
Survivor One World: One Man and Five Women, What a World, huh?

Pic of Day

So the Survivor episode aired on 5/2/12 was the first of this competitive reality show that kept my interest, intrigued me, that I even cared about.

I enjoy watching this show but on a very superficial level. It's the sort of show I surf the net while it airs, perhaps catch up on my crocheting. I know the females will all be wearing skimpy bikinis, that the men will be unshaven and bare-chested. The scenery is pretty but after one half a minute it's been there, done that.

There will be a reward challenge and it's sort of cool. Survivor challenges are a tad interesting. There's a lot of putting puzzle pieces together, a lot of running and jumping, to cause the boobs to jiggle I suspect. But I'll pay attention though by me, Big Brother has way better challenges.

After the reward challenge we get to see a happy competitor drink a beer or enjoy and ice cream, leaving me, as I always gripe, wondering what these people get to eat and drink on the island. By me that's never made completely clear. Of course with the passage of time and exposure I kind of ascertain that the competitors are not given much but how much is not much is not clear to me. I see glimpses of competitors catching fish. If they don’t' catch any fish, do they not get any food?

Inquiring viewer minds want it made clearer.

At any rate, after the first challenge there's a lot of angst, drama and pathos as the competitors interact. This sort of thing is the norm for these types of shows. For some reason, in Survivor, maybe it's the roar of the ocean in the background, I see no rhyme or reason to the plotting.

Generally there's lots of confabs going on, attempts to get a consensus going to eliminate another contender. Which is going on I must suppose but I note that the Survivor eviction counts generally are over the place. So I'm not sure how successful an exotic island causes this sort of "campaigning" to become.

Except this week they sent the silly Kat packing, as well they should have.

And they sent her packing for no other reason than she proved her shallowness by those she picked to join her in a feast after winning a reward challenge. The reward was being able to enjoy a lunch with a loved one. This Survivor episode had reunions with all the remaining contenders' loved ones. Some of the stories were particularly poignant.

A scene below about Kat's selfish choices.

Christina's father had a kidney transplant and is expected to have a shortened life span. Tarzan was the only one joined by a spouse. I must suppose that half of a married couple seldom goes on these things.

Kat had been chosen to share in a reward by another contender in an earlier reward offering. But did Kat return the favor?


And did she choose either Christina or Tarzan and his wife to join in the special reward. An action that would have been very kind.


Kat said she chose fellow contenders to join her who would better entertain her.

Proving it is, as always, all about Kat.

Well she got kicked off the island and frankly I was glad to see it.

It was for me, so far this season for this show, the first time I got myself somewhat involved with the action.

Now there's six left and Sabrina looks to be the favorite as I predict.

"Tarzan" is definitely the wisest, heh, stating that "Kat is not a thinker", but he's 64 years old and soon he'll be eliminated by all the feminine youth around him.

Below more posts on this Blog about Survivor One World.

-Survivor One World-Men versus Women Continues and the Women Were Doing Okay. Now It All Changes

Survivor One World-Now One Tribe and the Nasty One Is Gone

Survivor One World-It Begins With Some Really Strange Contenders

Survivor One World-Ice Cream, Pizza, Beer and Men Being Sent Off Like Flies

Survivor can be seen on CBS on Wednesday nights at 8pm. The finale will air this coming Sunday night,5/13/12 beginning at 8pm.

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