Week Ending Sunday 8/30/09
TV Reviews of Hell's Kitchen where Chef Ramsey keeps cussing the wannabe chefs keep smoking.
Also a dark horse HGTV reality contest for interior designers…."Design Star".
And as "America's Got Talent" rapidly gains as a challenge to "American Idol" it now has a final top 20.
First guess at the top five here with pics and video you'll find nowhere else on the Internet.
Ed and Lois Smart tell the harrowing tale of the search for their abducted daughter Elizabeth.
She'd been taken from her bed in her own home one night and as the Smart family suffered the insults of a community the Salt Lake Police blew this case so bad that Elizabeth suffered many more months for their dereliction of investigative duty.
For one can never get enough Ted Kennedy.
But more importantly, on Thoughts this week we have a tender story about butterfly babies and backyard habitats. Plus a story about a new computer malware that is particularly nasty.
And of course, as we all need more of the wonderful Ted Kennedy in our lives, my tale of just how I shall explain the story of Ted Kennedy to my granddaughter.
Much more.
Blog Posts of Note:
Deviled Eggs-the Definitive Way to Prepare These Gems
A Brain Infection? A Medical Odyssey of Sheer Terror.
Those Celebrity Chefs-Who Cooks With Her Boobs and Who Is Disliked by All.
The Harmony Document Database Translations
Rush Limbaugh-What He Does Wrong; What He Does Right
Those Radio Talk Show Hosts-The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Week Ending Sunday 8/23/09
In Thoughts this week we have a weekly wrap up of Obamacare news, including the most amazing, just revealed on Fox News Sunday today, 8/23/09-the administration's attempt to KILL OFF OUR VETERANS!
The Obama admin sent a spokesperson who they thought would stop the anger but God bless the child for her service to our country but she lied, and lied, and lied, and lied.
They want to kill us, folks, the elderly Vets and citizens, don't let them deny it.
Plus Michelle's shorts, Town Meeting cowards, and the snitch White House web site closed down.
"Mama Mia" is an okay musical, probably not for our heterosexual brethren. It does feature pop music from my era, has beautiful scenery, great acting, intriguing characters.
Two things, "Dancing Queen" will roll around in your head for a month after seeing it and the plot line, folks, it's really, really uncomfortable.
Dr. Bass became head of the Body Farm at the University of Tennessee.
There dead bodies are studied, rates of decay and other nasty stuff, to help solve crimes, identify the long dead or just so people like myself can read some really interesting stuff about it.
Not for the squeamish.

Week Ending Sunday 8/16/09
The chefs keep smoking on Hell's Kitchen 2009 and Gordon keeps cussing. We've got an update.
America's Got Talent begins the rundown to the big finale and we've got pics, videos, reviews and predictions of the first twenty in the semi-finals.
Here's a new show from ABC, "Shark Tank" and we take a look at it.
All with pics and videos you'll find nowhere else on the Internet.
Ann Coulter informs us and entertains us with her latest blockbuster…"Guilty".
A review of this book and reasons why you should read this book even if you think you already know everything.
In THOUGHTS this week we've got some snarky reasons why Obama's health care overhaul is dead, stick a fork in it.
With the absolute one thing most responsible for killing the thing, the one item they can't talk around, the one notion that Americans will never buy.
Plus Hillary the graceless one is Bad Guy of the Week, a new bathing suit that you might want to purchase and a video of the best dog act of them all.
Guest Writer Michelle entertains us with her tale of training a headstrong pup.

Week Ending Sunday 8/9/09
"Take Me Out to the Ballgame" is a book that combines sports, politics in a page-turning thriller.
If that sounds impossible, read the review then get the book. Because it's a well-written story that you'll not put down until you figure out what Cal is up to.
Three movies reviewed in this post. "Perfect Stranger" has a smashing ending and good acting by Haille Berry.
"Incredible Hulk" brings back the comic book character in an action packed film worth every second.
And "The Brady Bunch Movie" is packed with satire that had me smiling for every second. Loved the Monkees!
So we've got this year's Food Network Star and we eagerly await Melissa D'Arabian's first cooking show.
We wrap this year's contest in this post and make a promise we'll be sure to keep.
Lots of information on Obama's awful health care plan, a challenge for yon reader to turn in the Fishy Fish, cartoons that tell it like it is.
Plus a Muslim wedding that will shock you, a video on Clunkers for Cash that will break your heart.
We end with a sure smile and more in this weeks Thoughts.

Week Ending Sunday 8/2/09
The intriguing reality is that neither of these two finalists of the Next Food Network Star, Melissa or Jeffrey, have any extensive food background.
Which some would say makes it all the sweeter.
The contenders were good but the Korean, the Creole or the Healthy could beat the cooking of the 2009 Next Food Network Star finalists and their charming on screen presence.
My choice for the winner. All with pics and video you'll find nowhere else on the Internet.
It could have been the stimulus that didn't stimulate, the health care package Americans hate; bowing to the Saudi King…well President Obama has given us enough actions that will likely bring down his presidency as his ratings tank like our 401-k's.
But folks, the Gates incident illustrates more than anything where this very naive man is coming from. It will be the incident that caused his downfall.
Plus some detailed information on the Health "reform" that will have you killing Grandma; some Clinton kitchen utensils; and some thoughts on just why you have to be crazy to ask for a birth certificate?
Does this make every MVA in America conspiracy theorists?
Even though Father Beachem was his twin brother, the protagonist in this fiction short story helped arrange his twin's surprise birthday party which turned out to be a bigger surprise to the caterer and priest's brother than to the party's man of honor.
Some 2009 summer reality shows plow on, others start up, some are brand new, some old and stale.
Reviews here of 2009 "Hell's Kitchen", HGTV's 2009" Design Star"; "America's Got Talent" finally over the auditions and a new one that fat people across the fruited plains will adore:"More to Love". Or maybe not.
All with pics and video you'll find nowhere else on the Internet.
2009 Bachelorette Jillian has chosen her man.
We have a review of the Men Telling All, The Final Rose and After the Final Rose.
With some analysis of the series, some smirks, a few laughs and, of course, pics and video you'll find nowhere else on the Internet.
Kaitlyn Mae visits in July 2009 and her and Mom-Mom-ME-go to Delaware State Fair, the Cape May Zoo and watch a live musical- Oliver.
Plenty of pics and video. Watch the Zoo video cause we’ve got a winner here.
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