Seems the Marines finally remembered that Maria Lauterbach was one of their own.
A dog mercilessly thrown from an overpass recovers, an Aunt kills her niece and nephew heartlessly, a fine fellow killed his parents now wants a plea deal, a hypocrite caught having sex with 14-year-old for money, Drew Peterson's "date" contest, a circumcision case goes to court, a baby's body sent to the cleaners and this man vowed to die like a man defending his family. We compare him to that great Connecticut hero, Doctor Petit.
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Fine, Brave Fellow Throws Dog Off Overpass Than Kicks Him Repeatedly
Ryan's mother must be so proud of him.
KALAMA, Wash. -- Kalama police arrested a man Thursday who is accused of throwing his family's dog off an overpass.
Police said Ryan Fraser, 18, took an 11-month-old Labrador to a train pedestrian overpass near Elm Street and Interstate 5 earlier this month.
They said he threw the dog from the overpass -- about 37 feet high -- onto the asphalt road below.
Police said Fraser then walked down to the road and kicked the dog repeatedly in the ribs and chest.
The dog suffered a severely ruptured bladder. Intriguingly, this family had pet care insurance which paid for the veterinarian costs. The dog did survive.
Let's hope this fellow doesn't get the dog back. The article doesn't mention where the dog went after all the surgery.
Baby's Body Sent Out With Dirty Laundry
It's not clear from the article linked how the baby's body got banged and misshapen but let us assume that sending the body of a dead baby out with the laundry isn't proper protocol at most hospitals.
FORT WORTH, Texas - A couple are suing a hospital after their stillborn baby's body was sent with dirty laundry to the cleaners.
The Huguley Memorial Medical Center of Fort Worth staff took 19 hours to find the missing body, which was unpreserved and by then had been crushed and disfigured, according to the lawsuit filed Tuesday.
Well of course the aggrieved couple is suing. What's also not clear from the article linked is just on what basis the hospital states that it did nothing wrong or improper. Go with me on this, dead bodies going out with the hospital laundry, well IT AIN'T RIGHT!
Such a Tragedy With a Little Too Much "Understanding"
It doesn't much matter what horrors a dead individual might have done, almost always there's a neighbor, friend or relative who will tell the world that the "victim" was a fine individual who loved the world, their family, truth, justice and the American way.
Below is just a weird story but so horribly tragic in that two children who thought they were going to a sleepover party were picked up by their Aunt for transport to the party. Sometime later she pulled over on the side of the Interstate, removed both her and the children's clothes then, holding the children in her arms, walked directly onto the Interstate.
This woman, her niece and nephew were killed instantly.
Marcelle Thibault had been ticketed earlier for failing to stay between the lines on the same Interstate. The police officer who ticketed her said she seemed a bit confused and dazed but then the woman had just ran into a guardrail. She told the officer that she must have fallen asleep at the wheel. She was given the ticket then went on her way to pick up the children.
According to Thibault's family, she was a fine, fine individual who was devoted to her own adolescent children and who loved to give parties just like the one she was taking her niece and nephew to.
Marcelle did have an earlier episode of mental illness but her family assures the world that it was a brief period of time in her life and had nothing to do with the bizarre murder of her niece and nephew.
Hey, somebody tell this family that undressing helpless children and marching them onto an Interstate to die is FREAKING ABNORMAL!
Also tell them that, hey I'll allow as this is the action of a seriously crazy person but if you're going to pooh-pooh her mental illness than your fine family member must BE AN EVIL BITCH!
Just clarifying here.
BOSTON - A woman who killed herself and her sister's two small children by walking into oncoming interstate traffic had a minor car accident and State Police cited her just hours before the double murder-suicide.
Marcelle "Marci" Thibault, 39, showed no signs of impairment when three State Police troopers arrived to the scene of the accident - the same highway where she would later die - around 6:50 p.m. on Jan. 11, State Police Capt. Barry O'Brien told The Associated Press on Friday.
Court Blocks Circumcision on Divorced Man's Son
The young man involved in this saga is twelve. His parents are divorced. The father recently converted to Judaism. The father wanted to have his son circumcised as is the custom of his adopted faith. The kid's mother fought to block the action.
The lower court ruled in favor of the circumcision. A higher court agreed with the mother's argument that the boy had not adequately expressed HIS opinion on the matter. The mother said the boy was too scared of his father's wrath to express his fear of the procedure in court.
The Oregon Supreme Court on Friday blocked a divorced former Southern Oregon man from circumcising his 12-year-old son against the wishes of the boy's mother.
