Bottom three: Carly Smithson, Kristy Lee Cook, Amanda Overmyer
ELIMINATED on the night of 3/19/08: Amanda Overmyer
Effective this week, the review, unique pics and videos you'll find nowhere else on the Internet, and would-be Idols eliminated will be posted on Wednesday nights immediately AFTER the elimination show. The review posted will be of the prior contests earlier that same week and will include my guess as to who will be sent home.
Which might be an incorrect guess, mind you, as the review et al will have been written/compiled BEFORE the elimination round. Thus the contender eliminated will be posted on this Blog right after it is announced so click on in for the first result.

CLICK HERE FOR Pics of Top 24 American Idol 2008 Finalists
Beatles' Night on American Idol 2008-3/18/08-Brings Us Down to Top Ten
We'll be down to the top ten after this week's elimination on the episode airing 3/19/08. It was a nice addition having the Beatles' and Lennon/McCartney song catalogue added to the Idols' repertoire. I am looking forward to moving on to new and different tunes that might better suit some of the younger singers' voices and memories.
For this episode, I took a look at what the contenders are wearing and for the most part they're dressing well. Other than a few comments and some small critiques, this year's contenders for the title of American Idol seem to be on the right track toward a career in the music they so love.
Amanda Overmyer performed first and Amanda chose the tune "Back in the USSR". Amanda belted the tune out in her usual blockbuster growl with quite the innovative ending. I thought Amanda presented herself well, she was in her element, the tune suited her, but, alas, the judges said she was too predictable.
Sometimes you can't win with these judges. We've got another performer who did something truly creative, more on this later, and the judges chewed him out. I ponder if it isn't, at times, a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation and then those youngsters have to contend with me, a know-nothing Blogger out here in la-la land. But they read me, yes they do.
I have pronounced Ramiele Malubay the worst performer and most likely to be eliminated on the last two rounds. In both cases she went through so while I still think her performance was the worst of this week's contenders, I'll leave her alone and pronounce Kristi Cook as the worst of the performers this week.
Kristi sang "Hide Your Love Away" and it wasn't that she was bad so much as Kristi simply isn't a singer in the league of so many of her competitors. Not to mention wearing those cowboy boots with a glitzy dress made no sense at all.
All of the judges gave Kristi and thumbs-down and I predict that Kristi will be sent home this week. Which means that Ramiele will likely get booted.
David Archuleta remembered his lyrics this week for the tune "Long and Winding Road". David also performed in his usual stellar fashion.
Lest yon reader think I am mistaken about David's performance, the audience cheered and the judges were effusive in their praise.
I'm still firm in my prediction that David will win this thing.
Mark Johns, the Australian in this year's contest, sang "A Day in the Life". I noticed that Mark's hair was much better this week. Last week his hair looked like he went to sleep after coming in from a rainstorm and went on stage without bother of a comb.
Mark needs to open his eyes more. I'm supposing that it's the melodic songs that cause these singers to sometimes close their eyes in the depth of their melodic emotion. And sometimes they overdo it.
Mark also needs to look at some color for his wardrobe.
The judges were a bit mean to Mark and panned him way more than I thought he deserved for his performance.
Brooke White sang "Here Comes the Sun" and she wore a pretty yellow frock to match.
Now I'm noting some problems with Brooke. First thing, I noticed she sat down at the beginning of her tune and for a bit after. Eventually she got up and walked around but my notes indicate my wonderment as to why such a beautiful female wouldn't be up and about instead of huddled in a corner.
Some judge or another mentioned this and Brooke said she felt awkward moving around. Well hey, this is a problem. Singers are expected to move around, especially pretty ones. All in all the judges were not thrilled with Brooke's performance.
David Cook is another fellow who fixed his hair a bit. Last week I couldn't help but notice that while I'm not a fan of the messy pointy hair look, I could see no reason why the hair had to look dirty. This week Cook's hair was styled in that fashion he likes, and a style that suits him I must add, but it looked clean for God's sake.
Simon, as his wont, lambasted David for his rendition of "Daytripper". A rendition that I thought David did almost perfectly and it was a great song choice for him. David handled his criticism well and that's good because I don't think a word of it was deserved.

Carly Smithson sang a tune called "Blackbird" and first, what the hell was that top Carly was wearing? It was about three sizes too large and about twenty years too old for her. Is Carly expecting and not telling us something?
Carly said right from the beginning that she chose this tune because she had yet to tackles a soft, melodic tune and she thought it time. Well I admired her circumspection and the fact that she chose a song not in her favored genre but she carefully chose it as a challenge.
So here comes Simon with some stupid comment that he thought the song was "self-indulgent". Why? Is Simon saying Carly was self-indulgent for singing the song? Because she explained ahead of time that it wasn't her favorite type of singing.
Frankly I just don't think Simon liked the song and he wanted to blast Carly for not choosing another song he evidently felt would suit her better.
Jason Castro sang "Michelle" and this would have been a great song for David Archuletta. Not that Castro gave a bad performance but it was certainly lackluster.
Jason has a really weak stage presence. He's not the sort to grab the microphone while wowing the audience with his spectacular crooning.
In short, Jason needs to play an instrument of some sort to distract from his meekness in front of the audience.
By my opinion, Syesha Mercado gave the best performance of the night and she looked spectacular in that happening print dress which fit her so well. Syesha performed "Yesterday", and all I could think was "pretty. Very, very pretty".
Simon declared it her best performance to date and I don't expect to see Syesha in the bottom three this week.
Chikezie keeps on being innovative and clever and I think it keeps him in there. That and Chikezie's amazing smile, the best of all the contenders this year.
Chikezie sang "I've Just Seen a Face" and in the middle he grabbed a harmonica and performed a zippy little melody.
So of course Simon, who really needed to get laid this past week such was his total lack of fairness, excoriated Chikezie for the harmonica.
First, here's a case where the singer can't win. Chikezie did something different and come on, the Beatles were not strangers to the freaking harmonica. The Beatles tune "I Should Have Known Better" comes to mind...SIMON!
Chikezie hangs in there when he's at best mediocre compared to his competition. It's his personality and that brilliant smile which keeps him hanging in and I loved the harmonica.
I think Chikezie needs to work on his fashion a bit. It's not that his attire is atrocious. It's just that he never seems to look comfortable in what he's wearing.
Last we had Ramiele Malubay and this little thing does have quite the voice, she's cute, and her outfit was cuter than all get out. I suspect that she's riding a wave of popularity amongst the young men in this country more than her singing talent.
Ramiele sang "I Should Have Known Better"...without the harmonica, heh. Ramiele gave this song no zip at all and at times I couldn't hear the lower notes.
I have pronounced Kristy as my choice of the contender most likely to be eliminated but I will not be surprised if Ramiele gets the boot.
Below a video remix of the best, worst, and most clever of the American Idols on Beatles' Night 3/18/08. According to me, of course.
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