We've got a TV post here with a Bravo Top Chef Winner and some insight into Trump's 09 Celebrity Apprentice, the contenders and thoughts on the celebrity culture and who the hell cares.
All with video and pics you'll find nowhere else on the Internet.
Everyone loved Bachelor 09 Single Dad Jason Mesnick. He was affable, truthful, cute, a fine father…what's not to love?
Except last week he became public enemy #1 for how he handled his choice of a wife.
Scripted, scripted, scripted…and I'll tell you why.
All with pics and video you'll find nowhere else on the Internet.
I've got a rant that will blister conservative eyeballs, liberals best stay away.
Enemy of the Week and totally unforgiven, Michael Steele.
Plus Good Guy of Week", a runner-up for Enemy of the Week, some nostalgia on old phones and much more in this Thoughts of the Week.
American Idol 09 fills the top slots and soon this contest will capture the public's fancy.
Yes some think this a bad thing but hey a)it's a fair, square contest won by the voting public b)American Idol contributes to the economy by filling stadiums and selling TV commercial time and c)it's good ole American talent and ingenius success at its finest.
We've got pics and video you'll find nowhere else on the Internet.
Guest writer Michelle writes of Disneyland and new kittens.
Pic of the Day
The Repubs Get Caught Again, This Time the Chair of the National RNC
Though the Democrat party is filled with scoundrels and thieves who don’t pay taxes like us peons, who pee upon our feet and tell us it’s raining as they rob the U.S. Treasury and call it a “stimulus” bill, who cultivate a dependent and poor citizenry that will forever keep them in power, so too do they create “enemies” to fool us idiots that, lookit, over there, THAT’S the guy bringing you all the pain and angst.
It’s a familiar pattern. Every son of a camel Poohbah who could not lead a fox out of a hen house yet pretends to lead a country does the same thing by pointing to, hey…over there, big, bad Israel. It is the Joooooos causing you all the poverty and grief, not this pathetic life you must live while quashed under an oppressive religion as we live fat cat lives and enjoy the oil wealth that is also yours.
The Democrats are only following time-honored political tools to win and keep power and in a blackish sort of way, I admire them. James Carville, that political operative who resembles a bald serpent who will hiss and drag dollars through trailer parks to besmirch any female citizen who should point out that ole Bill Clinton is a pornographic sleaze bucket, follows the lead of the Arab sons of camels and creates enemies that the Palestinian Americans can look to that makeshift enemy as source of all pain.
Except the conservatives amongst us have only the poorest of soldiers to fight out battles. Which is, specifically, that sad excuse for a political party called, once affectionately, the GOP. The GOP, or the Republican party, is filled with booth-tanned, nail-polished, wingtip-wearing, reaching-across-the-aisle, “my friend”-calling namby-pambys that are little challenge against the mighty and well-practiced likes of serpent Carville, Begalia, and Rahm the ballerina of the Democratic party.
Every hair on the heads of the pubbie Lords in America’s House of Lords must lay perfectly in its anointed place, DC cocktail party invites should fill the mailboxes, the aisles across should always be filled with “friends”, even the kind who would stab in the back and smile while doing so.
So Eric Cantor, sometimes regarded as an up and comer in the pubbie party, and no less than the freaking CHAIR OF THE NATIONAL RNC both get caught in the cross-hairs of the Democrats on a roll, God help us all.
For the fine political team of Carville, Begalia, Emanual the Ballerina and the impartial Steponallofus have stepped up to the plate and following the sons-of-camels inhabiting the sands across the planet, have appointed a NEW enemy that the fools out here in la-la land, which would be us, while we carry this country on our backs as we raise the citizens and soldiers of tomorrow, can target our hatred at the enemy they have properly appointed as we ignore the Democrats behind the curtain.
I speak of Rush Limbaugh, who, in the interest of fair and balanced, I happen to adore. Still I don’t think anyone on this planet, nary a soul, should be forced to sit and listen to Rush and, indeed, anybody who forces such a thing on another citizen should be promptly jailed for false imprisonment.
But the team of Carville, et al, have now
named Rush the enemy that we all must regard with hatred much like the Palestinians and the Jooooos. It is Rush, so we must believe, who is causing us all our grief and pain, who brings us nightmares deep in the night, who causes our arches to fall, who single-handedly brought down the stock market, who makes us go bald and who forces our spouses to cheat upon us.
