A motive for Drew Peterson to eliminate wife Stacey could be because of the shocking revelation that Stacey had visited the same attorney used by Kathleen Savio-Drew's third wife. Could Drew have been concerned about the bag of worms such an action might bring about in view that it's now been determined that Savio's death was a homicide?
Also, feet...that's right, just FEET, wash up on shore. A babysitter kills her infant charge, an arrest in the Memphis shooting and more insight into the "hate" crime murder of the gay kid.
And how about that fine golfer and his great aim that killed the red-shouldered hawk? If this stupid and very public action isn't a crime than it should be.
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Two Coeds Kills With a Bright Life Before Them By Two Human Scum
The murders of two coeds were executed so close in time that at first it appeared that a crazed serial killer was on the loose murdering pretty young coeds all across the south.
Lauren Burk was found dead on 3/4/08 while Eva Marie Carson was found dead early the following morning, 3/5/08. Both had been shot; rape was attempted on Lauren Burk.
They have found and arrested the fine man who murdered Lauren. Carson’s killer, also a fine, fine fellow, is still at large.
From AJC.com:
her shooting death last week in Chapel Hill — two ATM photographs of a suspect — there was already plenty of evidence the death of Carson, a 22-year-old from Athens, Ga., was a huge loss to her family, friends, and a University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill campus still in shock.

As of this writing early on 3/11/08, Carson’s killer has not been found but soon it is speculated. There’s also some scuttlebutt that in the ATM pic there seems to be a shadow in the back seat that might indicate another person back there.
The homie who killed Eva won’t be free for long.
Courtney Lockhart has been arrested for Lauren’s murder. Here’s a fellow whose mama is NOT proud of him as she was shown widely sobbing and apologizing for her son’s heinous deed.
Well that’s something I suppose.
From OANOW.com:
A 23-year-old Smiths Station man is behind bars today, accused in the murder of 18-year-old Auburn University freshman Lauren Burk.
Auburn Police Assistant Chief Tommy Dawson confirmed Saturday morning that Courtney L. Lockhart had been apprehended Friday by the Phenix City Police Department and that he is being charged with capital murder during a kidnapping, capital murder during a robbery and capital murder during an attempted rape.
Three Feet Found. Yes, Just Feet
Three right feet, two wearing running shoes, all three a shoe size 12.
All feet were found by different people in different places and many theories abound off the coast of Canada where the feet keep showing up close, or on, shore.
Some say that the left feet are probably encased in concrete and at the bottom of the sea as part of a gang murder. The feet have to come from three different bodies as very few people have more than one right foot.
Some say that somebody with a morbid sense of humor is working a morgue and sending off right feet for his or her amusement.
Some say the feet are from the bodies of passengers from a missing airplane or boaters who disappeared as yet unfound.
Whatever the case, the feet are causing a mini-tourism explosion around Gabriola Island in British Columbia.
Well hey, the possibilities are endless. How about a potato sack race, an activity that conjures up images of missing feet?
Or Reebok could open up a little store on the island, specializing in the sale of shoes for left feet only.
According to the article linked, investigators already have many clues on the origins of the feet. We can’t wait to hear.
From Chicago Tribune.com:
After all, for the first three feet that surfaced on the rocky coastlines of three separate islands in the Strait of Georgia over the last six months, the answer has been yes in nearly every case.
The Restraining Order Didn’t Save Her
Here’s a story that should serve as a reminder that restraining orders aren’t worth much more than the paper they are written on.
For Linda Thomas has just such a restraining order and the tragedy here is that the woman was stabbed to death even WHILE she was on the phone summoning help with her last living breaths.
Linda’s ex-husband is believed the perp and Linda had 22 stab wounds.
From WRAL.com:
Raeford, N.C. — Authorities were searching Monday for a Hoke County man in connection with the stabbing death of his former wife.
Linda Shaw Thomas, 47, called 911 at about 4 a.m. Monday to report she was being attacked in her home, Hoke County Sheriff Hubert Peterkin said. A dispatcher stayed on the phone with her and heard the attack as deputies responded to the home, at 302 Dundee Circle east of Raeford.
Does Anybody Write TRUE Non-fiction Any More?
So far as I know this book is NOT a nominee by Oprah for her book club but nonetheless this novel about a young woman growing up in the wilds of Los Angeles is totally untrue.