The court ruled that the trial judge failed to determine whether the boy wanted to have the procedure. The child's mother, Lia Boldt, claims that circumcision is dangerous and that her son is afraid to say he doesn't want the procedure. Go here for the court's decision.
Well hey, I tend to think that young boy babies would probably not agree to the procedure either if they had a voice. Who in their right mind would say, with a smile, yeah, please, cut off the end of my most private part?
So I'm thinking this 12-year-old boy, who maybe did NOT convert to Judaism like his father, would probably not welcome the procedure.
Whatever the nuances of this case, a 12-year-old boy is capable of expressing such a preference and before undertaking the irreversible procedure it should be made explicitly clear that the boy WANTS the circumcision. Nevermind the wishes of the father, it's not HIS penis.
Which brings me to the still ongoing debate over the merits of circumcision and as a lifelong female...
...well hey, I've been married a time or two, to both circumcised and uncircumcised males. Myself has no preference as the private parts work much the same one way or the other.
But if it were ME, and I had a choice, heh, I wouldn't have them cutting me up down there for any reason at all. Which, by the way, my uncircumcised mates were (and ARE) plenty clean down there and it's but small matter to wash one's self, you think?
Killed His Parents, Accepts Plea Deal
I'd insert my sarcastic caveat about how Adam Sapikowski's parents must be so proud of him but I can't. Because Adam's parents are dead, shot dead by Adam himself at close range with their bodies wrapped in blankets and hidden in an unused room in the Sapikowski house.
This fine young man then attended his senior prom and even held an after-prom party at his house with his dead parents up in that room!
Hillsborough - A Chapel Hill teenager on Friday agreed to a plea deal in the May 2005 shotgun slayings of his parents, whose bodies were hidden for weeks inside the family's upscale home.
Adam Sapikowski, 19, pleaded guilty to felony obstruction of justice and agreed to plead guilty to two counts of second-degree murder in the deaths of James Sapikowski, 52, and Allison Sapikowski, 49.
Adam is accepting a plea deal by the state and with a charge of second-degree murder it is expected he will spend at least fifty years behind bars.
Maybe he'll plea for mercy from the court because he's now an orphan.
This family wants to avoid the spectacle of a trial. Reading between the lines, it's evident there was oddness in that family. James Sapikowski is said to have been a bit of a tyrant. Of course one does not get to murder one's parents even if they are tyrants. Still and so, the Sapikowski family has agreed to the plea bargain thus it is perhaps the best course all around.
Maria Lauterbach to Receive Honor Escort
Well whatdoyaknow? The United States Marine Corp finally recognizes that Maria Lauterbach is, in fact, a marine.
Which is about time because this woman went missing in mid-December 2007 and it wasn't until January 7th or so that somebody finally went looking for her.
Her body, along with her almost full-term foetus, was found, charred and buried, in another marine's backyard!
DAYTON, Ohio - An honor escort from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base accompanied the remains of a slain 20-year-old pregnant Marine to a funeral home Friday.
First, when Maria went missing late last year, isn't that like AWOL or something? When marines don't show up for duty, whether it's because they're burned and dead in a fellow marine's back yard or they've been kidnapped by the enemy, isn't that an AWOL status and shouldn't the marines go looking for their missing member?
At least it's nice to know that Lauterbach will finally be given a decent burial with the marine honor escort she deserves.
I'll never quite get over how everyone was so busy Christmas shopping and tending to business that this young woman's disappearance was so steadfastly ignored. It didn't help that her own mother was bad-mouthing Maria as a total liar, may this fine woman live with her improper comments forever and ever.
Fine Fellow Helps 14-Year-Old Girls Begin Prostitution Career
A couple of young ladies decided that they needed some extra cash. So they figured, hey, a couple of blow difficult is this?
Given some help from a couple of fine fellows in their mid-20's (it's not like these males were horny adolescents is what I'm saying here), the girls made twenty bucks each by servicing these guys, whose mothers and family must be so proud of them.
OREM - Police say they found pornography in an Orem store that rented edited movies after arresting the owner for allegedly engaging in sexual activity with two 14-year-old girls.
Daniel Thompson, owner of the former Flix Club that recently closed from legal pressures, was arrested at his store after police received information that he and a Flix Club co-owner had traded sexual favors with two 14-year-old girls for $20 each, said Orem Police Lt. Doug Edwards.
It's not clear from the linked article but other items I've read about the owner of this movie rental club indicated that he presented himself as some sort of keeper of the morals, his movie store even editing certain movies for family consumption. Which makes him a lying hypocrite as well.
