Some real intriguing information on that Illinois school shooter that had investigators so baffled. A woman helps her boyfriend molest her 4-year-old niece, a fine Dad kills his daughter for being a teenager. A kid kills a kid and it's called a hate crime. A Nanny-cam catches child abuse in process, some upcoming Army trials of interest and more on the very fine Drew Peterson, whose wives die all around him.
Plus two heartless parents leave their baby in a car seat for eight days while they play video games and live it up. More on the Minnesota bus crash and hey, if you're going to have sex with a dog, would you choose a Rottweiler?
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Illinois Killer Obsessed With Hamas
The Illinois shooter, Steve Kazmierczak, first covered on this Blog HERE, reportedly had an obsession with the terror group Hamas and all things Muslim.

A former Northern Illinois University newspaper reporter says the killer who gunned down five innocent students in an apparently unprovoked attack liked to study Arabic and the terror group Hamas.
Acquaintances of this killer, now burning in hell, all say what a nice guy he was, how helpful he was and how much he loved his mother. The sorts of things friends and neighbors say when the guy they’d known for so long up and kills his whole family or, say, five students sitting innocently in a classroom.
Goodness knows there’s been enough of these slayings that had no Islam association but with Kazmierczak there’s no denying it. Beginning with the fact that his girlfriend, Abdelnabi, was the Muslim Women’s Rep at NIU. Beyond that, Kazmierczak signed up for many Arabic studies, struggled to learn Arabic with the help of his girlfriend, and undertook a report assignment on Hamas and became obsessed with the terror group to the point of reading everything he could about the organization.
All of which pretty much means nothing I understand.
But it’s interesting nonetheless.
Steve Kazmierczak might be a hero to the members of Hamas. Islam is a religion that admires folks who kill themselves in direct contradiction of everything that is normal in the natural order of things.
Illegal Alien Driver Hits Minnesota School Bus
Jesse Javens, 13, and Hunter Javens, 9; Reed Stevens, 12; Emilee Olson, 9, are all dead. Two of them are brothers. These children should be alive today, laughing and giggling, throwing paper airplanes and thinking about their weekends.
Alianiss Morales ran a stop sign and hit the school bus so hard that she upended the bus, killing the four above and sending nine more to the hospital. Many of the injured are in very bad shape.
Only problem is, Ms. Morales is not this bitch’s real name and she had no business being in our country and killing our kids.
Someone quick, tell John McCain.
MINNEAPOLIS — The driver of a van that hit a school bus in a crash that killed four children was charged Friday with four counts of criminal vehicular homicide and two lesser charges, authorities said.
The woman, identified as Alianiss Nunez Morales, 23, of Minneota, failed to stop at a stop sign Tuesday before hitting the bus, which was carrying 28 students from Lakeview School, a prosecutor said. The accident happened near the small town of Cottonwood in southwestern Minnesota.
Well of course the political elite trying to shove amnesty down our collective throats for 11 million plus illegal aliens now residing in our country, well hell, it ain’t their kids getting killed by these people!
What was I thinking?
Monster Parents Leave 5-Month Old Baby in Car Seat for Eight Days
Fine, fine parents, Tracey Herrman and James Sargent. They left their five month old baby strapped helplessly in a car seat for eight days before the child was discovered, dead by starvation.
Jesus now holds this precious innocent in His loving arms. There’s no reason for those parents to have allowed this to happen. The entire eight days while their baby wasted away to a slow death, these two were eating, playing video games and having a fine time.
It’s not clear how the baby got left in the car seat, just that he was “dropped off”.
This fine mother also has another three year old daughter who has been removed from her mother’s care, thank God for this.

PEORIA, Ill. — A central Illinois couple faces first-degree murder charges in the death of their 5-month-old baby, who was found unresponsive in a car seat that had been placed in a crib.
May they burn forever in hell.
