An infant dies after a sexual assault. Let’s hope investigators are checking closely on the death of Sean Taylor. And how about that British woman under arrest for naming a teddy bear Mohammad?
New info on the Madeleine McCann case.

Couple Killed for $50 Debt
Daniel Tavares killed his mother 16 years ago by stabbing her to death with a carving knife. In July of this year, a Boston area judge released Tavares that he may prey on more people.
From the Seattle Times:
The couple, who lived in Graham, Pierce County, were found fatally shot in their home Nov. 17. On Tuesday, police arrested a neighbor, Daniel Tavares Jr., 41. He has been charged with aggravated first-degree murder in their deaths. Charging papers said the slayings followed an argument over a $50 debt.
So we have a criminal who viciously killed his own mother, from Massachusetts, a liberal heaven, who four months later viciously and cold-bloodedly killed a young couple over an alleged $50 debt. This in Washington state, another liberal heaven. Thus we must doubt that the fine Tavares will ever meet his death for this crime.
Let the liberals take over this country and this story will be an every day thing.
And God forbid they should hook this guy up to a fine solution that would stop his heart. Can’t do that. He’s a human being. We should love all human beings.
Not that Tavares’ mother wasn’t a human and not that the Mauck couple weren’t law-abiding people pursuing their happiness in this great land.
Taveres is troubled and we should give him the love.
Infant Dies After Sexual Assault
Neveah Richardson was only nine days old when her mother awoke to find the child bleeding from the mouth.
From Click on
LINCOLN PARK, Mich. -- A father in Lincoln Park is being charged with domestic violence in an incident that ended in the death of his 9-day-old daughter.
A medical examiner, however, has ruled the death a homicide and further charges might be pending as police sort through what happened the day after Thanksgiving.
NINE days old. Neveah was a helpless baby, helpless to fight back in any way the assault on her tiny body that she could not comprehend.
Neveah’s father, the fine Christopher Richardson, was arrested for beating his wife as she tried to drive the baby to the hospital. Police believe this wonderful man was involved in the assault on Neveah.
Let’s hope that just because Neveah was only 9 days old that she’s not dismissed as just a late partial-birth abortion.
When a country abandons the helpless a country loses its very soul. Let there be justice for Neveah. Let’s give Christopher Richardson a date with a needle.
In The News
I don’t have a link for the following; it came to me via email. But it all has the “sound” of a whacky truth.
A woman was reporting her car as stolen, and mentioned that there was a car phone in it.
The policeman taking the report called the phone and told the guy that answered that he had read the ad in the newspaper and wanted to buy the car. They arranged to meet, and the thief was arrested.
45 year-old Amy Brasher was arrested in San Antonio, Texas, after a mechanic reported to police that 18 packages of marijuana were packed in the engine compartment of the car which she had brought to the mechanic for an oil change.
According to police, Brasher later said that she didn't realize that the mechanic would have to raise the hood to change the oil.
David Posman, 33, was arrested recently in Providence, R.I, after allegedly knocking out an armored car driver and stealing the closest four bags of money. It turned out they contained $800 in PENNIES, weighed 30 pounds each,
and slowed him to a stagger during his getaway so that police officers easily jumped him from behind.
A Dutch veterinarian was fined 600 guilders (about $240) for causing a fire that destroyed a farm in Lichten Vourde, the Netherlands. The vet had been trying to convince a farmer that his cow was passing flatulent gas; to demonstrate, the vet ignited the gas, but the cow became a "four-legged flame-thrower" and ran wild, setting fire to bales of hay.
Damage to the farm was assessed at $80,000. The cow was unharmed.
Californian Bill Helko was thrilled when he had the winning numbers in the local lottery, the first prize being $412,000.
He straight away went and ordered a Porsche, booked a family holiday in Hawaii and had a champagne dinner with his wife and friends at an expensive Hollywood restaurant.
When he went to pick up the winnings he found that 9,097 others had also won first prize and his share of the jackpot was $45.
Mighty Religion of Peace and More Fine Islamic PR
If the idiots are not rioting over cartoons for God’s sake, we have the following:
KHARTOUM, Sudan (CNN) -- A British teacher arrested in Sudan after allowing her class to name a teddy bear "Mohammed" has been charged by authorities with offending religion, British officials say.
Gillian Gibbons, 54, is being held by police in the capital Khartoum after she asked her class of seven-year-olds to come up with a name for the toy as part of a school project, Robert Boulos, the head of Unity High School told CNN.
So okay, Gibbons is a British citizen who left Liverpool, England to go teach in the Sudan. The Sudan is not considered a paradise by any means so we must consider that Gibbons wanted to add something good to her life on earth by offering an experienced teacher to a country in need of same.
Whatever her reasons, Gibbons only wanted the class she was teaching to name a teddy bear mascot she was using as a teaching aid to teach about animals and their habitats. She alleges that it was her students who chose the name Mohammad for the teddy bear.
Gibbons has been arrested by the fine and intelligent Muslim led government of Sudan and she faces 60 lashes and/or a year in jail for “insulting” Islam. As if those Muslims own behavior isn’t enough of an insult to tell the whole world what they’re about.
The British government is, as would be expected, deeply involved in negotiating the release of its citizen.
More than likely Gibbons will be released but IF she should be punished by a lashing by the thugs in the Sudanese government, the world will lose any respect it has for mighty Great Britain.