From IHT.com:
In "Love and Consequences," a critically acclaimed memoir published last week, Margaret B. Jones wrote about her life as a half-white, half-Native American girl growing up in South-Central Los Angeles as a foster child among gang-bangers, running drugs for the Bloods.
The problem is that none of it is true.
The book’s author, Margaret Seltzer, is very white and grew up in an affluent neighborhood far from the gang-riddled neighborhoods of her novel.
Hey, lookit. The Wise I can write fiction too!
How do I find me a very gullible publisher who will believe my fine story of life in the jungle, surviving on berries and small wildlife I captured with my bare hands?
Hey, it’s true!
Stupid Criminal Alert
Hey, I understand the rage to steal copper. The value of copper increases and soon such as copper pipe has to be locked up and guarded as if a vault of money at Fort Knox.
But come on. This fellow actually took down a line which was hooked up and delivering electricity!

From Sandiego.com:
OCEANSIDE – Sheriff's deputies checking out a report of downed power lines early Thursday morning found the body of a man who had apparently been electrocuted.
Authorities suspect the man was trying to steal copper wire contained in the energized transmission cables.
Fine Golfer Kills the Bird! He Must Be So Proud!
There is no shortage of red shouldered hawks lest a yon reader write me and demand this is so.
And frankly I don’t think this golfer cretin fine fellow should be charged with breaking a law although as a stretch he can be charged for killing a migratory bird.
I think the public reaction ought to be Tripp Isenhour’s punishment. For not many out here in la-la land are at all impressed by this fine man’s constant slamming of golf balls at the bird that dared to bother his fine self while he was filming a golf documentary.
Isenhour thought it was fine sport to continually aim his shots at the bird and once when he almost hit the bird in the head, he shouted to those nearby that he would get it next time.
Which he did. The hawk fell from the tree with blood pouring from its nose, dead from the blow of the sharply hit golf ball.
From Capazoo.com:
Using absolutely poor judgment and acting un-professionally, PGA tour golfer Tripp Isenhour is about to pay the consequences for his selfish act from last December 12 when, at the Grand Cypress Golf course, he purposely killed a migratory bird. Showing no compassion for the habits of creatures, Isenhour, who was filming a segment for 'Shoot Like A Pro,' apparently got frustrated when the red shouldered hawk began making noises and forcing take after take.
Isenhour must be so proud of himself. Now he faces a fine and possible arrest.
More than this, Isenhour won’t be admired by golf fans any time soon.
Let’s hope this guy’s career is as dead as the bird he so heartlessly killed.
Babysitter Tortures and Kills Infant In Her Care
Here’s a story flying under the radar.
In fact, the quote from the link below is the entirety of the story!
She singed this infant with a lighter?

