. Dogs are mentioned 14 times and lions 89 times, but domestic cats are not mentioned. *** A snail has two pairs of tentacles on its head. One pair is longer than the other and houses the eyes. The shorter pair is used for smelling and feeling its way around. *** Sharks and rays also share the same kind of skin: instead of scales, they have small tooth-like spikes called denticles. The spikes are so sharp that shark skin has long been used as sandpaper. |

Message to Starbucks-Just Serve the Cappucino and Shut Up
So Starbucks, a liberal business that thinks we should think more as we consume some java, gets it into its head that we need to read the really stupid thoughts of other Starbucks' customers.
One such thought is about the existence of God and hey, we all question this from time to time. But putting it on a coffee cup is just so lame. It's like the singers who can't shut up and sing. They feel that fine vocal cords gives them license to preach to us. Starbucks evidently thinks that fine coffee allows their customers to preach to us as well.
From WorldNet Daily:
Why in moments of crisis do we ask God for strength and help? As cognitive beings, why would we ask something that may well be a figment of our imaginations for guidance? Why not search inside ourselves for the power to overcome? After all, we are strong enough to cause most of the catastrophes we need to endure."

Oscar Trivia
Oldest person to be nominated for an acting Oscar was Gloria Stuart at age 87. The oldest person to win an acting Oscar was Jessica Tandy (age 81) in 1990 (Driving Miss Daisy).
In the 72 years of the Academy Awards existence, only three films have swept all five categories in Best Picture, Best Directing, Best Actor and Actress, and Best Writing. They are 1934's "It Happened One Night," 1975's " One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," and 1991's "The Silence of the Lambs."
Tatum O'Neal is the youngest person ever to win an Oscar (age 10),however the youngest ever nominated was Justin Henry, at age 8, for his Supporting Actor role in Kramer vs. Kramer (1979).
Walt Disney holds the record for having the most Academy Award nominations with 64. The most nominated living person is John Williams with 38 nominations. Disney won a total of 32
According to Susan Sarandon, the Best Actress in a Leading Role Oscar she won for her 1995 role in "Dead Man Walking" is proudly displayed in her guest
For Posterity
I got a hoot out of the David Hasselhoff video as he squirmed on the floor like a worm. Yes, I understand his daughter videotaped the thing and this is sad. Yet....when these celebrities are revealed for the petty little fools they are it makes me want to smirk.
For celebrity does not bestow any human with perfection, never mind the make-up, plastic surgery and spin artists. I think Hasselhoff's daughter was a brave little girl to record her father like this. Here's hoping he can see how very stupid he looks. Further, this is a great idea for anyone attempting to convince a loved one that they have a drinking problem.
HBO Boss Likes to Beat On Women
Such a brave, brave fellow. I've always admired men who like to beat up the females in their lives, it's so daring, darn, it's damn near sexy. HBO is finally firing this creep Chris Albrecht, who really looks like a creep. For it turns out that Albrecht has a history of beating up women. Seems Albrecht beat up another female colleague with whom he was having an affair. HBO coughed up $400,000 to settle that case. This time they finally fired the guy as hey, he got arrested right out in public.
From Page
"With great regret, at the request of Time Warner, I have agreed to step down," Albrecht said in a statement. "I take this step for the benefit of my Home Box Office colleagues, recognizing that I cannot allow my personal circumstances to distract them from the business."
Albrecht, 54, was arrested Sunday at 3 a.m. outside the MGM Grand in Las Vegas after he allegedly punched and choked his girlfriend, Karla Jensen, a reporter for Telemundo and HBO, following the De la Hoya vs. Mayweather fight.
For the money and embarrassment HBO's had to pay for this woman-beating employee, you'd think HBO would be riding high in the ratings. Seems Albrecht didn't help out much with HBO's ratings either. Perhaps he was too busy beating on female colleagues to do something silly like his actual job.
Just Because...

I was so struck by Bindi's resemblence to her famous Dad that I wanted to include it here that even in death and via his own offspring, Steve Irwin helps illustrate how life goes on.
Famous Last Words
"Don't let it end like this. Tell them I said something."
- Pancho Villa
"O.K. I won't."
-Elvis Presley responding to his girlfriend's request that he not fall asleep in the bathroom
"It's very beautiful over there." - Thomas A. Edison
"Why not? Why not?" - Timothy Leary
"I'm tired of fighting. I guess this is going to get me."
- Harry Houdini
"Remember me to my friends, tell them I'm a hell of a mess."
- H.L. Mencken, essayist
"Monsieur, I beg your pardon."
- Marie Antoinette, to her executioner, after stepping on his foot accidentally
"Dying is a very dull affair. My advice to you is to have nothing whatever to do with it."
- Author Somerset Maugham
"But, but, Mister Colonel-"
- Benito Mussolini, executed 1945
"I'm not afraid to die, Honey...I know the Lord has his arms wrapped around this big fat sparrow."
- Blues singer Ethel Waters
"I am about to, or, I am going to die. Either expression is used."
- Dominique Bouhours, grammarian
"Never felt better."
- Douglas Fairbanks, Sr.
For Giggles and Grins
The world's oldest members of a rock group.
More Gossip/Speculation HERE

The 2007 Growing Season Begins
It's the fifth growing season here in Serendipity Shore and I'm pleased. For when I first moved here to the swamps of Delaware from the sand of Merryland, the entire front of this lot was torn apart for installation of a new septic drainage system. This even though the house was only two years old at the time. First, Delaware is famous for failing septic systems and second, I could see with my own eyeballs that the woman who had been renting the house totally abused the fragile septic system.
Husband and I had endured a complete installation of a new septic system and drainfield our own selves in our former home. That home's septic system was over fifty years old and before we had a hope of ever selling the place, we knew we'd have to update the water and septic system. Thus we knew a thing or two about delicate eco-systems and the sight of the disheveled front lawn didn't cause us fear.
Happily, we've had no problems with the septic system here on Serendipity Shore since we've moved. I took advantage of the torn up yard and installed a few new gardens that were not there with the original owners.
Now the center lawn garden grows handsome with a bevy of flowers and bushes, most of them native Delaware plants that I purchased specifically that they would be happy here. The hedge roses that I dug up from my old home in Merryland took to the Delaware climate and soil quite happily and we've now got a veritable wall of happy green branches soon to be groaning under the weight of blooming roses.
Last year I installed a "container" garden because every garden eco-system should have a container garden. I've also had the yard certified as a National Wildlife Federation Backyard Wildlife Habitat. My lot in Merryland was also certified and I myself am a NWF certified Backyard Habitat Wildlife Steward.
Below, some pics of the gardens as they proudly begin their fifth growing season in this year of our Lord, 2007.

More Gardens and Bird posts HERE

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