We've been watching Top Chef Seattle closely and for a while there it almost seemed that they would make more normal dishes, the sort of meals you'd find on your own kitchen table.
That silly notion began when the contenders were divided into teams and were challenged to prepare a normal Thanksgiving meal of their culinary coach. Some contenders actually made turkey and stuffing.
Because while I enjoy the Top Chef series immensely, as a vehicle to better learn how to cook, not so much.
Then again, as many would argue, it's a compendium of famous chefs. These contenders are way beyond the kitchen table, I must suppose. Those viewers wanting to learn cooking skills better watch The Chew. Or something.
Any way, there was a team who fried up a hamburger, complete with fried pickles or some such as their elimination challenge called for preparing a dish to include a product assigned in the quickfire challenge. Which, in the case of CJ and Tyler, was a pork burger with spicy pickles, not very imaginative and the impetus to send them home.
In fact, the episode aired on 12/5/12 was a banner episode in that the entrees were so bad for the elimination challenge that the judges decided there would be no winner.

This past episode, aired 12/12/12, featured plenty of winners, however, including contender Brooke, who won a car!
Thus far I have no predictions for a winner though for now, keep an eye on Brooke. She's personable and talented.
Her winning dish? Lamb stuffed with squid and black rice.
Sounds horrible.
Below all posts on this Blog on this subject
Top Chef Seattle Begins in the Space Needle-Some Prognostication on Contenders/Snark.
Top Chef Seatle airs on Bravo TV on Wednesday nights at 10 pm.
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