This Week- A True Crime Story about the woman he wanted the train to kill but the train killed him instead; Another wild-eyed Jimmy Carter Rant; A Miss Universe review, including the famous fall; The gardens of mid-spring 2007; a Pop Culture snort re the Rosie/Elizabeth feud. Day by day posts with a summary below. |
Cartoon of the Week

Joke(s) of the Week
Q: Where can women over the age of 50 find young, sexy men, who are interested in them?
A: Try a bookstore under fiction.
Q: What can a man do while his wife is going through menopause?
A: Keep busy. If you're handy with tools, you can finish the basement. When you are done you will have a place to live.
Q: How can you increase the heart rate of your 50+ year old husband?
A: Tell him you're pregnant.
Q: How can you avoid spotting a wrinkle every time you walk by a mirror?
A: The next time you're in front of a mirror, take off your glasses.
Q: Why should 50+ year old people use valet parking?
A: Valets don't forget where they park your car.
Q: Is it common for 50+ year olds to have problems with short term memory storage?
A: Storing memory is not a problem, retrieving it is a problem.
Q: As people age, do they sleep more soundly?
A: Yes, but usually in the afternoon.
Q: Where do 50+ year olds look for fashionable glasses?
A: Their foreheads.
Memorial Day 2007 is past but True Crime continues on.
We've an update on the Spector trial, what a joke. Also, astronaut Lisa Nowak's boyfriend out at NASA, the "God Hates Fags" flyers, and the verdict on the plot to steal Coca-Cola's trade secrets.
Also, Lindsay Lohan in trouble to join Paris and the Cardinal Baseball player's Dad suing everybody on the road the day his son killed himself whilst driving drunk and high.
Finally, he put the car in front of the oncoming train to kill his girlfriend. Only HE ended up very dead.
True Crime Update 5/29/07
We've ranted, raved and in general made a nuisance of ourselves over ex-President Jimmy Carter but allow me one more rant. Because this benchmark for how not to govern actually accuses Bush of being the worst President ever! A title he holds solidly and only Saddamn himself could take it away.
Plus Hillary books tell us of more scandal that we should elect this witch to lead us and an intriguing update on the Wolfowitz story plus a pic of the woman behind it all.
Here's an entry re the gardens of Serendipity Shore mid-spring 2007. For the roses and peonies bloom wildly and we've got plenty of pics.
Plus a review of two beauty pageants, one with dogs, really. The other with female lovelies vying for Miss Universe.
Yes she fell down yet Miss USA STILL came in number five!
With pics of them all.
January 2007 Cover Page
February 2007 Cover Page
March 2007 Cover Page
April 2007 Cover Page
This Week- Lots of finales in TV reality shows this week and we're up on them all. We begin with the winner of ABC's "Dancing With the Stars" plus the lady who wins the heart of Bachelor Andy Baldwin. Of course in the middle of the week we've the granddaddy of all reality shows "American Idol" 2007. As of this writing it's down to Blake Lewis and Jordin Sparks. There will be a post on this Blog immediately after the announcement of the new American Idol for 2007 on Wednesday 5/23/07, 10 pm. Plus True Crime Updates on the ongoing search for Lisa Stebic and Madeleine McCann. We end the week with all sorts of Bill Clinton news, both the bird and the international lover. Well you'll just have to tune in to figure it out. Day by day posts with a summary below. |
Cartoon of the Week

Joke(s) of the Week
A State Government Employee sits in his office and out of boredom, decides to see what's in his old filing cabinet. He pokes through the contents and comes across an old brass lamp.
"This will look nice on my mantelpiece," he decides, and takes it home with him. While polishing the lamp, a genie appears and grants him three wishes.
"I wish for an ice cold diet Pepsi right now!"
He gets his Pepsi and drinks it. Now that he can think more clearly, he states his second wish.
"I wish to be on an island where beautiful nymphomaniacs reside."
Suddenly he is on an island with gorgeous females eyeing him lustfully.
He tells the genie his third and last wish:
"I wish I'd never have to work ever again."
He's back in his government office.
