W/E saturday 1/24/09
![Census potato](http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b323/patfish/cover/censuspotatocover72808.jpg)
We have some Thoughts on the Inauguration plus a picture that pretty much shows what Rahm Emanuel thinks of it all.
An update on BJ’s and the salmonella scare, a hissy fit untaken over lost glasses and recipe for tortellini soup. Detailed information on paying one’s self-employment taxes, from me, for our soon-to-be Secretary of the Treasury. Heh.
American Idol went to San Francisco and Louisville and an interesting statistic re this show. One real contender pops up with a most intriguing background. A Puerto Rican lady annoys us with her laugh as she moves on to Hollywood. With pics and video clip compilations you’ll find nowhere else on the Internet.
Bachelor Jason continues on his quest to find a new bride and mother for his son. Amazing, I tell you, simply Amazing.
With pics and video clip compilations you’ll find nowhere else on the Internet.
Blog Posts of Note:
Deviled Eggs-the Definitive Way to Prepare These Gems
A Brain Infection? A Medical Odyssey of Sheer Terror.
Those Celebrity Chefs-Who Cooks With Her Boobs and Who Is Disliked by All.
The Harmony Document Database Translations
Rush Limbaugh-What He Does Wrong; What He Does Right
Those Radio Talk Show Hosts-The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Why were there ten dead baby possums in the yard? A heart patient deals with the terror
No, It's Nowhere NEAR as Bad As When Jimmah Carter was Prez...Everything you need to know about the WORST President ever.
Other Blogs by Me:
My Facebook Page
My Townhall.com Blog
The Fish American Idol Blog-Follow Each Year’s Progress Here
The Bachelor-It’s the Most Vapid of Shows and Yet I Watch….and Review
TV Reviews-Award Shows, Contests, Shows That Pass Briefly by our TV Screen…Reviewed Here
Thoughts of the Week…Only the Wisest, tongue-in-cheek, sarcasm and a rant or two
Movie Reviews: From Brokeback Mountain to Children’s Movies of all Kinds Reviewed Here
Restaurant Reviews-Mostly the Delaware Area but Some From My Travels
Book Reviews-Emphasis on True Crime
![Cartoon with Alice Kramdon on the Moon](http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b323/patfish/cover/alicekramdenonthemooncovernodate.jpg)
W/E Saturday 1/17/09
In my most wise thoughts for the week, I ponder those lying hearings of Hillary for Secretary of State, Bush’s last press conference and the jackals of the White House press corp with no class, and the truth about terrorist group Hamas.
On a lighter note, we have a cat terrified of a bedspread and a miracle of a plane crash. The government rescued but a few except the government DID make the pilot take a drug test. Sure it’s procedure but it’s so low, just so low.
Lots of TV updates.
American Idol premieres and we’ve got some prospective winners, or at least the top ten. One is blind and another is the brother of a former top ten idol.
The Golden Globe awards, heh, you gotta love this paean to empty person hood. We’ve got potty mouth celebrities and fashion awards like none you’ve ever seen before.
The Bachelor continues on and I continue, against all common sense, to follow Jason’s quest for a DeAnna lookalike. We’ve got two contenders that everybody loves to hate and a predicted winner by my own wise self.
Above HERE
![911 call domestic dispute cartoon](http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b323/patfish/cover/911calldomesticdisputecovernodate.jpg)
Week Ending Saturday 1/11/09
Some TV going on this week. First, one of my all time fave fake reality shows, “The Bachelor” premiered and so far it’s typical. Jason, a single Dad rejected last season by Deanna (who has since rejected the guy she threw Jason over for) is this season’s Bachelor. The ladies are vapid and empty as ever.
We’ve also got some fashion awards for this past week’s “Peoples’ Choice Awards”; some fashion awards you might not ever have heard of. Plus my doubts about how much of a “peoples’” choice this show really is.
Also, a new, and very unusual reality show. “True Beauty” premieres with a premise of finding REAL beauty. Why this show can only last one season.
Finally, Some wise Thoughts for the week just passed, including an update on my Pharmacist rant with a perfect example of why I think these medical school rejects are a waste of time.
How about Roland Burris? They left that poor man standing out in the rain, God love Harry Reid’s evil heart.
What’s going on with Miss America, Obama’s ridiculous choice to head the CIA, and Toffler’s “The Third Wave” alive and well in the swamps of Delaware.
Above HERE
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