But let's talk about Natalee Holloway and the Dutch Keystone Kops' saga continues. Now they have Joran, a fine, fine boy who mother and father are so proud of their boy, confessing to murdering Natalee on video. Is this another dead end? It's getting old with these people. I say Americans should avoid Aruba like the plague.
We have updates on Your Black Muslim Bakery, a very strange hanging, a fine family who caged a little boy in a dog crate. But wait, that same boy tried to poison his family, such a fine group of folks.
A woman married to five military men at the same time, a judge sets a fine fellow free and he promptly rapes a six year old boy.
And breaking, a young Baltimore man murders his entire family while they slept.
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Joran Van Der Sloot-CAUGHT ON TAPE!
From ABCNEWS.com:
In surveillance recordings aired on a Dutch TV special this evening, Joran van der Sloot, a former suspect in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, said the American teen appeared lifeless on an Aruban beach three years ago during a romantic tryst, and "she'll never be found."

I have never enjoyed any show quite so much as the "20/20" show which aired last night, 2/4/08.
For Joran Van Der Sloot (for purposes of this Blog I won't refer to him as Urine Vanderpoop) showed just what a fine, moral fellow he is.
Further, I was delighted that after three years of endless expense, angst, pain, sorrow, tears and despair, we now discover it was all for this fine young man and his lovely family.
Joran's parents must be so proud of him.
No wait! Joran's father helped his son get rid of the body such is that man's pride in his son.
No, Joran didn't say this in those genius videotapes made by a Dutch television version of our "America's Most Wanted". He named somebody he knew was innocent and someone with an ironclad alibi. But early on this investigation, when the Aruban Keystone Kops were busy arresting black maintenance men and all manner of folks, recall that the elder Mr. Van Der Sloot too was jailed and I think those Arubans knew he helped his son get rid of Natalee's body.
Which was dumped into the ocean according to the fine Joran. Joran expressed joy that Natalee's body would never be found for it was full of his sperm which would nail him.
Joran also expressed dismay that Natalee up and died and he had hoped she would give him a blow job first. Just damn. I felt such pity for this young man who probably gave that American girl a date-rape drug but because she's long been shark food we'll never know, then likely had sex with her when she didn't know a thing, then the bitch (yes, this fine Joran called her a BITCH...such a fine young man) up and died on him before he got that blow job. He SAID THIS!
Now Joran is gone. Nobody knows where he's at. He's, poof, disappeared. Because THIS time, who knows, those Dutch authorities or the Aruban Keystone Kops might really do their job and put this piece of human crap behind bars.
Natalee Holloway should be alive today. She would likely be finishing up college, maybe have a special boyfriend with wedding bells ringing in the distance.
Instead we have the very fine Joran still alive and calling the dead Natalee a bitch and a whore AND, get this, Joran is seen on tape bragging, smirking and smiling that he fully expects a great big check from the Netherlands for the grief caused him by constantly casting him as a suspect!
By all means let's give this fine kid a bunch of money to boot for his crime.
This story, considered very dead, is now alive and well. Sometimes folks, justice just happens. And at times, justice happens DESPITE the justice system.
"Your Black Muslim Bakery" Makes a Plea Bargain
First covered on this Blog HERE, I am continually amazed at the story of this "business" that was nothing more than a cover for essentially an organized gang of thugs.
The owner of this bakery, Yusuf Bey, had a setup that boggles the mind. The Muslim connection was used mostly to allow these fine men to have many wives. Which Bey, at least did.
This gang then proceeded to make babies, at times with minors, in order to collect welfare then to branch out to other criminal matters.
What's even more startling is how this business was praised, lauded and visited by local politicians.
It appears that the gang and this fine business is crumbling.
From SFGate.com:
An associate of Your Black Muslim Bakery in Oakland who had been charged in a kidnap-torture plot switched sides and testified Friday against four accused accomplices, including bakery leader Yusuf Bey IV.
Female Body Parts Discovered Alongside Pennsylvania Interstates
So far this True Crime story is flying below the radar but keep a close eye out.