It's the sort of story that causes me puzzlement.
So I read up on Paul Wolfowitz and the World Bank Mess. Goodness, why is Dubya throwing him under the bus? Why does the World Bank get to continue it's blatant corruption?
And some thoughts on the Senate's immigration bill. Again, folks, they pee upon our feet and tell us it's raining.
Some major crime news in this week's True Crime Update.
More on Lisa Stebic and problems between her and her husband before she disappeared. Also, Madeiline McCann possible suspect.
That Fort Dix plotter declares he's really a nice guy albeit a terrorist. And Planned Parenthood participates in a crime.
Why don't we hear about this crime as being a Hate crime? Because the victims were white, the suspects black?
Finally, woman finds pics of her parents molesting her daughter and some info on that Sunday sniper shooting.
True Crime Update 5/22/07
This post will be posted immediately after the American Idol for 2007 is announced on Wednesdayt 5/23/07.
With pics found nowhere else on the Internet and a look back at the 2007 competition.
Along with the final of American Idol, this past week featured the final of ABC's Dancing With the Stars and The Bachelor.
So who can dance the best? Who did Andy choose to marry?
We have Bill Clinton the big bird and Bill Clinton the International Lover.
You read the above right, check it out.
Plus a really depressing movie that might make you kill yourself, some blind item fun and a couple of celebrity pics that will surely cause a giggle or two.
Above post HERE 5/25/07
January 2007 Cover Page
February 2007 Cover Page
March 2007 Cover Page
April 2007 Cover Page
This Week-Kaitlyn's Personality Emerges-Sometimes it's not so good; Guest posts on household generators; True Crime-Lisa Stebic and Madeline McCann; American Idol-Blake, Jordin or Melinda? The Bachelor and Dancing With the Stars updates; Delaware-the story of a local election with national implications; Pop Culture-Hasselhoff-another celebrity who shouldn't have kids; Gardens-the first gardening post of growing season 2007. Day by day posts with a summary below. |
Cartoon of the Week

Joke(s) of the Week
The 3 Goldberg brothers, Norman, Hiram, and Max invented and developed the first automobile air conditioner.
On July 17th, 1946, the temperature in Detroit was 97.
The 3 brothers walked into old man Henry Ford's office and sweet-talked his secretary into telling him that 3 gentlemen were there with the most exciting innovation in the auto industry since the electric starter
Henry was curious and invited them into his office. They refused and instead asked that he come out to the parking lot to their car. They persuaded him to get into the car which was about 130 degrees and turned on the air conditioner and cooled the car off immediately.
The old man got very excited and invited them back to the office, where he offered them 3 million dollars for the patent.
The brothers refused saying they would settle for 2 million but they wanted the recognition by having a label "The Goldberg Air Conditioner" on the dashboard of each car that it was installed in.
Now old man Ford was more than just a little bit Anti-Semitic, and there was no way he was going to put the Goldbergs' name on 2 million Ford cars
They haggled back and forth for about 2 hours and finally agreed on 4 million dollars and just their first names would be shown.
And so, even today, all Ford air conditioners show on the controls, the names "Norm, Hi, & Max".
Kaitlyn comes for a visit to Mom-Mom's and Grandmother discovers the three-year-old is rapidly developing her own unique personality.
And it's not always so nice.
Plus Guest Writer Michelle pens a paen to generators.
True Crime continues in even though I myself took some time off.
First, where is Lisa Stebic and why won't her husband take a lie detector test?
That child abducted in Portugal, what is known about who took her?
Plus a "rape" that almost makes you want to blame the victim.
Some info on that "Fort Dix Six", snickers on Paris Hilton, OJ and the Steakhouse, and a baseball player's hubris behind the wheel.
It's down to three and this post will be put up right after the elimination show.
Will Blake, Jordin or Melinda be sent home?
The Top Three 5/16/07
The Bachelor and Dancing With the Stars head into the final lap.
An update on the latest on these two reality shows and lots of speculation on who might win.
