
My Autobiography

It's not the autobiography of Benjamin Franklyn as the picture would have yon reader believe.

Read on.


My autobiography

Yon reader has read this right.   And yon reader should consider my thoughts for themselves, for my plan applies to every human who ever lived.

For we all have ancestors, else we wouldn’t be here.  I assure yon readers that there is absolutely nothing magnificent, notable, worthy of the history books…in me.  I add that I have never robbed anyone, stole a little as a kid.  I never committed any crimes in other words and so I am very ordinary. 

I did have a few memorable events in my life….which I’ll mention.  Again, I will have…and so will everyone reading this….a smallish group in the universe who might be interested.

Think of your grandmother.  Or your grandfather.  Even your parents….other relatives.  I ask yon readers who may no longer have those aforementioned  alive, wouldn’t you love to sit and read their autobiography?  Maybe most of human kind could care about the time your great-grandmother survived escape from WWII or your grandfather ran for county commissioner.

This is the only reason most of us humans would be intrigued by the mundane lives of others…others who share our DNA.

And so I shall begin my autobiography for my children and grandchildren to read.


For now…below a few items that I will include in my autobiography.  While most of it might bring a shrug to most of yon readers’ eyes.  But, ahhhh….those fortunate enough (or unfortunate enough) to carry my DNA….it might tell them some things about themselves.

To be honest, I’d have to give my overall grade for a life mostly fairly-well lived, as a C+.  I’d like to give myself a higher grade but hey, I’m looking down the road and I can see the end of life.  No, it’s not close, got maybe a decade left.  But lying about how wonderful I was serves no purpose at this point.  But I wasn’t such a bad person and I did have some life’s successes.

One major thing that happened in my life, that my descendants will probably want to hear, is that fact that my entire house once burned down.  I lost all my clothes and belongings and for over a month had to use an outhouse.

The outhouse was because it was the bathroom my father had just built, along with a new kitchen and other rooms, that burnt down.

A fact I will include in my autobio in that I lived on a farm for four very strange years of my life.  I had been born in Baltimore but my father bought this farm and here we were, city kids living on a farm, raising cows and pigs and walking miles up our lane to the main road to the school bus stop.

Let us see, I was married four times, only one of them a success I proclaim.  I was raised Catholic….and…well I must stop now.

I was the WORST at buying cars, and not the best mother of all.

Like I assert, I give my life as lived a C+.


I did some good things but moving on…..I shall begin.



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