Week Ending Sunday 10/25/09
Her writing professor insisted the Halloween essay should scare him silly but must not exceed 300 words.
Impossible, the protagonist decides.
Yet the second place entry consisted of only three words and the winning entry only two!
We begin with a review of "Cougar Town", a confused mess to rescue "Friends'" star Courteney Cox's waning career. Why it won't work.
On to Project Runway and the Hollywood and Greek outfit could be purchased at Walmart. The women are running away with this thing.
Top Chef Vegas has a cooking relay challenge and this was a hoot. On to a restaurant challenge and the one sent packing didn't even work the kitchen!
All with pics and video you'll find nowhere else on the Internet.
It could be that the oldest contender left might win this thing.
He's handsome, young enough to get around the dance floor handily, appeals to middle-aged female viewers like myself, has an affable personality and he was proceeded by his equally likeable sister.
I speak of Donny Osmond but we've got the scoop, critiques and praise of all the remaining contenders.
It’s “Dancing With the Stars” all with pics and video you'll find nowhere else on the Internet.
They paid $9,000 each to die. Sweat Lodges Gone Wild.
Speculation as to who might have killed little Somer Thompson…what prompted police to quickly search those landfills?
Thieves steal and eat their catch; thieves wear bras as disguise.
A rant on Dave Letterman, proof that he’s Bill Clinton’s acolyte.
Arrested for being naked in his home? Way more to this story than as originally reported.
Much more in this True Crime post with pictures as entertaining as the text.
Here for the first time, the new car perfect for Government Motors…INC…the CZAR CAR! With picture!
Also, he/she is eight years old and his/her parents let him/her live like the sex he/she was not born to. Is this right or wrong?
Bernie Madoff turns out to be quite the party guy, Obama’s justice department doesn’t trust the local voters, much more.
It’s Halloween. Some of our pets dressed for the occasion. Pics!
All in this week’s THOUGHTS post.
Blog Posts of Note:
Deviled Eggs-the Definitive Way to Prepare These Gems
A Brain Infection? A Medical Odyssey of Sheer Terror.
Those Celebrity Chefs-Who Cooks With Her Boobs and Who Is Disliked by All.
The Harmony Document Database Translations
Rush Limbaugh-What He Does Wrong; What He Does Right
Those Radio Talk Show Hosts-The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

It’s a new comedy yet it’s an old one. For Frazier will make the new comedy “Hank” a success or not. A review.
Has “Hell’s Kitchen” jumped the shark? The series had its finale and a winner was announced. But everything has changed from when this cooking competition was in its glory.
Speaking of cooking competition, “Top Chef Vegas” continues on and only a fool hasn’t yet figured out who will win this thing.
And “Project Runway” continues on and it doesn’t look like any of the male designer contenders is going to win this thing. A look into the making of this popular Lifetime series, complete with pics you’ll see nowhere else on the Internet.
Guest writer Michelle regales us with a tale of the purchase of an item that she hopes to never need.
Read all about it in our Guest post this week.
ABC’s “Dancing With the Stars” is narrowing down to ten contenders and here’s a review of each contender’s faults, fancies and chances to win.
Four new dances were introduced in the last performance show and there’s a new energy, zest and vibrancy for this.
Find out who’s the clown, who’s the one who will run away with this thing, who’s the unlikely dark horse to win this thing.
All with pics and video you’ll find nowhere else on the Internet.
It’s a True Crime post and we’ve got an update on Amanda Knox, charged with murder in Italy as her trial is now ongoing.
Plus the school rule that allows liberals to keep their talking points while throwing common sense out the window. A Delaware 6-year old almost expelled for wanting to eat his pudding and a new “deadly” weapon involving food.
It’s been a bad week for rapists folks, with one killed in the act, literally with his pants down and another caught for the reward.
And tune in for this Husband of the Week Award…the fellow gropes nurse’s breast as the nurse was pushing his wife to the delivery room.
The children in the White House declare war on Fox news.
Paying homage to a great wrestler, an update on the new Czar of Pickles, the quip of the week, gays and game shows, slutty Halloween costumes, a great video, a new prize for Obama, and a serious lament about the situation in Honduras.
All in this weeks THOUGHTS.