It used to be, not so long ago, Karl Rove who was appointed by the Dems as our enemy. Heh. Karl Rove, a pudgy squeezable fellow who resembles more closely the Pilsbury Doughboy than Jack the Ripper. James Carville is, frankly, way more scary looking than either Karl Rove or Rush Limbaugh.
Karl Rove is now a Fox news pundit and he’s an innocent looking guy with a bunch of kids, soft-spoken, my goodness, the Dems made a career of demonizing this guy who I’d doubt would ever hurt a fly.
The Dems also made an entire company the spooky enemy, remember Enron? It didn’t matter what was happening in the world in the mid-90’s, it was Enron that caused global warming, the tsunami in Thailand, earthquakes across the planet, pollution of our rivers and mass impotence across the fruited plains of our new castrati brethren.
Which would all be well and good and I’ll not even not go so far as to suggest that like we all play Monopoly and Candyland on an even footing that maybe the pubs should take a page from this playbook and too garner up a pretend enemy…James Carville would make a great one and he looks the part even. No. All I ask is that pubs fight back against this kind of nonsense, maybe, well doing like I do, saying right out loud in a public place just what is going on. Of course the pubs would not be as articulate as The Wise I, smirk, or capture the fine art of sarcasm quite so smartly. But they could, throwing it out there, when given a platform, risk that head hairs might move from their appointed places and FIGHT BACK against this tactic.
So okay, maybe tans would fade to think the pubs would accuse their friends across the aisle of creating fake bogeymans and horrors at the feelings that would be hurt. How about this?
So here’s Michael Steele, a fine man who I used to admire coming from the state of my birth and everything. And he’s on some show being interviewed by a nobody rap star and, of course, the rap star followed the Dems’ tactic because they are all born knowing this stuff.
Rush Limbaugh, this CNN rap star said, WANTS President Obama to fail.
Besides the appointed enemy tactic, the Dems are also adept at taking a talking point, a perfect one that must suit rigid requirements, and saying it over and over again until even if a lie, it becomes the truth.
Rush Limbaugh has stated, repeatedly and proudly, that he DOES want Obama to fail. He’s explained it over and over that he does not agree with Obama’s socialistic policies and just like he wanted the team playing his beloved Steelers to fail, so too does he want Obama to be unsuccessful in implementing an agenda that Rush thinks would be harmful to the country.
Now we understand, of course, that the explanation is way too many words for many Obama voters and we grant the tanned pubs some leeway here. And the talking point of Rush wanting Obama to fail does meet the Dem rigid requirements that the collective words be few, simple, and have many meanings, nuances and that to the discerning, cries for further disclosure. Which means most of the voters the Dems wish to fool won’t get it and will fall, lazily as is their wont, for the simplest interpretation of the talking point. Which is that Rush Limbaugh is some sort of deranged right-wing maniac who wants the U.S. President to fail even if the President expresses a desire to bring about world peace, millions in riches for every American, a United States protected forever against foreign attack and an America beloved by every inhabitant on the planet.
Again I throw it out there that the suntanned pubbies could use any pulpit the Lamestream gives them to explain this very thing to the American public. After a while even the Obama voters might get a clue and figure somebody was trying to fool them.
Oh no because when the CNN rapper throws out there that talking point so cleverly culled and crafted by Carville, et al, how does Michael Steele, our new head of the RNC and representative of conservatives left alone in the desert by the likes of John McCain and others who consider reaching across the aisles and calling the Dems their friends the ultimate in political success, respond?
He calls Rush an “entertainer” and says that Rush’s rhetoric is “ugly” and “incendiary”!
Eric Cantor too responded lamely that Rush was an entertainer and no one evidently told these suntanned, perfectly coiffed pubs that the dismissal of Rush Limbaugh as a mere entertainer was yesterday’s Democratic talking points. Because, as I must explain everything to those with head hairs that never leave their appointed places, the Dems are now trying to paint Rush as a dangerous Demagogue who wishes failure on our president and is now the de factor leader of the Republican party. It would not due to dismiss him as naught but the court jester.
The pubs, they just can’t handle it all and get in tanning booth time and then there’s the DC cocktail party circuit. Although they do have Rush, and hell even this humble Blogger, to help keep it straight.
Rush did respond back the following day. Within 15 minutes Michael Steel was abjectly apologizing to everyone, even strangers on the street.
Well I for one do not forgive.