Someone should tell the Sudanese that half of the males in Mexico are named Jesus.
What Happened to Sean Taylor?
How tragic. He died after an alleged robber shot him in the leg. Unfortunately, the bullet hit the femoral artery and Taylor essentially bled to death. His live-in girlfriend and Taylor’s daughter were not harmed. Just eight days ago, an intruder was reported in the Taylor home.
MIAMI - Washington Redskins safety Sean Taylor has died, a day after he was shot at home, said family friend Richard Sharpstein.
Sean Taylor is a young man, only 24 years old. He has a checkered past and the NFL has had a tough time controlling him.
We’ll be following this case but already I’ve got some thoughts. As do the investigators, I am sure. This alleged break-in from a week ago, the burglar supposedly left a kitchen knife on Taylor’s bed.
Odd as all get out.
Now there’s another alleged burglar and this time ONLY Taylor gets harmed?
Here’s hoping the investigators are taking a very close look at Taylor’s live-in girlfriend. Who, I hasten to add, was not harmed and neither was her daughter.
If a Crime Could Be Called Intriguing …
You have to wonder why…
A Cleveland, Ohio man has pled guilty to participating in a scheme that involved using AT&T employee passwords and identities to place false 911 calls to emergency dispatch centers.
Stuart Rosoff is facing as much as five years in prison and a US$250,000 fine after pleading guilty to charges of harassing people by tricking 911 operators into dispatching police SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics) teams to the homes of their unsuspecting victims. Rosoff was part of a group of about 15 to 20 people who met in chat rooms and telephone party lines to exchange information on how to conduct their attacks, according to court documents.
Seems a group of cyberguys figured out this really cool way to bother people.
So they call up 911, somehow and someway disguising their phone number. They give an address, evidently of somebody they want to get even with or distract, and come up with some story that has the local cops sending out a Swat team.
For instance, I call 911 and report that I am at my neighbor’s address (the one whose dogs bark all the time and get on my nerves). I tell them I have a gun and have already killed three people in the home. I tell them I have a live hostage and I’m about to kill him or her.
The police have no choice but to respond cautiously to the call as even if my neighbor’s house is quiet with all residents sleeping peacefully, the police must assume that there’s someone inside holding a resident hostage.
Criminals. Just when one type of crime is stomped, they come up with yet another. They need lives, folks. They need happening, vibrant happy lives.
Until then, you and I must pay for their outrageous behavior.
Senior Citizens Continue to Shoot the Criminals
We reported on a Texas senior’s shoot-out with his neighbors’ burglars, HERE. Of course this was a case where a homeowner used a gun and killed two people under very questionable circumstances.
In the case below, Benito Valdez fired his weapon into the air rather than kill the would-be thieves.
From the Miami Herald:
Benito Valdez had settled in for the night security shift, listening to Spanish radio on a chair outside a Hialeah juice bar when he saw shadows coming toward him.
That's when the 71-year-old's training in the Cuban navy kicked in.
I’m all for Americans’ right to own guns but to willy-nilly go around shooting perps doesn’t impress me. Good on Benito for handling it so sanely.
Suspect in Madeleine McCann’s Disappearance Has Questionable Alibi
I knew about suspicions cast on Robert Murat as regards Madeleine McCann’s disappearance. I didn’t know that his lady friend was also a suspect.
It seems that this lady friend had an alibi but below, that alibi was seriously questioned.
From the Daily Record:
THE alibi given by the lover of Madeleine McCann suspect Robert Murat for the night she vanished looked blown apart last night.
Michaela Walczuch claimed she was at a Jehovah's Witness meeting when the four-year-old was snatched in Portugal in May.
However, a church elder claimed the organisation had kicked her out before then.
Brother Teofilo Castela said: "Michaela was thrown out.
It’s important to take all news accounts of this crime be taken with a grain of salt. Half the time it’s the McCanns THEMSELVES that are the source of the info.
FOCUS ON Natalee Holloway
In May of 2005, Natalee Holloway, a recent graduate just barely of age, joined some of her school mates on a much-anticipated graduation trip to the island paradise of Aruba.
Came the time to fly back home, Natalee was nowhere to be found.
The last time Natalee was seen she was leaving with three locals, one Deepak Kalpoe and his brother Satish. Also along was Joran Vandersloot, a local kid known to frequent Aruba's night spots trolling for pretty American girls.
For two and a half year the Aruban and Dutch investigators fooled around with this case, "arresting" many suspects, including those three Aruban brats, then letting them go.
Suddenly, in November of 2007 Joran and the Kalpoe brothers are arrested. An announcement by Aruban authorities came with news of the arrests that "new and incriminating" evidence had been found.
Will justice ever come for Natalee Holloway?
Below a list of links of stories on this Blog since Natalee first went missing.
First post about Natalee's disappearance from an Internet newsgroup
Paulus Vandersloot Arrested
Last three boys seen with Natalee Holloway arrested
Suspect Boys Seen Dumping Large trash bag in landfill
Alabama Governor Calls for Boycott of Aruba
Aruban investigators call Beth Holloway Twitty biggest impediment to investigation
Theory of Aruban authorities on what happened to Natalee
New "arrests" made on Holloway case
Natalee's parents file lawsuit against Vandersloots
John Ramsey and Natalee Holloway's Mom
Three Suspects Re-Arrested -November 07
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