We've also got twin gay porn stars who moonlight as burglars, a fine fellow who videotaped his rape on his cellphone, and the strange, strange story of the baby in the livery carriage.
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Police Dogs Don Fancy Footwear
From Yahoo.com:
German police dogs to wear shoes
Mon Feb 25, 4:14 PM ET
BERLIN - Police dogs in the western city of Duesseldorf will no longer get their feet dirty when on patrol - the entire dog unit will soon be equipped with blue plastic fiber shoes, a police spokesman said Monday.
"All 20 of our police dogs - German and Belgian shepherds - are currently being trained to walk in these shoes," Andre Hartwich said. "I'm not sure they like it, but they'll have to get used to it."
The unusual footwear is not a fashion statement, Hartwich said, but rather a necessity due to the high rate of paw injuries on duty. Especially in the city's historical old town - famous for both its pubs and drunken revelers - the dogs often step into broken beer bottles.
"Even the street-cleaning doesn't manage to remove all the glass pieces from between the streets' cobble stones," Hartwich said, adding that the dogs frequently get injured by little pieces sticking deep in their paws.
The dogs will start wearing the shoes this spring but only during operations that demand special foot protection. The shoes comes in sizes small, medium and large and were ordered in blue to match the officers uniforms, Hartwich said.
"Now we just have to teach the dogs how to tie their shoes," he joked.
3-Year Old's Murderers and Tormenters Just, Poof, Walk Free
From the Times Tribune:
Police suspected Darak Antonio Williams and Kashema Reddish knew more about the death of 3-year-old Kavannah Salvador than they were saying, but lacked sufficient evidence to detain the couple, authorities said Thursday.
The slain child's mother and live-in boyfriend walked out of Scranton police headquarters a week ago. Kavannah's death has since been ruled a homicide, but police have been unable to locate the couple.
I am no expert on police investigations but the circumstances surrounding the death of little Kavannah Salvador were certainly suspicious and the fact that the child's murderers just walked free to disappear perhaps forever is certainly more than suspicious.
Let's begin with the facts. Little Kavannah was being watched by her mother's live-in boyfriend, almost always the beginning point of these child murders. At around 3:30 pm the fine boyfriend calls Kavannah's mother, Kashema, and tells her to come home, that something is wrong with Kavannah. They take Kavannah to the hospital and she is pronounced dead. Hospital personnel were immediately suspicious as to what happened to Kavannah and right from the start knew that the child had been dead for several hours BEFORE she was brought in for medical attention.
Now here's where the story gets weird. Police respond to calls from the hospital about the child's death. Specimens from the child were sent to all the hospital labs and a cat scan was performed.
Meanwhile this fine man and the child's mother were being questioned by Scranton police when the live-in boyfriend got up and simply left the police station! He demanded a lawyer, as is his right, and he and Kavannah's fine mother just, poof, walked away from the homicide of a three-year-old!
After they left the results of all the medical tests on the dead child, remember this is within a few hours after she had been brought in, came in and there were many old injuries on the child found on the cat scan and many bruises and other injuries found on her corpse.
Now help me out here...are you telling me the police could not, in some fashion and under some circumstance, have KEPT these two cretins? Instead they just let them go?
For this fine pair are now gone. And they left behind the fine mother Kashema's other child which is fine as that child's probably better off. But this fine pair are free as the breeze while an innocent child is dead and a deputy district attorney just shrugs his shoulders and says there was nothing he could do, that he was waiting for the medical tests.
This sounds to me like that old disease "lackaballs". The medical people had right away told the investigators that Kavannah was dead long before she was brought to the hospital. Handcuffs should have been slapped on those parents right then and there.
If nothing else, this pair should have had police surveillance assigned to make sure they didn't...well hey, it's possible, what with a dead child and everything, they might try to run away.
I guess the fine Scranton investigators never thought of this.
Fine Proud Fellow Videotapes Rape on Cell Phone
The story as linked infers that at least two fine, proud fellows were involved in the rape of this female. That Vidal guy was likely the one who videotaped the rape. The story suggests there were others involved in the crime.
Wow. I mean just how vain and stupid is it to videotape yourself committing a crime? Not that world won't be a better place with this creep put away for a long time thanks to his fine forensic help.
