Also, the Detroit cops and the stripper, a woman exonerated of the crime because of her large breasts, and an interesting update on a road rage incident which, as the post speculated, did not occur at all like the players in the drama reported it.
Quote of the Day![]() |

Horrible Young Girl Kills Mother and Brothers With Help of Boyfriend
Actually, Erin Caffey, age 16, had the help of a whole passel of people to attempt to kill her entire family.

In the small hours of Saturday morning, (Erin Caffey)…her boyfriend, Charlie James Wilkinson, 19, and his friend, Charles Allen Waid, 20, allegedly found Erin's parents sleeping in their bed and shot her mother, 38-year-old Penny Caffey to death and maimed her father, Terry Caffey, 41, who had forbidden Erin to date Wilkinson the night before, according to a sheriff's office report of interviews with the two young men released Monday.
It’s not clear from the link above, how Erin’s father survived this assault, only that Mr. Caffey was “maimed”. Which means, as I deduce, that Mr. Caffey survived this vicious attack by his daughter but his wife and two young sons did not.
What a perfectly awful set of circumstances.
Now I know the heat of passion makes idiots out of people and I know that these were young people involved in this thing. But surely they didn’t think that they would get away with this?
Erin Caffey, what a fine, fine young lady she is, sitting outside in her car as her wonderful boyfriend, who she’d only been dating a short time but the guy so impressed Erin’s parents that they forbade her from seeing him, shot one of her brothers in the head and slaughtered the other with a “sword” whatever that means. The boys were completely awake and knew what was happening to them.
Erin Caffey is just 16 years old. She doesn’t appear retarded. How on earth could she have even remotely believed that she could kill her entire family then drive off with the fine fellow who arranged the murders, to live happily ever after? Did this child really think that what with her being the only family member to survive as originally planned, that she would not be suspect?
I can’t imagine the grief of Mr. Caffey, surviving the gunshot to learn that his wife and two young sons were dead, all at the hand of his DAUGHTER! What a big burden to have to suffer through, my prayers are with this man.
As for the fine Erin Caffey, who must be so proud of her loving boyfriend, she is too young to face the death penalty but this lovely lass is looking at life in jail with no possibility of parole.
Way to go Erin! Have a good life.
The Strange Road Rage Murder Not Quite As Reported
Just Tuesday of this past week I reported this story out of Georgia about a man who shot and killed a motorcyclist from the driveway of his house, original Blog post here. Mr. Gear, as the original story was reported, had received a call from his daughters’ cell phone. There had been a road rage incident involving the girls and a motorcylist, obscene finger gestures and a biker gone wild pursuing the girls relentlessly. It’s not clear what Mr. Gear told his daughters though, as I speculated in the post, he SHOULD have told them to call the police or called them himself. Instead this father grabs a gun, positions himself at the end of the driveway and shoots the biker in the back as this odd motorcade zoomed into the Gear community.
I thought the story as told was very suspect at the time and I recently received an email referring me to an update on this strange story.
From Online Athens:
After their father shot and killed a motorcyclist last week, two Bogart sisters told a harrowing story of how the man slammed his bike into their car as he followed them home, leading their father to shoot in self-defense.
But if the road-rage chase played out the way they said, a sheriff's deputy missed the drama, even though he was parked along their path at the time.
I read this story at the link above and this story included a detail which was NOT in the story as I originally reported it. In this story it is reported that the biker actually rammed into the Gear girls’ car on the day of the incident. OR…at least the girls involved in this tale SAID that the biker, who died an hour after being shot by Mr. Gear, rammed his bike into the door on the driver’s side.
The intriguing part of this update is the fact that a sheriff’s deputy had been sitting in a marked car exactly at a the location where those girls’ claimed the biker hit their car and suddenly veered around on someone’s lawn and began following and terrorizing them.
This deputy was specifically situated in his car to watch the traffic on the road name, even parking his patrol car backwards in a parking lot spot to better observe traffic.
And this deputy didn’t see this highway drama? This motorcyclist, as alleged, rams his bike into the side of car, rips through a lawn to turn around, then follows those girls at high speed? And a deputy sheriff at the spot didn’t see a thing?
Further questioning this rather odd story, how likely is it that a motorcyclist would ram into a CAR? I mean, anything’s possible and anger does make us do strange things. But ramming your bike into a car is impossibly dumb.