For someone evidently killed and chopped up a woman and evidently threw the bags containing those parts alongside some interstate highways.
From Mcall.com:
In the hours that followed, state troopers found a woman's neatly severed head along the same road -- and bags of body parts at six other sites along I-380 and Interstate 80. They were scattered over 15 miles in Monroe and Lackawanna counties.
Grandmom Puts Boy in Dog Crate
What a family.
First, the loving grandma locks her ten year old grandson up in a crate.
She called authorities and told them she was going to bury the kid alive in the back yard.
Then the kid's older brother beats the kid up.
After all the love explodes in this fine family, the kid admits to poisoning his family with lamp oil and household cleaners because he'd been denied going on a trip!
From the Pittsburghchannel,com:
WASHINGTON, Pa. -- A Washington woman is accused of locking her 10-year-old grandson in a feces-filled dog crate for about 90 minutes.
Feel the love.
Sometimes Why Not Just Go Elsewhere?
Here's a Christian woman living her life and the American dream of having her own business. She is contacted by two lesbians to take pictures of their commitment ceremony. The Christian woman refused based on her beliefs.
So instead of taking their business elsewhere these two fine women, so in love and full of good feelings, decide to sue this woman for failing to, well take pictures of their gay commitment ceremony. Not that there aren’t plenty of photographers out there but hey, let’s show the world how sweet and loving gay people are.
This lawsuit is going to cost this lone business woman lord knows how many thousands of dollars.
It's small, mean and a typical liberal action.
From Lifesite.net:
New Mexico, January 30, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) - The case of a Christian photographer who refused to photograph a same-sex "commitment ceremony", was heard before the New Mexico Human Rights Division on Monday.
A same-sex couple asked Elaine Huguenin, co-owner with her husband of Elane Photography, to photograph a "commitment ceremony" that the two women wanted to hold. Huguenin declined because her Christian beliefs are in conflict with the message communicated by the ceremony.
The same-sex couple filed a complaint with the New Mexico Human Rights Division, which is now trying Elane Photography under state antidiscrimination laws for sexual orientation discrimination.
Woman Marries FIVE Military Men at the SAME TIME!
She has three children, with custody of not a single one, and is pregnant AGAIN!

From WSBTV.com:
WALTON COUNTY, Ga. -- A woman with a long list of aliases and husbands remains in the Walton County Jail.
Officials arrested Shauna Keith last week. They said the 27-year-old woman married five men, all members of the military.
Strange Hanging of 7-Year-Old Boy
Now here’s a very, very strange story.
A young boy, 7 years old, is found hanging from a hook, by his shirt. His pants are down around his ankles but his underwear is on. Sexual molestation of any kind has been ruled out.
From KXAN.com:
Austin, TX -- A 7-year-old boy who was found injured, hanging from a hook in a bathroom at NYOS charter school, died at 2:33 p.m. Friday, Austin police confirmed.
KXAN Austin News on Wednesday reported the child may have suffered from a heart attack. Police said he was in cardiac arrest from a lack of oxygen from the hanging.
It took me until well down into the article to discover that NYOS stands for Not Your Ordinary School, evidently some sort of private school franchise operation.
At any rate, in another linked article at the link above, it is reported that an autopsy was done on the boy but police had not, as of this writing on 2/5/08, released the results.
School officials report that the young boy COULD have, without help of ladders or stools, managed to get his shirt on that hook. In other words, it is something he could have done either by accident or willingly. The school has removed all of these sorts of hooks until the cause and manner of death are determined.
The boy had been given permission to go to the bathroom before the discovery of his body hanging from that hook. I speculate that somehow his shirt got caught on the hook and the kid strangled from that. School officials report that the boy’s pants were on the loose side and they could have fallen down just from gravity as he hung on the hook or perhaps from his struggles.
This is odd and a bit scary. This kid would have had to reach a bit to get his shirt caught on that hook. It’s hard to believe such a death scenario because clothes tend to tear in that situation before strangling and it takes a while to die under these circumstances. One would assume the kid had time to scream for help.
