A feud between Omorosa and Piers Morgan flares up to amusing proportions.
With pics and video you’ll find nowhere else on the Internet.

”Celebrity Apprentice” 08-Piers/Omarosa Feud
On the CA episode aired 2/14/08, The Donald rearranged the Empresario and Hydra teams drastically. Empresario had been the all-female team of this series while Hydra was all male. The Empresario team suffered losses for every show this season. The Donald had been picking Hydra male members and placing them individually and under varying scenarios with the remaining Empresario ladies but the time came to shuffle up the whole mix.
The new teams formed on the episode reviewed here consisted of-HYDRA:Trace Adkins, Marilu Henner, Stephen Baldwin, and Tito Ortez. The new EMPRESARIO now includes: Piers Morgan, Omarosa, Lennox Lewis, and Carol Alt.

This episode of Celebrity Apprentice 2008 was most interesting not because of the challenge as presented, but because of the flaming feud that erupted into outright flames on this episode.
Frankly, the problem between Piers and Omarosa makes no sense to this viewer save a reason to provide sparks and play up Omarosa’s most famous talent. That would be the ability to be one of the nastiest females on the planet. This trait gave Omarosa her original claim to fame when Donald Trump’s “The Apprentice” was in its hay day. I agree it’s smart to play up on this in hopes of attracting viewers to what, alas, appears to be a dying reality show.
I’d certainly like to see the “Apprentice” series continue although the constant play with the original premise is ruining the concept that once made the show ride high in terms of public perception. This blatant copy of “Dancing With the Stars” might work; I rather hope it does.
Thus I’m intrigued by the staged animosity between Piers and Omarosa. Omarosa might find her place somewhere in celebrity-dom with her amazing ability to be just plain mean; so mean the viewer wants to slap her. Hey, it’s a talent of sorts.
It seems to me that the producers tried to create a simmering feud between Stephen Baldwin and Piers Morgan but beyond giving Trump a reason to reorganize the teams, the hostility just wasn’t there. We needed Piers on the same team with Omarosa for the concept to work.
And it did. Almost.

First, I’ll always take the position that Piers Morgan is a cutie pie, a little fellow with curly red hair and a sweet English accent. Second, he’ll always have a piece of my heart for his love of females with a little meat on their bones. Indeed when Piers was judge for “America’s Got Talent” there was a group of pudgy female singers and Mr. Morgan was right up front with fine appreciation of women with curves.
Piers also chose as his charity to receive his winning funds an organization which helps children of American troops injured or killed in combat. How can you dislike someone like this?
It’s difficult to imagine Piers as evil and, indeed, throughout this Celebrity Apprentice series Piers has been mostly personable and a very good leader.
In fact, on the night of this episode, Piers once again led his team to victory, this time the Empresario team, that team’s FIRST victory.
The challenge was to sell rides in Central Park to high bidders, thereby raising money for charity. The celebrities called their moneyed pals to come down and take a ride. Omarosa, not being a celebrity with wealthy friends, had difficulty arranging for rich riders.
Piers thus pushed Omarosa aside as the challenge unfolded. His logic was that the carriages should be saved for the wealthier riders who were even then showing up with pockets of cash or were on their way. I don’t think Piers was cruel about it. In one vignette he did notice Omarosa trying to scrounge up some moneyed buddies and commented to the unseen audience that what with Omarosa not being a celebrity he would have to deal with her.
Well frankly, as this viewer sees it, Piers was right. The other Empresario team members, Lennox Lewis and Carol Alt, were very high profile celebrities who could not only phone up friends with cash, but could help draw in everyday carriage customers who might pony up bigger than usual for a ride in Central Park urged on by either a beautiful model or a famous fighter.
Omarosa, goodness. This woman launched into a verbal rampage against Piers regarding his children, how they don’t like him, how another man was raising them. Her nasty tirade continued on and on and it was damn mean. From a viewer’s perspective her rancor was based on something going on in Piers’ personal life involving his children, possibly the remarriage of his first wife, a rift possibly between the mother of his three sons and himself. None of this was ever explicitly explained to the viewers but it wasn’t necessary. Omarosa’s endless rants made the situation vaguely clear. Picking on someone’s children is generally verboten, but not, evidently, to Omarosa.
Below is a video snippet of one such Piers/Omarosa confrontation in the board room.
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