
Week Just Passed:Katrina,Able-Danger,Iraq Constitution; Web Site-See Lightning Hit an airplane; Quotables

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It Was a Week of Silly and Serious
Silly would include nut woman Cindy Sheehan parked down in Crawford, Texas, pontificating about the Iraq war and even sillier, getting wall to wall media coverage.
You-Don’t-Speak-for-Me, Cindy Blog post HERE
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It was also a serious week in that Iraq has been struggling to finalize a constitution. Accompanied, of course, by the cacophony of the Greek chorus of the last election losers who couldn’t manage a war if they tried.

Oh right. They’ve tried before.

I speak of the Democrats.

Iraqi Constitution Blog Post HERE
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Silly might not be the word to describe the picture of a burning Israeli flag the vaunted BBC used as illustration of the sad and tragic Gaza pullout. Evil and mean is perhaps a better word.
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The Able-Danger story continues to percolate. Drip by Drip we are fed bits and pieces of the story. The latest is the tidbit that the Able-Danger people managed to point to Condaleeza Rice as a terrorist and threat to America.

Each day more people come out of the woodwork to verify the facts.

This story is going to be huge, yon ladies and gems.

Because it’s seriously beginning to look like SOMEONE was intentionally trying to protect Mohammed Atta.

Able-Danger Blog post HERE
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The week ended on a serious and silly note. Seems Pat Robertson, religious leader and NOT elected, suggested assassination of Hugo Chavez, Castro’s friend and Dictator of Venzuela.

Do NOT believe the Democrat’s claim that Chavez was legally elected. That entire election was suspect. Further, it was verified by none other than Jimmy Carter, that former President, the worst this country has ever had, who gets paid to verify all the illegal elections of the world.

BUT, it seems that someone mentioned the assassination of a former dictator once. Yet I don’t recall the big brouhaha over this suggestion of murder.

See Notable/Quotables to see what DEMOCRAT suggested murdering a rogue dictator.

Finally, on a drop-dead serious note, Hurricane Katrina began to make herself known.

More on Katrina in today’s daily update.

And for your viewing pleasure, the political cartoon of the week:

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Prior Weeks Just Passed HERE

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Two Different Views-Cindy Sheehan

From Ann Coulter:
Call me old-fashioned, but a grief-stricken war mother shouldn't have her own full-time PR flack. After your third profile on "Entertainment Tonight," you're no longer a grieving mom; you're a C-list celebrity trolling for a book deal or a reality show.

From Maureen Dowd:

it's "inhumane" for Bush not "to understand that the moral authority of parents who bury children killed in Iraq is absolute."

Let Us Not Forget Where She Stands

This quote is from 1970. To know where she stands today, substitute "communism" with "islamicfacism".

Because if it's about hating America, Fonda is all for it.

From Jane Fonda:
I would think that if you understood what communism was you would hope, you would pray on your knees, that we would someday become
communists." - Jane Fonda, at Michigan State University, quoted in
Detroit Free Press of November 22, 1970.

How Would You React if an American Politician Said the Following:

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Finally, Pat Robertson. Oh, and Someone Else

From a "700 Club" Broadcast, Pat Robertson said:
"We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability."

Calling the president of oil-rich Venezuela a threat to U.S. security,
Robertson said assassinating Chavez would be "a whole lot cheaper than
starting a war." He added, "It's a whole lot easier to have some of
the covert operatives do the job and get it over with."

AND...well,well,well, George Stephie from the Clinton era:

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More Notable/Quotables HERE

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Lightning Hits Airplane
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This is an amazing sight.

On this web site there's a bolt of lightening actually hitting an airplane.

No one on the plane was hurt or was the airplane.

Airplane and Lightning HERE

More Web Notables HERE

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