Blog posts will be made as recovery and Blogger inclination allows. For now I concentrate on my recovery from heart surgery, the gardens, birds and beauty of life.
Below a link to my posts on specific subjects as oncit I was quite prolific. I will add a synopsis of new posts as made to this cover page.
By clicking on the links, you will bring the entirety of all posts which fall under the category as I “searched” to provide the link. They will come up in date order. At times the data retrieved will be high and might overwhelm your computer/modem. If searching for a particular subject, use the search box provided on the sidebar.
July 2008
Cartoon of the Week

Joke(s) of the Week
A man and a woman were having dinner in a fine restaurant. Their waitress, taking another order at a table a few paces away noticed that the man was slowly sliding down his chair and under the table, with the woman acting unconcerned.
The waitress watched as the man slid all the way down his chair and out of sight under the table. Still, the woman dining across from him appeared calm and unruffled, apparently unaware that her dining companion had disappeared.
After the waitress finished taking the order, she came over to the table and said to the woman, "Pardon me, ma'am, but I think your husband just slid under the table."
The woman calmly looked up at her and replied firmly, "No he didn't.......
He just walked in the door."
NEW!! We take a visit to the gardens during this growing season. We have a pic and a video of a baby rabbit. Okay, so it's not a movie of legend, it is cute.
The gardens grow wonderfully but we have issues with the growth. For a jungle does not a garden make.
I received a most wonderful gift for my recent birthday and I must say, God Bless America. Because with just a tap on the screen I can get anywhere in my care. A great find for the navigationally challenged.
A product review of a TomTom, with pics.
NEW!! A frog peed in her hand and Kaitlyn was more insulted than injured.
During our 7/2008 visit, Kaitlyn and I go out on a pirate ship. Kaitlyn was scared of the “bad” pirate but Mom-Mom saved the day.
We also went to the fabulous Delaware State Fair only we ended up calling 911 for a Kaitlyn in physical distress.
Kaitlyn and I saw the movie “Space Chimps” and it was fun, it was neat, it was just the ticket for a hot summer day.
NEW!! Rob Kissel was murdered. Only we know who murdered him; it was that nut of a wife of his. Seems she wanted the local blue collar cable guy who must have been dragging the ground if you get my drift. But who killed Andrew, Rob’s brother?
Joe McGinnis dwells on Rob Kissel in this True Crime book “Never Enough”. Perhaps McGinnis will regale us True Crime buffs with a book about Andrew Kissel, a loser if ever there was one.
And as you read one “Gabby” Moore burns in agony in the fires of hell. For this man, a nut who actually taught discipline in the form of sports for the young, got himself so obsessed with a woman that all rationality left the man. The result is one death of a father of two, a kind, gentle Morris Blankenberger, as well as the death of Gabby himself. But THAT couldn’t have happened to a nicer fellow.
Here’s a review of Ann Rule’s “A Fever in the Heart”.
Finally, just for fun, we visit my community’s flea market.
Most remarkable, I sold more of my own books in my own driveway than I ever did in the biggest of venues.
NEW!! Time to get gussied up and go out to celebrate.
Guest writer Michelle regales us with tales of opera phantoms and I give a follow up review on a restaurant I reviewed a couple of years ago.
Well it was a gift from me to my husband and husband, well he likes to stick with the tried and true.
Thus Rehoboth Beach's "Jake's Seafood" gets a repeat visit by my wise reviewing self.
Some things were better. Some things got worse.
No bread with dinner?
NEW!! Two True Crime book reviews here.
One is a very personal, almost painful review. For it was this Blogger who originally was scheduled to write the story of the very troubled Lisa Montgomery, a woman who cold-bloodedly killed a young mother and ripped her unborn baby from her body.
A very handsome and talented M.William Phelps wrote the story instead, with a minimum of help from me. I did, however, know a few members of Lisa Montgomery’s family and this gave me an insight into how Phelps wrote the book, the skewed points of view within the book’s covers and the very, very wrong title for the book titled “Murder in the Heartland”.
The other book review involved this Blogger again in a fashion that surprised me. For under my “True Crime” headers I’d written about the very fine Barton Corbin and even received an insightful and thankful email from Jennifer Corbin’s father for my blogging activity in helping to keep this story alive.
Because Barton Corbin had the worst luck of most any man on earth.
He fell in love, even married, women who seemed to commit suicide all around him.