Chance to Win Date With Drew Peterson Nixed
What's really weird is that Drew Peterson's lawyer, a fellow named Brodsky, was on the line with Drew when he called Chicago radio host Steve Dahl and offered to go out on a date with a listener who would win the honor.
Later, as is reported, the radio station pulled its endorsement of the contest, which would have been called "win a date with Drew".
What the hell was that alleged attorney Brodsky thinking? I can understand Drew Peterson. This guy's a narcissist in a world centered by Drew Peterson and only Drew Peterson.
First, Stacey Peterson went missing late in 2007. Yes, the fine Drew Peterson alleges he had nothing to do with her disappearance and Drew asserts that, in fact, Stacey ran off with another man.
Which means she left her two young children behind, she missed the Christmas holidays and, if we are to believe Drew, Stacey currently is holed up in a motel room with her lover, munching popcorn, making love and laughing at the televised accounts of the desperate search for her.
But even if you buy into Drew's right to date again as he's not suspected in her disappearance, NOT true, and forget that bit about the murder of his third wife, what man would go seeking ANOTHER female perhaps to kill within two months of his current wife's disappearance who we are not sure is even dead?
And this so-called attorney went along with the joke. According to the linked article, it was the RADIO STATION that called off this joke, not the suspect in possibly two murders or the attorney supposedly representing him!
From the
Valentine's Day is three weeks away, and Drew Peterson is looking for love.
More time in the media spotlight, too, but also love.
Peterson got the attention he wanted, but the date will have to wait. His lawyer's on-air suggestion during a surprise phone call he and his client made Wednesday to Steve Dahl's Chicago radio show that they stage a "Win a Date With Drew" contest on Dahl's WJMK-FM 104.3 program Thursday morning has been nixed.
Thank God the radio station got some sense. We know Drew Peterson had not an ounce and we must wonder about that alleged attorney of his.
He Decided to Die Like a Man Defending His Family
We end with this upbeat story although we must emphasize that Bernard Dwyer suffered stab wounds to his head and was beaten unconscious with knuckle beaters.
This story struck a cord with me as I remember the very tragic murder of two young Connecticut teenagers who were burned alive while tied to their beds. These young women has been deserted by their parents, BOTH of them.
Covered HERE on this Blog, the Petit family of Connecticut had been invaded in mid of night by a couple of Keystone Kops burglars. Dr. Petit had been up and about. When this dynamic duo encountered the doctor in what they'd only intended to be a late night burglary, they beat him on the head with a baseball bat, covered his upper torso with a plastic bag then tied him to a pole in the basement.
Those couple of n'er-do-wells then encountered the 11 year old girl and her older sister in their bedrooms and all hell broke loose.
As would be revealed later, this pair had NO weapons. But they repeatedly raped those women, they took Mrs. Petit to her bank and forced her to withdraw cash. This pair of hapless criminals had a field day ending with burning those two young girls alive to get rid of their DNA evidence.
Doctor Petit? Well he had been tied to a pole in the basement but, oddly, once that fire went off that would kill his daughters in the most horrific way imaginable, this after they'd been raped and abused all damn night, it seemed that the good doctor was THEN, when HIS life was in danger, managed to get free and seek help.
But it was too late. His daughters had been burned alive and his trusting wife, who had so many opportunities to get some kind of help, had been strangled by those creeps who she naively trusted would go away once she got them the money.
A millionaire yesterday told how he fought off three armed burglars who were holding a knife to his daughter's throat, saying he "would rather die like a man than a dog".
Bernard Dwyer, 51, was convinced he and his family were about to be killed so he chose to take on the men - hours after they had allegedly killed a restaurant owner, a court heard.
Bernard Dwyer had the right idea. He could have taught Doctor Petit a thing or two.
FOCUS ON Stacy Peterson
His third wife died in the bathtub, a healthy woman in a dried tub, her hair covered in blood and bruises covering her body. The Illinois state cops called it an accident! Now Savio's body is due to be exhumed because, as it would turn out, the fine Drew Peterson had yet ANOTHER missing wife! He tells us she phoned him to tell him she's leaving for another man. Yet she left her two young children behind?
And no one's yet been able to find Drew Peterson's first two wives as of this writing.
Who's been letting Drew Patterson get away with murder?
Introduction to the strange case of Drew Peterson's wives.
Drew Peterson's third wife's body to be exhumed
Drew Peterson's Third Wife's Death Determined to be Homicide
Drew Peterson and the Blue Barrel
Drew Peterson's airplane
New search warrant for Drew Peterson
Drew Peterson Can't Get a Date

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