I questioned that father’s actions in my original post. I thought his action of grabbing a gun and positioning himself in the end of the driveway was strange as all get out. Why on earth, first, didn’t those GIRLS phone the police while this car-ramming motorcyclist was terrorizing them, in that they evidently had a cell phone? Or, assuming the girls might have been scared witless, why on earth didn’t that FATHER phone the police…”my daughters are being stalked by a road raged biker, please come to, -insert address here,- as the biker is following them and I told them to come home”…something like this?
Instead this man shoots and kills this biker in the BACK as the motorcyclist drove in behind his daughters’ car?
Investigators have obtained search warrants and are checking the car to ascertain if the driver’s door, had, as originally reported, any sign of a collision.
Ask yourself, yon reader. If your loved one phoned you from a cell phone in their car and hysterically claimed another driver had just rammed his or her car and was now following him or her…would your solution be to tell your loved one to head home, then you go grab a gun and wait for this road rage procession to drive into your neighborhood at which point you would shoot and kill the alleged stalking driver? Or would you maybe phone police with info of your address, the car’s locale and license number…something to that effect?
This is hardly self-defense as these people are claiming.
The Wendy’s Murder
The most dangerous person in the world is one ready to commit suicide. For what does a person with no religious values have to lose when they are ready, for whatever heartbreaking or perverted reason, to end their own lives, able to override that most basic and strong instinct we have inborn, the desire to survive at any cost?
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - A gunman in a jacket and tie wordlessly opened fire inside a Wendy's during the lunchtime rush Monday, killing a firefighter who had gone back to fetch the toy left out of his child's meal and wounding five others. The 60-year-old shooter then committed suicide.
A man with a small child is dead because this fine man, who is burning in hell even as I type, went into Wendy’s at lunch hour and began shooting people before turning the gun on himself.
Hey, it’s why terrorists use suicide bombers to such great effect. For when one is ready to die, and if one has no religious values or belief in a God waiting for judgment, or in the case of suicide bombers one is a Muslim which religion seems to glorify this stuff, then there are no restrictions to the harm and hurt that they can affect.
The Strange Story of the Detroit Stripper
This is either a true story of a cover up or just another crackpot looking for money from the public coffers by trumping up some tale about strippers and the mayor’s mansion.
Her proper name was Tamara Greene and a former Detroit police investigator has testified in a lawsuit on behalf of Greene’s son that the Detroit police covered up the details of Greene’s death because it involves the mayor and offered the possibility that it was a police officer who killed Greene, assumedly on behalf of the mayor.
Greene, a stripper who went by the name of “Strawberry”, was shot as she sat in a car with her boyfriend. It was a drive-by shooting and for sure it would appear that Greene was a target.
It’s a mystery that never had a definitive answer, the story of a Detroit stripper known as Strawberry who was killed in a hail of gunfire while sitting in a car with her boyfriend in the predawn darkness of April 30, 2003.
Since then, Detroit police and Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick have combated persistent rumors and lawsuit allegations that Tamara Greene was killed because she danced at a wild party at the Manoogian Mansion.
More than anything, I can’t quite get over this Detroit police chief involved in this investigation. Could this be a woman?

The Eco-Terrorists Burn Million Dollar Homes
It would be too easy to launch into a rant on the Moonbat liberals who get involved in this nonsense and I will in a second.
First, the Earth Liberation Front are not fine folk who cherish this planet and are willing to do anything to save earth “for the children”.
Right now there’s an ELF member currently on trial for participating in some of these Moonbats’ activities. Seems the ELF crew planted a bomb at the University of Washington’s Center for Urban Horticulture because they believed researchers within were genetically altering trees. No one was hurt in the bomb but damage was done in the millions.
I mean, come one. These can’t possibly be the brightest bulbs in the lamps, these Moonbats. They bomb a university for genetically altering trees, a really stupid notion, not that they bothered to find out the truth. Hey, a nasty rumor will do when all else fails.
It is the ELF modus operandi to insure that no one is injured or killed in their exploits so the arson of these luxury homes could well be their doing.
Still, sometimes homes don’t sell like folks hope and it caution must be placed to insure that these arsons are not insurance scams.