Loving Dad Chokes Daughter and Stuffs Her Body Into Furnace
Once again we have a fine, quiet man who was so helpful to anyone who had maintenance problems.
Except he once tried to torch his car with all of his children locked inside. He also tried to hang himself when in jail once before.
For no matter how proper these nut cases appear in public, there’s almost always a dark side no one saw, or if they saw it, they ignored it.
NEW YORK (AP) -- To neighbors, Miguel Matias was a doting father who took his three children to restaurants and bought them presents.
But the unassuming building supervisor also had a dark side, including a history of violence and mental problems.
Police said his torment peaked last week when he grew so enraged that his 14-year-old daughter, Ana, was sending text messages to a boy that he choked her and stuffed her body into a burning furnace boiler.
It’s not clear whether this guy is a legal resident or not. All communication in the investigation, as noted at the link provided, has been in Spanish.
With his history of threatened violence toward his children, why was this guy allowed custody of his daughter?
High Profile Army Murder Trials to Begin This Summer
Fort Bragg is gearing up for three high profile trials scheduled to begin this summer. This Blog has extensively covered two of these crimes, that of Timothy Hennis and Alberto Martinez.
Timothy Hennis’ scheduled trial should be the most intriguing as Hennis had been tried and found guilty for the rape/murder of a young mother and her two daughters. A superior court later overturned the verdict. A subsequent retrial left the jury deadlocked. Newer DNA techniques now available have linked Hennis definitively to the crimes and since double jeopardy prevents Hennis from being tried again in a civil court, the military tried a tricky maneuver by calling Hennis back from inactive duty specifically to try him for this horrible crime.
Well the man DID IT! Although the Hennis maneuver is a subject of judicial debate across the fruited plains. I’ll not forget the young girls who should be alive today, singing to their children and sharing sisterly gossip about their husbands and lives. Not to mention their mother who was raped before her awful death. All the while Hennis lived a fine life courtesy of the military to retire to peace and contentment with an army pension.
Alberto Martinez is accused of lobbing a live grenade into the tent of superior officers in a fit of rage while on duty in Iraq in 2005.
William Kreutzer’s story is unfamiliar to me. Kreutzer was evidently a bit mentally ill and opened fire on his comrades during morning formation, killing one soldier and wounding dozens of others.
The military is a unique organization, filled with members all trained to fight and fire weapons. It’s amazing that they have so few criminals when one thinks about it. Out here in the “civilized” world we have parents leaving five-month-old babies in cars for eight days and fathers throwing their dead daughters in boilers.
From the Chicago Tribune:
Inside a solitary courtroom on this sprawling Army base, three high-profile murder trials -- all of which highlight some of the darkest moments in recent military memory -- are slated to begin this summer.
”Good” Boy Hires Hit Men to Kill His Parents
I love my daughter, really I do. But go with me on this, if it were discovered and revealed to me that my daughter was soliciting hit men to murder me and my husband, the first words out of my mouth would NOT be what a “very good child” she was.
People who pay $260. to kill their parents are NOT good people. This is a given. Common sense demands it is so.
INDEPENDENCE, Mo. - A high school senior accused of trying to pay hit men $260 to kill his adoptive parents had always been a "very good child," his mother said through tears Wednesday.
This fine son, such a very good child, gave the would-be hitmen three guns, an ATM card complete with PIN and his parent’s home’s security code.
His parents must be so proud of him.
In fact, they are!
Murder of 15-Year Old by 15-Year Old Deemed “Hate Crime”
Okay, once again, repeat after me. A crime is a crime is a crime. It does not matter what the hell motivated the crime, the killing of another human being is a crime punishable by whatever local laws dictate for the crime.
Of course liberal legislators got to go passing ridiculous laws against so-called “hate” crimes which, I don’t know, maybe increases the sentence or some such. Mostly hate crime laws make the living and safe somehow feel better that no one will harm them because of the laws their elected officials so lovingly passed.
