Week Ending Sunday 7/19/09
He was gayer than a spring primrose. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
But it got old and the colored hair didn't help. Now The Next Food Network Star is down to four and let's discuss this cranky judge who maybe needs a man, you think?
All with pics and video you'll find nowhere else on the Internet.
Bachelorette Jillian encounters a man with, ahem, problems that only a man can have.
It's all double entendre and euphemisms but the funniest part of all….she actually gives the fellow a rose that he can continue on.
All with pics and video you'll find nowhere else on the Internet.
A rant on that Social Security luxury retreat. They learn how to dance on our taxpayer dime and this after Obama sicced his Acorn buddies on AIG for doing the same thing.
Plus the horror of Obamacare. How about that bit that will require all Medicare recipients to file a report every five years about how they'd prefer to die?
It's fiction but it will someday be very true as the writer of the diary asserts.
For now, it's up to Youtube to provide a scary but very believable illustration of how marriage will be defined in America's future.
Blog Posts of Note:
Deviled Eggs-the Definitive Way to Prepare These Gems
A Brain Infection? A Medical Odyssey of Sheer Terror.
Those Celebrity Chefs-Who Cooks With Her Boobs and Who Is Disliked by All.
The Harmony Document Database Translations
Rush Limbaugh-What He Does Wrong; What He Does Right
Those Radio Talk Show Hosts-The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Week Ending Sunday 7/12/09
Finally we are rid of the preacher of healthy food on the 2009 Next Food Network Star.
The challenge was to make kid's food appealing to adults and adult food appealing to kids. The results were interesting, to say the least.
All with pics and video you'll find nowhere else on the Internet.
Jillian finally sends home the scum bucket.
We explore the review of this episode and delve into the mystery of the Fantasy Suite.
Do they really "do" it? Or do they just talk all night? Isn't it a bit slutty to be sleeping with all these contenders?
All with pics and video you'll find nowhere else on the Internet.
In Thoughts this week we have Obama news.
For the Commander in Chief is traveling and we have fashion disasters. Only this time it's the Obama DAUGHTER dressed very inappropriately.
And is the President really gawking at that teenaged girl?
The final word on Michael Jackson and time, puleeze, to move on.
Two Movie Reviews.
One is of a 1994 movie that captured my fancy one lazy afternoon. It's called "The Paper" and I dream of journalists that might once again have such pride and integrity.
The other is "Ice Age/Dawn of the Dinosaurs" and here's a terrific animated movie, a great story that children will love.
It's no "UP" but adults will like it too.
Kaitlyn celebrates 4th of July-earns her first dollar.
Guest Michelle and Mongolian BBQs.
Above Post HERE
Week Ending Sunday 7/5/09

The toaster-pocketbook was Drew Parker's fashion idea. She also came up with the living crucifixion of a town smoker as example of what happens to those who dare light up.
Here's a funny fictional(?) story of the discovery of the genius of Drew Parker and how she'll go far from the outrageousness and satire she brings to cherished political ideals.
It's "The Empress Wore Weird Clothes".
It's time for yon readers to put their money where their mouth is. We have genuine odds on the remaining contenders for 2009's The Next Food Network Star" along with my own sure bet recommendation.
Teddy the liar finally went home and we narrow down to a field of six in this summer foodie contest that has us all rooting for....who?
With pics and video you'll find nowhere else on the Internet.
Heh. Surely the producers of The Philanthropist meant this show to be a comedy. Surely?
It's a liberal's dream show, as far removed from truth and reality as…well most liberal ideas.
We've got a tongue-in-cheek, pokey-fun review.
Also, America's Got Talent continues on and the acts being sent through just boggle the mind. 75 dancing little girls donned in little orphan annie wigs? The judges think they can win this thing?
HGTV's "Showdown" quickly review and dismissed.
All with pics and video you'll find nowhere else on the Internet.
The Bachelorette Jillian's down to four finalists that might be her husband in the near future.
One of them is a snake but fear not, I've got the reason why this guy remains even though he readily admits, on camera, to his snakiness.
Also, he left and now he's back and again, my inside scoop on why Ed bailed out precisely during Home Town visit week.
All with pics and video you'll find nowhere else on the Internet.
In THOUGHTS this week we follow a couple of local Delaware yet very national political players.
Mike Castle, Mr. Republican Cap and Trade, is our Bad Guy of the Week. Our President-to-Be sometime in our future, Beau Biden, gets in his first pot of hot water and we're following this young man as he prepares for the Oval Office.
A couple of Quips of the Week that'll leave you in stitches and we know that young women in bikinis sell stuff handily. But fireworks?
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