Beyond that, you gotta love these losers. Their entire lives are empty and useless so they need some justification for sucking up the air that they breathe.
From Fox in Houston:
WOODINVILLE, Wash. -- Fires burned four multimillion-dollar show homes in a suburb north of Seattle Monday, and authorities found a spray-painted sign purportedly left by a radical environmental group at the scene.
The sign, a white sheet that had the initials of the Earth Liberation Front in scraggly red letters, mocked claims the luxury homes on the "Street of Dreams" were environmentally friendly, according to video images of the sign aired by KING-TV.
Tragic Drive-By Gang Murder
Here’s a young man with a bright future. His mother was about to return home from a second duty in Iraq.
LOS ANGELES — A high school football star described as "a Houdini on the football field" was shot dead on Sunday in random gang violence and his mother was returning from her second tour of duty in Iraq.
Jamiel Andre Shaw, 17, was shot multiple times on a sidewalk a few yards from his home after he didn't respond when two men pulled up in a car and asked him, "Where you from?" — code for which gang did he belong to, police said. He was not a gang member.
Folks, there’s a part of me that is just reluctant to believe that this shooting was as random as it seems. Sure Jamiel’s father calls his son a wonderful son, a paean to glorious youth. These sorts of youths seldom find themselves dead, shot cold-bloodedly for no reason whatsoever. But I hesitate to suggest my cynicism because innocent people do die, every day and heartlessly.
Jamiel’s mother is returning from military duty to a dead son. She certainly deserved better than this for serving to protect us all.
Nine Shot, Six Killed in Memphis Shooting
Two young children are dead and three more under age five were last reported in “extremely critical” condition.
This sounds like a drug deal gone bad in that neighbors reported hearing gunshots on Sunday night, 3/2/08, but that such sounds are not “uncommon” in the area.
From the NY Times:
MEMPHIS — Six people were found dead Monday, and three more were critically injured in Memphis in what news reports said was the worst mass killing there in at least 15 years.
Two men and two women in their late 20s or early 30s and two girls under the age of 5 were found dead in a single-family home in Binghamton, a neighborhood east of downtown, said Melanie Young, a spokeswoman for the fire department. Three more children, a 7-year-old, a 4-year-old and an infant were taken to a hospital in “extremely critical” condition, Ms. Young said. All nine victims had gunshot wounds.
Another Child Murders Entire Family
So the fine Anthony Terrell, who classmates call a “chill” guy, shot and killed his mother and his two younger sisters? He must be so proud of himself.
children, all with a smile on her face.
That's why no one who knew the charismatic 39-year-old can comprehend what police say: that Deleston's 17-year-old son gunned her down Thursday along with her two young daughters at their Lawrenceville home.
Again, did he think he would get away with murdering his family?
Here’s another youth who should have a fine life locked forever behind bars with no hope of parole.
Her Large Breasts Get Her Acquitted
Serena Kozakura was accused of kicking a hole in her boyfriend’s door then shimmying inside because she was angry at him for being with another woman.
A bikini model in Japan has been cleared of property destruction after an appeal court heard that her large breasts meant she couldn't have committed the crime.
Heh. Well her boobs were just too big to fit inside that hole and the young lady was set free.
Big-breasted women are so lucky. Now their marvelous boobs keep them out of jail.
Her family was on holiday at an exclusive Portuguese resort. Madeleine McCann's parents were both physicians and in addition, they have two twins younger than Madeleine.
While Maddie's parents dined out at a nearby resort restaurant, with children believed to be soundly asleep, Madeleine McCann somehow disappeared. She was discovered missing upon a routine check of the McCann suite by her parents.
It took a few months but eventually the suspicion that Madeleine's parents might have had something to do with her disappearance was leaked by both the Portuguese and British police.
First report on this Blog of the Maddie McCann case
More info on Maddie's disappearance with my fine analysis
Announcement that McCanns might be responsible for Maddie's death
McCanns refuse to answer questions about Madeleine's disappearance
With little info known, my analysis of the McCann case. Or did the maid do it?
Maddie's Mother Claims Her Small Boobs Are to Blame.
What are the McCanns doing with the money collected to find Madeleine?
New info on original suspect in McCann case
Madeleine's parents release an alleged drawing of bushy haired stranger.

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