Kady Malloy, Luke Menard, Asia'h Epperson, Danny Noriega
This Blog Post will be dated for Friday, 3/7/08, but it will be posted late Thursday night, immediately AFTER the American Idol 2008 elimination.
This week the competition starts with 16 contenders and will end with the top 12.
We'll have reviews of the Tuesday and Wednesday shows and who was eliminated IMMEDIATELY after the elimination show.
All with pics and videos you'll find nowhere else on the Internet.
Pic of the Day

Effective this week, the review, unique pics and videos you'll find nowhere else on the Internet, and would-be Idols eliminated will be posted on Thursday nights immediately AFTER the elimination show. The review posted will be of the prior contests earlier that same week and will include my guess as to who will be sent home.
Which might be an incorrect guess, mind you, as the review et al will have been written/compiled BEFORE the elimination round. Thus the contender eliminated will be posted on this Blog right after it is announced so click on in for the first result.
3/6/08-Four Eliminated-The Top Twelve Are Announced!
And so it began on a Tuesday, 3/4/08 and on through Wednesday, 3/5/08. 8 females and 8 males sang for the final time for a shot at that cherished top twelve spot as an American Idol.
The theme was music of the 80's and I would note that Paula the judge has started acting weirder than all get out.
The guys started the contest to remain in the top 6 out of 8 by sex.
Luke Menard, who I think will be cut during the elimination round of 3/6/08, began with a rousing song-"Wake Me Up".
Only, not so much. The judges didn't much care for Luke's performance nor did I. We've included a pic of Luke as a child dressed as a ballerina.
The one to beat this year, David Archuleta, was up next singing Phil Collins' "Another Day in Paradise". All of the judges, as well as myself, again lauded David's performance and I was surprised again at this young man's talent as he began this tune playing the keyboard!
Simon said something interesting. He predicted David would make it at least to the final two. I agree completely and think David will be a clear winner. If anyone other than David wins it will be one of the females.
Simon also warned David about singing "gloomy" songs and hey, last week it was "Imagine" and now "Another Day in Paradise"? Yes, it's time for David to get upbeat, boogie, shake and show us that bright smile.
Danny Noriega sang a tune called "Tainted Love" and as an aside, let me say I've never heard of that song. I asked the music expert in this house and husband informed me that this tune is part of the Supreme's tune "Where Did Our Love Go".
Well knock me over with a feather. Husband even sent me a link, HERE for more information.
I don't think Danny's going to make it past the elimination round on 3/6/08.
Next up, David Hernandez and let's get that rumor about David being a male stripper out of the way here.
Not that there's anything wrong with that and I'm not even sure such a thing is against the rules. Just so yon reader knows that story's out there.
David sang a Celine Dion tune "It's All Coming Back to Me", a song I really enjoy and hey, while it is a Celine song, it doesn't need a great big voice like so many of her tunes.
I thought David sounded bad on the low notes of the tune and while I'm at it, I could have did without that story of the booger.
Simon critiqued that David has secured himself a place in the finals, a factoid that I'm not convinced of. And further, should Simon even prognosticate such a thing? I mean hey, maybe the American audience out here voting in la-la land don't much like a guy with a little voice, possibly a male stripper, with boogers hanging out of his nose.
I'm just sayin' ...
David Cook sang a Lionel Richie tune titled "Back to Us". At least that's what my husband said is the song's title. I always thought the title was "Is It Me You're Looking For".
I thought the performance was plain bad but Simon loved it. So what do I know?
Michael Johns sang a song that my husband thinks was sung by Simple Minds called "Don't You Forget About Me".
Randy said that Michael reminded him of Michael Hutchens, who is an Australian singer according to husband.
Jason Castro of the dreadlocks sang an interesting tune called "Hallelujah" and I didn't much like the performance. That tune was for sure Jason's style but I wonder if Jason's style can win him the title of American Idol.
Simon called Jason's song choice and performance "brilliant".
I am surprised that Chikezie is still in this contest but I maintain this fellow has a smile that would light up a room. He comes across as personable and genuinely likeable. This is the reason I think the public is keeping Chikezie in this thing. He sang "She Builds Me Up" and while I don't think Chikezie's personality can keep him in this thing much longer, I hope he stays for a while.