From the NewsObserver.com:
According to arrest warrants, Acosta is charged with raping a 17-year-old female the night of Feb. 15. Another man, 26-year-old Jose Vidal, was charged Feb. 21 in connection with the incident. He faces the same charges.
Drew Peterson's Publicist Strives to Show Us His "Softer" Side
I must say that Glenn Selig has his work cut out for him. For Mr. Selig is a publicist and has the task of creating a softer, more gentle Drew Peterson.
Drew Peterson, for a quick catch up, tends to lose his wives rather strangely. His third wife, Kathleen Savio, died from a fall in the bathtub, a rare occurrence for a healthy woman. His fourth wife, Stacy, has totally disappeared since before Christmas. According to Drew, even as I type Stacy is likely holed up in a motel room with a lover, eating popcorn and laughing at the many search efforts launched to find her. Stacy left her two young children behind and didn't even return during the Christmas holidays.
Now we have this man on The Today Show to be interviewed by wimpy, ball-less Matt Lauer.

From the Chicago Tribune:
Before appearing on NBC's "Today" show Thursday, Drew Peterson had a conversation with his recently hired publicist: Maybe it was time for the public to see another side of Drew.
"He's a nice guy. He's a normal guy, and that's what people needed to see. I wasn't creating someone that he wasn't. I just want people to see another side of him," said publicist Glenn Selig. "I think it has begun."
Go with me here, Drew Peterson is NOT a "nice guy" or a "normal guy". He might be a good actor but fellows whose wives disappear like this guy's are not nice and they're not normal.
I think these blatant attempts to prejudice a potential jury pool will not work. We have lots of common sense out here in la-la land which is why they choose US to serve on juries. We know that men whose wives keep dying or disappearing all about are not the norm. Duh.
Meanwhile, From Foxnews.com:
Drew Peterson's two sons with third wife Kathleen Savio are expected to appear Thursday morning before a grand jury investigating the death of their mother, FOX News' Greta Van Susteren reported.
Drew Peterson was certainly a fertile fellow and he tended to have at least two children with wives he wed after successfully getting rid of the prior wife. Two of Drew's sons will now be given a chance to testify before a grand jury now investigating the death of their mother Kathleen Savio who did NOT, as it would turn out, slip and fall in the bath tub to cause her death. Heh.
The fine investigators into that so-called natural death too need to be brought before a grand jury, not that Drew Peterson isn't a cop of anything and hey, I'll throw it out there, could his co-cops have given the man a pass on the death of his wife?
Twin Gay Porn Stars Moonlight as Burglars
If ever a crime and a pair of criminals could be called "cool" it has to be these dudes.
First, it took a New Jersey task force 18 MONTHS to get these guys. With but a hacksaw and few other tools, this twin pair would managed to get into various businesses included beauty shops, WAWA's and, we're not making this up, a "Wings to Go". They took cash, of course, but also, well since they were already inside, cigarettes and condoms.
Condoms they need evidently for their other life of gay porn stars.
Reading on at the link below, this is one talented pair of identical twins. They deal drugs as required, star in porn films and have, on occasion, actually been legitimate male models.
From Philly.com:
TWINS Keyontyli and Taleon Goffney have been arrested for allegedly breaking into area businesses by cutting rooftop holes to gain entry. Turns out, they were also just as skilled at breaking into their second, more respectable careers - as hardcore gay-porn stars.
The Strange Case of the Livery Driver and the Abandoned Baby
Perhaps yon readers read the story of the NY livery driver who picked up a man with a baby only to have the man leave the cab to make a phone call and never return. Which left the baby alone with the livery driver who turned the child in to local authorities.
For a few days the air waves were filled with pleas for the child's parents to come forward. The livery driver was considered a hero of sorts.
Only the story as it truthfully emerged was stranger than any fiction I could write.
The livery driver, Klever Sailema, as it would turn out, never picked up a man with a baby. The story of how Mr. Sailema ended up with Daniella, the baby believed to be around 6 months old, is a complicated one. The tale involves a whole bunch of people all sharing an apartment with Sailema, including the child's mother and father.
The father was the one so desperate that he enlisted Sailema in a scheme to get the kid to social services as he could not raise the child alone. The child's mother, alleged to be only 14 years old, left the father and the baby accusing the baby's father of abusing her. The baby's mother is also in custody of protective services.
