American Idol 2008 went to Miami and Omaha. We've got great pic montages and a video remix of all the promising candidates.
Dance Wars 08 loses the first contender and those two were so bad you just have to see the video.
Plus a book review "The Michigan Murders" by Edward Keyes. The young man was an all-American type of fellow beloved by his family.
But he was a vicious murderer and his mother was so proud of him. Pic of the Day

”American Idol” 2008 Goes to Omaha and MiamiBefore we continue, here’s a smirk. I am a bit of a talk radio freak although, heh, check out this Blog, I like televised reality shows and thanks to the miracle of DVR, I can do both!
So there’s this radio talk show guy, replaced Drudge on Sunday nights and I really like him. Last night he’s on the radio all upset over John McCain, as am I folks, and lambasting the silly American public all busy watching “American Idol” and “Dancing With the Stars” and paying no attention to the presidential campaign.
Someone needs to tell this fellow that hey, we can walk and chew gum at the same time out here in la-la land. I am a fervent fan of “American Idol” and “Dancing With the Stars” and duh, there’s no more dedicated political junkee than my own wise self, not that I’m especially proud of my obsessions. Everyone should have their own special list of obsessions is how I see it.
Anyhow, what with the Super Bowl (what a game…wow…hey, on occasion I watch football too!), all the primaries and what-not, pretty much no one’s paying attention to “American Idol” 2008. Thus I remain out here, watching that lying John McCain steal the Republican nomination whilst also keeping up with the candidates for the next “American Idol” and just for good measure, checking in on the Super Bowl.
There was nothing spectacular about the AI team’s visit to Omaha or Miami but yon ladies and gems, below some pic montages and below this, a video remix of the best of the candidates from both cities.

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