Week Ending Sunday 10/11/09
Sure it's kid-oriented formulaic and it's no "Up" but it's an entertaining film that adults and children will quite enjoy.
It will also make a great DVD gift for Christmas and for future reminiscing viewing.
It's "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs".
Dancing With the Stars Begins to take on a personality in this autumn 2009 contest.
Reports on who danced what, who's out, who might win, who definitely won't win, score grids and general gossip/speculation.
All with pics and video you'll find nowhere else on the Internet.
Sue Scheff ran a little business referring troubled teenagers to appropriate programs based on a diagnosed need. Her lawyer John W. Dozier Jr. successfully prosecuted the case to a multi-million dollar settlement.
What you don't know about Google, search engines, laws on free speech and how to defend reputation and business could ruin your life.
These two authors give a compelling narrative on how it came down and how to avoid the same happening to you.
"Get the pretzel salad," my choir member told me after recommending Georgia House for a good but inexpensive dinner out.
I did have the pretzel salad. Also a huge chicken fried steak while husband had blackened catfish with a zesty cajun bite.
The cost of this meal, with plenty of leftovers for future meals and dog, was as big a surprise as the pretzel salad.
Thoughts this week is filled with, eh, thoughts.
Featured this week
…Dancing With the Stars or American Idol at the White House
…What I refuse to believe about that nobel peace prize…some speculation on why this sudden surprise
….My personal rant against Charlie Rangel…I spare him no anger cause Delaware’s not cutting me any slack
…keeping a White House Olympic Office…why?
…Shopping lists and breast cancer…the connection…the scam?
….that hilarious White House Doctor hoax
…Palin’s daughter’s baby daddy a pinup guy…why he’ll regret is someday
….dog poop on air force 1?
….Mike Castle running for senator from Delaware…why he’ll never get my vote
….stimulus money for Saudi Arabia? We’re not making this up.
…The REAL reason why congress won’t put that health care bill online…or Speculation is what we do.
…End with a smile…a town full of lesbians.
This week we have:
-More police bad luck and a correction to my last week bad luck cop story from astute reader.
-Lots of Bad parents stories…the worst is the fellow who drowned his three children going on trial soon, a woman who says her baby was aborted but there’s serious doubt. On to parents who got their sentence for praying instead of getting medical help for their curable daughter, to a real smart one who allowed her child to ride in a box on top of the vane on to a mother who let her 13 year old son actually DRIVE the van.
-Dave Letterman thought he was going to joke this way out of this. Only problem is the guy is a creep and his creepiness is being exposed drip by tortuous drip.
-And those who hastily defended that child rapist Roman Polanski looking stupider by the day. An update on this creep.
-A rape victim ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation..that’s right, the VICTIM.
-He got drunk and killed his identical twin brother. This saddest of stories ends tragically.
-she lived a happening 100 years to get strangled in her nursing home.

Week Ending Sunday 10/4/09
”Dancing With the Stars begins its Autumn run and we’ve got the usual actors, politicians, athletes and other has-beens that will dance, spin, twirl and jump in front of our amazed eyeballs.
This has become quite a popular reality type of series to a point that we now have COMPETING dancing shows, who ever would have thought?
In this post we have a summary of the first two shows of the season, a photo slideshow of all contenders and a fine video remix of the high points and low points of both shows.
Guest writer Michelle gives blood and it’s quite an accomplishment in her life.
Kaitlyn Mae comes to visit Mom-Mom and we’ve got the details, especially that most proud of proud presentation of Kaitlyn Mae, her school’s second KINDERGARTNER STUDENT OF THE WEEK! HERE
We’ve got fashion and cooking in this TV review post. Project Runway is a hit fashion design reality contest now running full speed on Lifetime TV. There’s pics of winning, losing and mediocre fashions plus some critiques, comments on the contenders.
Running now we’ve got Hell’s Kitchen as well as BravoTV’s Top Chef Vegas. We’ve got reviews on the shows, the food and the contenders.
Finally, we follow up on Melissa D’Arabian, winner of this past year’s Next Food Network Star. Her food is cheap to make but read what the real cost is.
All with pics and video you’ll find nowhere else on the Internet.
Maybe you think President Obama’s administration screwed up that Olympic deal. Maybe it was the Chicago Olympic committee that failed him.
I’ve got how it REALLY might have come down and we must pray, now, for our country.
Plus “cash for clunkers” insight, nineteen pound babies, all the czars you could ever want and the Bad Guys of the Week.
Well hey, if Dave Letterman can speculate on the sex life of Sarah Palin’s daughter and baseball players, why can’t I speculate on his? In this True Crime post I posit one reason why the extortionist wanted two MILLION bucks from good ole Dave.
Roman Polanski…from start to finish, let’s review this fine fellow’s history before we go defending this creep. Including, warning now, an actual interview with Polanski that will make you sick. Warning again, graphic with profanity. And why Whoopi Goldberg might lose more than her reputation for calling his crime, falsely, NOT a rape.
Elizabeth Smart testifies to her tormenter’s mental capacity, a cat horribly treated but rescued from a nightmare, poop and the swimming pool and much more.
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