By Ann Rule, we review “Too Late to Say Goodbye”.
NEW-Since I've discovered I listen to them all. No longer confined to the local yokels I can now hear Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham (where the hell IS she?), Mark Levin, Tammy Bruce, Curtis Sliwa, Don Imus, and Bruce Cunningham.
Rush is, of course, the greatest, but he has one big glaring issue as I see it and at times, it gets old.
Some of them have horrific lisps, some live decadent lifestyles, some have good reason to dislike McCain and one appears to have defected to Fox News.
With pics and opinions.
NEW-Loving My Heart-It's been six weeks since my quadruple coronary bypass. Time to return to the Cardiologist; time for my first post-op EKG.
Why is my EKG still bad and what is a negative T-wave? Why can't TWO doctors decide on my prescription drugs? Why aren't my surgical wounds handily healed and ready for moving on?
A pic of my new Delaware driver’s license to go with my new heart.
NEW-TWO guest writers today. Michelle writes of IRS forms and IRS bureaucrats. Heather writes of parental issues and our subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle messages we send to our children.
A hilarious pic of the day.
NEW-Two New Book Reviews and an Update on an old one....
My normal genre is True Crime but I stop to read a story about my favorite group during my adolescense...The Beatles!
It's "Magical Mystery Tour" by Tony Bramwell and catch this review for an overview of what Bramwell tells us about the Beatles, their loves, their lives, the drugs, the sex.
I do review one True Crime, "Missing:...The Oregon City Girls" by Linda O'Neal, Philip Tennyson and Rick Watson. Here's the frustrating story of the murder and investigation of two young girls killed by the hand of one evil man. An evil man who, even though right in the middle of it all, investigators could not find for the noses on their faces.
NEW-Two visits by Kaitlyn covered on this post.
It was the visit in early June of 2008 that taught me that Kaitlyn was a diplomat good enough to rival the best in the U.S. State Department.
NEW-Two movie reviews. One is "Nim's Island", non-animated but a good story that kept a four-year-old entranced for the duration.
The other is "Kung-Fu Panda", a Dreamworks animated film that was funny, exciting, bold, loud and beloved by that same four-year old. With plenty of pics.
NEW-Four weeks after quadruple coronary bypass and with THAT story told, time to pay attention to things that bring about an upbeat attitude. Not to mention an emotion so strong that it equates to nothing less than what life is all about and the joy of being able to live it.
First, the state bird of Georgia decided to build a nest in my hedge roses. I was just so honored. We've got pics of both the hedge roses what took over the world and the Brown Thrasher which so availed itself of that thorny bush.
Second, a video garden tour. My gardens won't win the prizes from Better Homes and Gardens but I built it with plantings from the old homestead and new native plants. This year, the fifth year of my handiwork, it looks right nice.
There's also plenty of garden pics for those without video capability.
NEW-Posted 5/31/08-Loving My Heart-While the medicos bombard patients with all sorts of information BEFORE they go into the hospital and of course while they are IN the hospital, it was after I was sent home with wounds all over my body that I realized how very little about the turmoil and tribulations of my recovery to come.
Here, in this final chapter in the tale of an ordinary woman's life turned upside down from the sudden diagnosis of a very distressed heart (with links to the first three parts of the story) I compose my own personal list about recovering from open heart surgery, all while it is fresh in my memory and even as my wounds hurt still from just a whisper of air upon them.
First thing, find every piece of clothes with buttons down the front and start from there. Read the rest in the post.
NEW-Posted 5/28/08-Loving My Heart-Quadruple Coronary Bypass Surgery and the Best Hospital Around for Such a Procedure
How precious the time span between normalcy and being sliced apart. Then the chest is split, the legs plundered and pain becomes the norm. A chapter in the saga of a quadruple coronary bypass.
The operation, the aftermath, the letter to the hospital Board of Directors
NEW-Posted 5/26/08-Loving My Heart-Against Medical Advice
Here's the second chapter in my story of a heart in pain.
For the stress test in the Cardiologist's office almost killed me. I ended up in the hospital. Another Cardiac specialist declared my heart in worse shape than Vice President Dick Cheney's.
I had to take my health care into my own hands.
The FIRST post to the Loving My Heart Series
”Loving My Heart” Posts
”American Idol” 2008 Posts
True Crime Posts
The Bird Fellows Posts
Gardens Posts
Kaitlyn Posts
Movie Reviews
Book Reviews