From WAFB.coml.:
A Bogalusa babysitter is in jail facing murder charges after the baby girl she was watching died.
Amy Thomas is accused of killing little Diana Nelson.
Investigators say Thomas beat the six-week-old baby over the head, singed her with a cigarette lighter, and drugged her with an anti-anxiety prescription medication.
Perp Arrested in Memphis Shooting
It was a heinous, heartless crime, yes in a very bad neighborhood, as covered on this Blog HERE.
This fine fellow got into an argument with his brother and shot him. He then shot all the adults in the house and ruthlessly stabbed and bludgeoned FIVE children under the age of ten. All to eliminate any witnesses.
From Google.com:
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — A convicted killer recently released from prison was charged Saturday in the deaths of six people, including his brother and two children, authorities said.
Jessie L. Dotson, 33, was arrested on Friday — five days after the bodies were discovered in a small rental house in a rough, low-income neighborhood called Binghampton. Three other children were found critically wounded.
Stacey Peterson Consulted Savio Divorce Lawyer Before Disappearing
Yes, I know. Isn’t it about time that Drew Peterson get locked up already? He’s got one wife dead and another long disappeared and enough of his smiling mug and outrageous antics, you think?
Now the divorce attorney who represented Kathleen Savio, Drew’s third wife found dead by a recently-ruled homicide, says that Stacey, Drew’s fourth wife missing for many months, consulted him a few days before she went missing.
From Chicago Tribune.com:
Drew Peterson says he had no idea that just days before his wife Stacy disappeared she had contacted the same attorney who represented his previous wife in their divorce.
"I was pretty shocked," Peterson, 54, said Friday when asked for his reaction to the attorney's comments.
I consider this possibly important news because why would Stacey use the same lawyer as her dead predecessor? Is it possible that Stacey’s disappearance had as much to do with her possibly revealing that Drew killed Kathleen as the fact that Stacey intended to divorce him?
More on So Called Hate Crime of Adolescent Homosexual
I stated emphatically that the story of the death of Lawrence King, on my Blog post HERE, was much more complex than originally presented.
From Chicago Tribune.com:
For teens living in a shelter for abused and neglected children, school can provide a daily dose of normalcy, a place to fit in, a chance to be just another kid.
It didn't turn out that way for Lawrence King.
According to the few students who befriended him, Larry, 15 years old and openly gay, found no refuge from his tormentors at E.O. Green Junior High School.
Brandon McInerney came into school one day with a gun and shot Larry King point blank, dead.
The article linked goes into great detail about McInerney’s home life and just touches on King’s life. McInerney was charged with a hate crime and indeed McInerney did hate Lawrence King and for a troubled adolescent, I suggest he hated King for good reason.
But ah, the liberals love HATE crimes, the concept that what you were thinking when committing a crime somehow should influence your punishment.
Brandon McInerney did have a troubled home life but so do a lot of adolescents. It wasn’t his home life which cause McInerney to go off the deep end and shoot King.
I’d offer that if yon reader were to read this tome of an article linked above, it’s way down at the bottom of all the liberal nonsense that one would find the REAL reason Lawrence King found himself dead by gunshot from a student that HE…yes HE the VICTIM…ruthlessly tormented.
Not that Lawrence King’s family life was a piece of cake considering that King didn’t even live with his family but instead lived in a homeless shelter, a fact barely mentioned in the article.
See, Larry King was a homosexual. Larry King chose to wear high-heel shoes, eyeshadow and other feminine attire/makeup to school that everyone in his surround knew of his homosexuality.
Well I, and others, might question the wisdom of this but the real problem was that Larry King chose to, on many, many occasions, make blatant overtures to Brandon McInerney, or FLIRTING, let’s lay it on the table.
McInerney didn’t like this.
Now what young male adolescent wouldn’t be troubled by an obvious homosexual constantly flirting with him? Particularly a troubled one like McInerney? Couldn’t King have chosen another male who didn’t openly express such hostility to that behavior or hey, maybe STOP it?
Finally, at the bottom of the article there’s the tidbit that King, his homeless and gender-confused self sought help and advice from the Ventura County Rainbow Alliance, an organization which offers social services to the gay community.
Could it have been this Rainbow Alliance which advised King to dress as he preferred, to smear on the eyeshadow? Could it have been this Rainbow Alliance which encouraged young King to seek out other males that attract him?
Brandon McInerney gave King plenty of warning that his flirting disturbed him and, in fact, several of the faculty have indicated that Brandon consulted with them about King’s behavior.
Yet McInerney’s charged with a hate crime? Which is not to say that Brandon shouldn’t be punished for his crime. We don’t get to shoot and kill people who annoy us.
But who’s guilty of showing all the hate in this case?
FOCUS ON Stacy Peterson
His third wife died in the bathtub, a healthy woman in a dried tub, her hair covered in blood and bruises covering her body. The Illinois state cops called it an accident! Now Savio's body is due to be exhumed because, as it would turn out, the fine Drew Peterson had yet ANOTHER missing wife! He tells us she phoned him to tell him she's leaving for another man. Yet she left her two young children behind?
And no one's yet been able to find Drew Peterson's first two wives as of this writing.
Who's been letting Drew Patterson get away with murder?
Introduction to the strange case of Drew Peterson's wives.
Drew Peterson's third wife's body to be exhumed
Drew Peterson's Third Wife's Death Determined to be Homicide
Drew Peterson and the Blue Barrel
Drew Peterson's airplane
New search warrant for Drew Peterson
Drew Peterson Can't Get a Date
Stacy Peterson's steamy sex messages
Win a date with Drew Peterson
Drew Peterson on a lie detector in front of the entire world?
Drew's Second Wife's Death Officially Ruled a Homicide

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