But with so many factors unknown one can’t do naught but speculate.
We’ll be keeping an eye out for a resolution on this one.
Five Women Shot to Death in Lane Bryant Store
From the ChicagoTribune.com:
The online edition of The Messenger of Madisonville, Ky., quoted the woman's parents, who live in Providence, Ky., as saying the gunman bound everyone in the store, then shot them in the back of the head.
It’s being alleged as a robbery gone awry although I find it difficult to believe that it was necessary to bind up five women and shoot them execution style in order to get cash out of the register.
One of the victims, who would have been a sixth, survived the shooting as the bullet meant for her went through soft tissue in her throat.
The perp is described as follows:
Authorities say the man, who is between 25 and 33 years of age, wore black jeans with writing and embroidery on them. The back pocket also had a rhinestone design, officers said. He was wearing a charcoal gray cap and a black jacket that went below the waist.
He is described as having thick braids and a receding hairline. One braid, which fell across his cheek, had light green beads on the end.
Thanks Massachusetts. Released Sex Offender Immediately Rapes 6-year-old Boy
Gotta love Taxachusetts. This is a state which elects Ted Kennedy and John Kerry over and over and right there it says a lot about the electorate. Which, I must qualify, my husband and his family are from Massachusetts and all tell me that citizens of this state are just ordinary working stiffs and they don’t know where the hell all the liberals come from.
Now, hey, sex offenders have rights too.
From Boston.com:
NEW BEDFORD - A convicted sex offender arrested this week on charges of raping a 6-year-old boy in the public library had been released from prison a year ago, despite the strenuous objections of the district attorney and three psychologists who argued that he posed a serious threat to children.
THREE Psychologists and the District Attorney argued against releasing this monster but the fine, noble and very intelligent Superior Court Judge, who is currently in hiding, released this fine fellow pictured below because this Massachusetts Judge thought the sex offender was no danger to anyone, expert that this Judge is about such matters. Even more bizarre, the fine Judge said that the perp hadn’t committed any sex crimes while in prison, in prison for an attempted rape of a child once before.
I understand that common sense is at a premium in the land of the liberals. But go with me here…HOW THE HELL MANY CHILDREN ARE IN JAIL FOR THIS FINE PERVERT TO RAPE? Of course he committed no sex crimes in jail. It would have been a whole different story if the perp had been in jail in, say, a young male detention center.
I wonder how Judge Moses, who is nowhere to be found although he should be found hanging from a hook for this young boy’s awful experience, would feel if HIS son had been brutally raped by a pervert another judge let loose.

Ending With a New and Very Horrific Crime
It happened in my birth state of Merryland. An adolescent boy, fine, fine young man, shot and killed his parents and his two younger brothers. Then the kid partied with his friends for an entire day before returning home and reporting the deaths as if he knew not a thing about them.
From Yahoo.com:
COCKEYSVILLE, Md. - A 15-year-old boy shot and killed his parents and two younger brothers as they slept in their suburban Baltimore home and then waited more than 24 hours before calling police, authorities said Sunday.
Nicholas Waggoner Browning killed his family on Friday, and spent the rest of the night and Saturday with friends, before returning and reporting he had found his father's body, police said.
This is a fine fellow. Too bad he isn’t in Massachusetts where Judge Moses would let him go because, hey, poor guy, he’s lost his entire family! Show some sympathy!
Below a list of links of stories on this Blog since Natalee first went missing.
First post about Natalee's disappearance from an Internet newsgroup
Paulus Vandersloot Arrested
Last three boys seen with Natalee Holloway arrested
Suspect Boys Seen Dumping Large trash bag in landfill
Alabama Governor Calls for Boycott of Aruba
Aruban investigators call Beth Holloway Twitty biggest impediment to investigation
Theory of Aruban authorities on what happened to Natalee
New "arrests" made on Holloway case
Natalee's parents file lawsuit against Vandersloots
John Ramsey and Natalee Holloway's Mom
Three Suspects Re-Arrested -November 07
Joran Released from Jail
AGAIN, Joran allegedly confesses on video

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