I am quite sure Michael Steele is a very nice guy. And while Steele probably doesn’t need much time in the tanning booth I am sure his head hairs remain in their appointed places, his fingernails are perfectly polished, he would never sit and demonize an innocent person as the Dems love to do, or, gasp, lie and try to fool decent citizens all busy leading lives without time to read the Wall Street Journal from cover to cover. Which might be his, and Eric Cantor’s, hell the whole bunch’s, problem.
The pubbies would sit and play a game of Monopoly with the Democrats and would smile sweetly and agree with great joy that of course they should only get half of the money distributed at the beginning of the game and no problem that all properties double in value when landed upon by a Republican.
The notion of demanding a fair playing field might rumple the head hairs and maybe the Dems won’t consider them friends any more.
The conservative base of the Republican party is sick, SICK, of being peed upon and told it’s raining. We sit out here in la la land and we watch the Democrats run roughshod over these wingtipped morons and we watch our presidential nominee call everyone his friend until we could puke.
We have mourning doves fighting for territory against crazed hawks.
Michael Steele is this week’s bad guy of the week. Rush Limbaugh is this week’s good guy of the week.
And above is my fine, perfectly polished rant. Read it and weep.
Gift Gaffes
Folks, if the pubs screwed up as badly as the Democratic leadership did last week, we’d have James Carville on CNN spitting and hissing about the millions about to die in a nuclear holocaust launched by the insulted, Steponallofus would be pretending to be impartial while he lamented on his weekly political show the shame and horror of it all that the pubbies couldn’t find anything else but dollar store bling to gift to our allies as they visit, and Begalia, AKA The Skull, would be sobbing to wolf Blitzer that diplomatic relations are thrown back into the dark ages with the shame of it all.
As of this writing, late Saturday 3/7/09, I have not heard one pubbie poke fun at the gift gaffes of this past week.
So I shall once again do their job. Besides I find it incredibly revealing and funny as all get out, yes I do.
So what does President Obama present to our British allies during PM Gordon’s first visit?
Before answering this, let’s look at what Mr. Brown bought for President Obama and First Lady Michelle. From
Mr Brown’s gifts included an ornamental desk pen holder made from the oak timbers of Victorian anti-slaver HMS Gannet, once named HMS President.
Mr Obama was so delighted he has already put it in pride of place in the Oval Office on the Resolute desk which was carved from timbers of Gannet’s sister ship, HMS Resolute.
Another treasure given to the U.S. President was the framed commission for HMS Resolute, a vessel that came to symbolise Anglo-US peace when it was saved from ice packs by Americans and given to Queen Victoria.
Finally, Mr Brown gave a first edition set of the seven-volume classic biography of Churchill by Sir Martin Gilbert.
President Obama gifted Gordon Brown with a collection of “classic American films” on DVD.
Yeah, the kind you can get on Amazon.com for twenty five bucks.
Furthering the insult, Mrs. Brown gave the Obama children dresses designed by a British designer as well as several children’s books written by British authors.
The Obamas sent the Browns back with two toy replicas of Marine One, the kind, as has been described, sold in the White House gift shop.
Now you can take what I know about such as diplomatic gifting and shove it up the behind of a flea and it would still rattle around like a beebee in a box car. But I sure do know a slight when I see it.
Besides the cheap, thoughtless gifts, Obama did not grant a press conference with both he and Brown in attendance and pictures of Michelle with Mrs. Brown show the two ladies hidden behind a giant vase of peonies with Mrs. Brown looking as comfortable as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
Then there’s the story of Secretary of State Hillary. Heh. And here’s a woman that was First Lady for eight years, Senator from New York and Presidential contender.
So she shows up in Russia with some sort of classless button type of thing. The idea was to give the Russian diplomatic corps a “reset” button, a swat at the Bush administration with the implicit meaning that American and Russian relations start anew with the Obama administration.
Which assumes that the Russians were dissatisfied with its relations with the Bush diplomatic corps, a big assumption I think in view that Bush looked into Putin’s soulful eyes and saw a good man.
The Dems, heh, they think everybody sees the world like they do, with makeshift enemies and political games that cover the reality.
Only problem was, the word used for the “reset” button was wrong. Instead of the word “reset”,
from Politico.com, the genius’ at the state department came up with the Russian word meaning “overcharge”.
First, even a diplomatic dummy like me thinks giving the Russians any sort of button type object to be in poor taste. It wasn’t that long ago that words “finger on the button” meant one who could blow up the world. It’s not farfetched to envision a concept that handing a button to what was once our nuclear enemy embodies the notion that the U.S. was handing over the nuke button to Russia.