While the person pulling the trigger could care less about whether or not what he or she is about to do would be a hate crime that they may think again about their impending actions.
From the NY Times:
In recent weeks, the victim, Lawrence King, 15, had said publicly that he was gay, classmates said, enduring harassment from a group of schoolmates, including the 14-year-old boy charged in his death.
So since Lawrence King had recently proclaimed publicly his homosexuality that MUST be why Brandon McInerney shot and killed him one day in the class room.
Evidently McInerney’s attorney has shut his client up and not much is being said about why he shot King. The article linked does detail King’s recent “coming out” and how he proudly wore lipstick, mascara and fetching boots to school on a daily basis.
King was estranged from his natural family and lived in a foster home.
Something just ain’t right about this whole thing.
Drew Peterson’s Ex-Wife Savio’s Death Ruled Homicide
Not that this surprised anyone. In fact, Dr. Baden already announced this conclusion on Greta’s show a few moons ago.
Now, Savio’s death as homicide as been ruled official. My question, who the hell screwed this obvious murder up originally?
CHICAGO - Amid the search for a former police officer's fourth wife, an autopsy on the exhumed body of the man's third wife found what her relatives have long suspected — her death was no accident.
Kathleen Savio died by drowning and her death was ruled a homicide, Dr. Larry W. Blum said in an autopsy report released Thursday by the state's attorney's office. It was the second autopsy performed on Savio.
Fine Woman Helps Boyfriend Videotape His Sexual Attacks on Her Niece
While Shiela Sikat has the courage to admit her terrible complicity in the sexual assault on her niece, Shiela’s sister and mother of the assaulted child, is pleading for leniency for her sister.
Women are, of course, the weaker sex. But when it comes to children females are ferocious in their protection of same.
First Aunt Shiela let her niece down. Now the child’s mother is letting her own daughter down.

Rancho Santa Margarita woman facing up to 109 years in prison for helping her boyfriend videotape sexual assaults on her 4-year-old niece told a judge she deserved to be punished for her actions, even though her sister -- and mother of the victim -- asked for leniency.
Fine, Good Looking Fellow Accused of Having Sex With Rottweiler
Here’s a fine fellow who is totally in love with a neighbor’s Rottweiler. In fact, the dog’s owners have reported this guy before, including one episode where the pervert actually taped his X-rated activities with the dog.
Cowman also allegedly put up weird pictures of himself with animals on his web site.
WICHITA, Kansas, Feb. 20, 2008 -- Wichita police say they're working a case they don't often see: a man accused of having sex with a dog. And it's not the first time the man's been in this type of trouble.
Multimedia Watch The Video Twenty-year-old Joshua Coman is now in jail accused of having sex with a Rottweiler.
FOCUS ON Stacy Peterson
His third wife died in the bathtub, a healthy woman in a dried tub, her hair covered in blood and bruises covering her body. The Illinois state cops called it an accident! Now Savio's body is due to be exhumed because, as it would turn out, the fine Drew Peterson had yet ANOTHER missing wife! He tells us she phoned him to tell him she's leaving for another man. Yet she left her two young children behind?
And no one's yet been able to find Drew Peterson's first two wives as of this writing.
Who's been letting Drew Patterson get away with murder?
Introduction to the strange case of Drew Peterson's wives.
Drew Peterson's third wife's body to be exhumed
Drew Peterson's Third Wife's Death Determined to be Homicide
Drew Peterson and the Blue Barrel
Drew Peterson's airplane
New search warrant for Drew Peterson
Drew Peterson Can't Get a Date
Stacy Peterson's steamy sex messages
Win a date with Drew Peterson
Drew Peterson on a lie detector in front of the entire world?

1 comment:
"Twenty-year-old Joshua Coman is now in jail accused of having sex with a rottweiler"
Sorry not possible, there's a thing called innocent until proven guilty. He cannot be in jail based off an accusation, otherwise I could accuse anyone of anything just to have them sent to jail with no evidence.
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