The following night the girls strutted their stuff and let me say now that everyone of these final eight females looks great, happening and totally cool.
Asia Epperson sang a Whitney Houston tune "I Wanna Dance With Somebody". I loved Asia's hair, jewelry and cool clothes. Asia too has a great smile and her effervescence transitions well into her singing style. I think Asia will make it through to the top twelve.
A local talk radio down here in Delaware has two local maidens on early in the morn and the DJ and these two ladies discuss American Idol and their thoughts on the contenders. All these gals would say about Kady Malloy is that they don't like her. One lady said she can't wait for Kady to be gone.
Lord I must wonder what this performer did to this woman to cause such rancor. I think that Kady is way overwhelmed by her opponents but she's got a nice voice and seems like a nice person. Kady sang a Queen tune "When Love Must Die" and that was a great tune to best present Kady's vocal talents.
Amanda Overmyer has my hopes up again.
I've liked Amanda since her very first audition but she's risky. First, Amanda has a definite style and I really think this could be the year to bring back the throaty singer of Janis Joplin fame. But American Idol tends to have winners who are more mainstream in their singing. Think Carrie Underwood and Jordin Sparks.
And Amanda's performances early in this contest have been erratic at best.
Last night Amanda performed Joan Jetts' "I Hate Myself for Loving You" and this song was made for Amanda, Amanda looked terrific, Amanda performed.
I'd once predicted that Amanda would be sent home but she wasn't. Now I have hopes that she'll keep going on although at best Amanda is a dark horse to win this thing.
If anybody's going to beat David Archuleta it will be Carly Smithson. On that local talk radio show I mentioned earlier one fellow called in all bent because he heard that Carly and Brooke White both had singing contracts. I don't know about Brooke but I have read this about Carly. This caller was outraged, ranting at the moon that this is a contest for amateurs, yada, yada.
First, I'm not sure this is a contest for amateurs. Where does it say that? Most of these singers have sang somewhere and many have likely made money at it. Obviously a Whitney Houston couldn't up and decide to compete in the contest but I can't imagine that a singer who had, or has, a "singing contract" would not be eligible on some level. Singing contracts encompass things from singing at birthday parties to performing on a cruise ship.
Simon criticized Carly's performance. Simon said Carly's song choice, another Celine tune titled "I Drove All Night to Get to You" was great and Carly gave a great performance.
Paula, heh, called Carla a "dependable dog". Somebody have Paula call her sponsor at AA.
Kristi Cook sang a Journey tune called "Faithfully". It was pretty but let's face it, Kristi cannot begin to compete with Carly, Asia or Syesha. Simon said the performance was forgettable and it was.
I predict Kristi will be sent home on elimination night 3/6/08.
Ramiele Malubay gave a perfectly awful performance of Phil Collins' "Against All Odds".
Ramiele is a little girl with a great big voice and I'll add that the two morning talk show ladies thought Ramiele was awful. They gave no reason, sheesh, they need me to do those morning critiques.
Ramiele knows, as I surmise, that she's up against mighty big talent. I thought that entire tune as sung by Ramiele was breathy and too often completely silent.
Simon said he wasn't jumping out of his chair which was damn nice for Ramiele's lackluster singing.
Randy had it more correct when he said that he felt that Ramiele tends to "think" the tune through too much as she sings it. Which is why I think the song came out sounding breathy and amateurish.
If Ramiele isn't eliminated on 3/6/08 I will be very surprised.
Brooke White, by my measure the prettiest girl in this competition, did something different. Brooke sang, almost a capella, “Love Is a Battlefield” by Pat Benataur.
Sometimes in this competition there’s almost an unspoken pressure to sing big and loud to get the votes. Brooke sang a soft tune but the pretty huskiness in her voice was highlighted nicely.
The judges lauded Brooke for her performance and I suspect she’ll be around for a while.
Finally Syesha Mercado sang “I’m Saving All My Love For You” and there’s not much more to say here but Syesha will likely be around a bit more and she’s a contender for the top five.

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