It also shows a lack of class for one American administration to poke such fun at another administration and I daresy even the dummy Bush as the Dems liked to portray him would not have done or implicated such a thing on the Clinton administration.
It was in poor and thoughtless taste, nevermind the mistranslation is what I’m saying here.
The pubs, however, have no mussed head hairs, their tans remain, and they do not mention this gaffe that would have had the Dems all over the pubbies were the situation reversed.
Heh. Sometimes a Pic Says It All
This week’s quip of the Week comes from my very own husband. His thought might not be exactly new but it did give me pause.
For another fine example of hope and change, President Obama will now allow stem cells to be harvested from embryos that currently exist. The dismissive expression is “they would only be destroyed any way.”
Such an offhand dismissal of these fertilized eggs, embryos in fact, is meant to downplay the notion that these things are really human lives that have simply not been gestated to a full live birth.
Husband said, with passion for a normally quiet fellow…”THEN WHY HAVEN’T THEY BEEN DESTROYED?”
If someone is sitting around saving these things and if the libs tell us that they will be destroyed anyway…why is someone hanging onto them?
Could be because these embryos can, in fact, be implanted in a womb and grow into a viable baby? Maybe the embryos will bring in money or be a child for a sad, childless couple. Whatever the reason…THEY HAVE NOT BEEN DESTROYED SO WHY NOT?
Why do the libs keep saying this?
Interesting Tidbit
The famed pilot of that “Miracle on the Hudson” flight, Chesley Sullenberger, chose to cash in on his fame by testifying before congress about the problems airlines have keeping skilled pilots for the restrictions on the salaries they pay them.
I’m not at all sure how the salaries of airplane pilots is determined. I thought the airline industry was unregulated and such as salaries was determined by the marketplace. Somewhere I heard it explained that airlines are regulated in that there are certain destinations that must be serviced even though they are losers in terms of profits.
With no editorial commentary whatsoever, I learn that Sullenberger can, if he chooses, boost his salary by double:
Richard Branson has offered US Airways pilot/hero Chesley Sullenberger double his salary if he comes to work for Virgin Air. - The Week Magazine, 2/13/09
March 2009-In Like a Lion
It’s no mind how the ground hog made out with his shadow because the blockbuster snow storm that came roaring in the first of March 2009 said plenty.
Although as of this writing the outside temperatures are reaching the mid-70’s and it’s now just March 8. Hardly six weeks of winter is what I’m saying here.
This March storm was a scary one, at least here in the swamps of Delaware. The winds howled at for an hour we lost our electricity. Husband was not feeling very well that day and there was concern that he might suffer a seizure.
We got nine inches of snow and the stuff stayed stubbornly around for four days before this warm spell now upon.
Ending With a Smile
Maybe only those over 40 amongst us might understand the pic below.
![Posted by Hello](http://photos1.blogger.com/pbh.gif)
Jason Turns From Cute to Public Enemy Overnight
From mlive.com:
Monday's two-hour season ender was the highest-rated program of the night with 15.45 million viewers, according to Nielsen Media Research. It's the most-watched "Bachelor" finale since November 2003, when Bob Guiney picked Estella Gardinier.
I had no idea this series was so popular! I am a reality show junkee of sorts but The Bachelor has never been anywhere near my fave. “American Idol” will forever hold that title. But the finale of the Jason/Melissa/Molly drama was the highest rated program of the night on Monday, 3/2/09.
They have to work hard to keep up interest like this in a reality series that is a)hard to believe in its premise and b)a little boring, truth be told.
Which brings me to the base of my assertion that this show and its ending was so scripted and by me it was quite obvious.
I shall, as expected, explain.
The concept of The Bachelor/Bachelorette series is that one single person will be given a pool of 25 fine and pretty folk from which to choose their future mate from. It’s not supposed to be a dating game. The show’s script calls for the episodes’ stars to be looking for a mate. To ask an audience to sit through yay many shows so the contender of their affection can get a date is asking too much.
In the early 2009 episode of The Bachelor, we had Jason Mesnick, a cute and physically-fit divorced Dad who has custody of his cute little boy. Jason had been a contender for DeAnna Pappas’ hand in the prior series featuring DeAnna as the Bachelorette seeking a permanent relationship. DeAnna had been rejected herself by the formerly most-hated Bachelor, Brad Womack who, even though he had 25 females vying for him, could not find one worth his fine self. Womack rejected them all!