It seems that with the child's father living with Sailema the livery driver as well as the baby, and with no one able to care for the child, a complicated scheme was planned involving the creation of a story of babies left in livery carriages and innocent livery carriage drivers simply doing the right thing.
It is legal in NY for a baby to be left at an appropriate place, such as hospitals, fire departments, etc, within a month of birth with no questions asked. This was to prevent the abandonment or outright murder of babies parents cannot care for. THIS baby was too old to be part of that program, thus the complicated story.
From the NY Times
The livery cab driver had become something of a hero on Thursday after turning in a baby girl he said had been abandoned in his cab by a man he had picked up on a street in Queens.
When all is said and done, that pretty baby, a pic included at the link as well as the livery driver, it's probably for the best as she will be given a foster home where she is loved and protected.
A Strange Case of Road Rage
This is a very odd story involving two teenaged sisters, a motorcyclists hyped on road rage, and a father who shot the motorcyclist and killed him.
From AJC.com:
Bogart - A man is facing a murder charge after authorities say he shot and killed a motorcyclist who followed his daughters home from a department store.
Richard Harold Gear, 45, claimed he was acting in self-defense when he shot Bryan Joseph Mough around 6:45 p.m. Monday as Mough drove his motorcycle past Gear's house, Oconee County Sheriff Scott Berry said.
It's not clear at the link provided above if Mr. Gear has yet been charged with the murder of the motorcyclist he shot and killed after his daughters phoned him from their car fearful of the motorcyclist they claimed was following them.
Mr. Gear got a gun and waited in front of his house for his daughters' car. When they arrived, followed by this rogue motorcyclist intent on doing who knows what, Gear shot the guy and killed him.
According to Gear's daughters, there was a road rage incident in the parking lot of a local shopping center when the motorcyclist cut them off, one of the sisters flipped him the finger in anger and the motorcyclist proceeded to follow them ruthlessly until they called their father in fear.

Now, assuming this is the truth, I'll never believe that any one of the players in this tragic drama did the right thing. The motorcyclist, Bryan Mough, had no right following these girls and terrorizing them no mind the flipped finger. Those girls should have headed to the closest police station or maybe phoned 911 since they had a cell phone. The father too should have advised his daughters to go to the police or even HE could have called the police with info on what is going on.
This all assumes this tragic tale as reported is true because I'm not at all sure this would be considered self-defense.
Wayne Dumond Redux
Sometimes the victim of a crime contributes to their own victim status.
The story below reminds me of Wayne Dumond, the fine Arkansas rapist who convinced many religious folk, including the then Governor Mike Huckabee, that he was as innocent as the pure driven snow. Huckabee arranged for Dumond to get an early parole release and a fine church woman who'd fallen in love with the wonderful Dumond married him upon his release from jail.
Within six months Dumond left his marital bed and raped and killed two more women.
In the story below, another devout church lady too fell in love with a rapist prisoner only her beloved didn't attack and rape another woman. It was SHE who suffered attacks from her fine boyfriend who she loved so very much.
From Yorkshire Evening Post:
A DEVOUTLY religious prison visitor who fell in love with a convicted rapist serving life at a Yorkshire jail was attacked at knifepoint after she ended their relationship.
FOCUS ON Stacy Peterson
His third wife died in the bathtub, a healthy woman in a dried tub, her hair covered in blood and bruises covering her body. The Illinois state cops called it an accident! Now Savio's body is due to be exhumed because, as it would turn out, the fine Drew Peterson had yet ANOTHER missing wife! He tells us she phoned him to tell him she's leaving for another man. Yet she left her two young children behind?
And no one's yet been able to find Drew Peterson's first two wives as of this writing.
Who's been letting Drew Patterson get away with murder?
Introduction to the strange case of Drew Peterson's wives.
Drew Peterson's third wife's body to be exhumed
Drew Peterson's Third Wife's Death Determined to be Homicide
Drew Peterson and the Blue Barrel
Drew Peterson's airplane
New search warrant for Drew Peterson
Drew Peterson Can't Get a Date
Stacy Peterson's steamy sex messages
Win a date with Drew Peterson
Drew Peterson on a lie detector in front of the entire world?

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