Plus, a reason why Delaware's mealy-mouth Senator Carper wants to surrender in Iraq and the guy does make quitting and running sound righteous. Plus a good story for political junkees about a local election and the national implications of same.
Time for a little Pop Culture so don't take it serious. First, the oldest rock band in the world performs right on this Blog post.
Also, Starbucks' stupid coffee cup idea, the HBO wife-beater, some Oscar trivia, some famous last words, and Dave Hasselhoff-another celebrity that shouldn't have children.
Plus a premiere garden post of growing season 2007. The buds promised and they bloomed. With pics.
Above Blog post HERE 5/18/07
January 2007 Cover Page
February 2007 Cover Page
March 2007 Cover Page
April 2007 Cover Page
This Week- Reality Show Updates: "Dancing With the Stars 2007"; "The Bachelor-Officer and Gentleman"; "American Idol" 2007-Final Four Posted right after elimination round; True Crime-Winkler Updates, Spector Trial, Sandra Bullock True Crime; Pop Culture Update-Alec Baldwin Father of Year, Truth About Larry Birkhead. Day by day posts with a summary below. |
Cartoon of the Week

Joke(s) of the Week
Jesus and Moses were playing golf one day on the Jack Nicklaus course in Montana.
This course had a particularly difficult hole,
and Moses expressed his doubts that
Jesus could make the shot over the water.
"Watch this, Moses, I think I can do it," exclaimed Jesus.
"I've seen Arnold Palmer make this shot, and if Arnold Palmer can do it,then so can I."
Moses rolled his eyes and let Jesus try. Sure enough, the ball splashed into the water. Moses parted the water for Jesus,who went in to retrieve his ball.
Jesus, however, was not ready to give up.
"I know I can do this, Moses -- I've seen Arnold Palmerdo it, and if he can do it, then so can I."
True to form, however, Jesus' ball ended up back in the water. Moses parted the water,and Jesus went in to retrieve the ball.
"Look, Jesus," said Moses. "Try again if you like, but I'm not parting the water for you again."
"Fair enough, Moses," said Jesus. "But you know, I've seen Arnold Palmer make this shot, and if Arnold Palmer can do it, then so can I."
Once again, Jesus' ball was in the water. Jesus proceeded to walk upon the water to get it.
Another group of golfers came up behind Moses and saw Jesus walking on the water. "Holy Cow!" one of them said to Moses."Who does that guy think he is, Jesus ?"
"No," said Moses, rolling his eyes. "He thinks he's Arnold Palmer."
You might know who won the title of "Apprentice LA" but you can't wrap it up until you read my final summation and advice to The Donald if he wants to keep this thing going.
And Dance With the Stars continues with six left.
A quick check in with the Bachelor finds him down to nine choices.
Time for some True Crime and we're not done with Mary Winkler. For the woman might walk free without ever serving a day in jail and a Winkler juror tries to explain that joke of a verdict.
The Phil Spector trial begins and let's catch up.
A man impregnates a nine year old and an update on the Jonathan Luna case.
And actress Sandra Bullock victim of True Crime.
True Crime Update 5/1/07
It's Bon Jovi Night and we'll have the final four as there will be TWO eliminations this week.
The critique of this week's performances and the final four will be posted immediately after the elimination round.
American Idol Top Four 5/2/07
Dancing With the Stars 07 goes down to the final five and now that the wheat is separated from the chaff things get interesting.
And Bachelor Andy Baldwin continues his search for a wife.
Above Blog Post HERE 5/3/07
Time for some Pop Culture with a touch of politics for gravitas.
Hillary goes to Rutgers while collecting money from contributors who make Imus look like a Piker.
How about lib Alec Baldwin-father of the year?
Some upcoming shows of intrigue, the NBC controversey and the real truth about Larry Birkhead.
Lots of Blind items, asked and guessed, to round it out.
Above Blog post HERE 5/4/07
January 2007 Cover Page
February 2007 Cover Page
March 2007 Cover Page
April 2007 Cover Page
1 comment:
US President Tim Kalemkarian, US Senate Tim Kalemkarian, US House Tim Kalemkarian: best major candidate.
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