Jason truly love DeAnna and asked her to marry him. She turned him down for a bowtie-wearing snowboarder, what a hoot. Jason was cute and beloved by the mostly female viewers so he came back to find a replacement for DeAnna who would heal his broken heart.
In fact DeAnna did make a reappearance on this series. Supposedly she wanted Jason back, realizing that a joke-cracking snowboarder was not the stuff of fine husbands. Folks, there really is such a thing as over-exposure. DeAnna needs to move on. Her entire act did not look real at all. DeAnna is no actress. Of course Jason turned her down flat because, read on, Jason had enough problems deciding on his future mate without throwing DeAnna, who’d already rejected him, into the mix.
Up until this season’s finale, Jason came off as intelligent, affable, truthful, pragmatic, kind and gentle.
He chose Melissa, a DeAnna lookalike, for his future wife, telling her he loved her, giving her a beautiful engagement ring and celebrating with her and his son Ty. It left the viewers in tears that this lonely, sweet and cute single Dad, rejected so ruthlessly by publicity hound DeAnna the prior season, finally found someone so cute and loving such as Melissa.
Next came the “After the Rose” show and we knew something was up when show host Chris Harrison told us that the ending we were about to see was so shocking that they did not have an audience on set for the sensitivity required.
I could not imagine how what seemed to have already been a fine and happy finale could have turned so dire.
Jason comes out to greet Chris and he’s got tears in his eyes. “Oh-oh”, the viewer should think.
It would turn out that in the short amount of time since Jason chose Melissa as his future bride that things had gone sour in the relationship. I’m not sure when this series is taped but my guess is in the Fall of 2008, maybe late summer. There needs to be time for around eight to ten episodes, the “ladies’ night”, the big finale, and the “After the Rose” thing. Jason mentioned that he and Melissa spent some of the holidays together, we should assume he meant Christmas 2008.
So hey, it’d only been about three months or so. Melissa is from Dallas and as I understand it, the show paid for Melissa to see Jason every other weekend but this is just scuttlebutt. The thing is, once the Bachelor or Bachelorette pick their mate, they don’t get married the next day. Time is required to arrange moving and such. Or so we are expected to assume.
But Jason not only no longer wanted Melissa, he wanted MOLLY BACK!!
Well that’s one of the main stumbling blocks in the show. For here’s a person totally fawned over by a bevy of opposite sex folks, all struggling to win their love and devotion. In real life we kind of stumble upon a potential mate. We must then build a relationship, slowly allowing it to grow to where it will go. In this series it’s no genius to figure out that a person with about a dozen others vying for their affection might not have the patience, forbearance and forgiveness to build a relationship. It’s easy to move on to another dreamer out of the contender pool.
I don’t believe this year’s ending for a second.
The first huge clue here is that we never met Melissa’s parents. Supposedly they had objections to being on a national show about a subject so personal.
I think this whole ending was scripted before this year’s series even began. I think the show’s producers chose a sweet young thing out of the pool of contenders who sort of resembled DeAnna, as the loyal viewers might note.
I think Melissa was given the script as the ending would happen. I think the show’s producers desperately needed a shocking ending to keep audience interest.
Melissa even has a brother! You mean even HE wouldn’t meet Jason and get time in front of the cameras? They did script in a phone call by Jason to Melissa’s parents but you never heard anyone speak a word. Instead Melissa took Jason to meet her “friends”, who I also think were actors, frankly.
What I’m saying here is that Jason chose Molly right along. Melissa had been recruited to act out this “shocking” ending. Jason was maybe given some monetary or reward compensation to go along with being the bad guy at the end. What would he care? He’d have the money and Molly of his dreams.
I don’t think for a minute that any self-respecting woman would agree to go on national TV and get the heave-ho in front of fifteen million people. And not for one minute did Melissa look upset. I think she acted out that ending and she was pretty good at it, frankly.
I’m not mad. Reality shows are almost always scripted on some level. I kind of enjoy finding the scripted parts, it’s part of the allure.
Melissa’s getting something out of this, exposure perhaps, to a future in acting or such. It would not do to have her parents or brother on the show because they’d have to ACT too. That would have been too much to pull over on the viewers.
It’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
For posterity, a remix of the highlights of the finale of Bachelor 2009 below.
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